Gathy can be said to be a lack of life experience of the child, he very much hope to be able to join the outside world of the "party", but he does have a problem, there is no way to get out of the bell tower ...... Although he was ridiculed, but his indomitable spirit and self-esteem is incredibly admirable! The spirit and self-esteem of the man is awe-inspiring!
While the citizens of Paris were immersed in the revelry of April Fool's Day, the election of the "King of Fools" was taking place in the hall of the court. Everyone brought out the lucky King of Fools. This man had a tetrahedral nose, a horseshoe-shaped mouth, one eye, a hunchback, a cripple, ...... in all his deformities, but there was an unquestionable firmness, seriousness, and courageous character. He is the bell ringer of Notre Dame de Paris, Quasimodo.
In the parade crowd in the street, someone shouted, "Esmeralda is coming!" Immediately the marchers went wild with shouts. People were swarming to the square. In the square, Esmeralda, a gypsy girl who made her living by selling her art, was seen dancing on a Persian carpet. Her light, airy dance drew rapturous applause from the people. Thousands of people twirled with Esmeralda's dance. At this point, Gangowar, the philosopher and satirical poet who was a skeptic, was mesmerized by this splendid sight. He wondered whether the lady was a human being, a fairy, or an angel. At this time among all the onlookers there was a grave, calm and gloomy middle-aged man, who at this time paid more attention than any one else to the dancing wench, and from time to time a few curses escaped from his lips. He was Claude, the vicar-general of Notre Dame de Paris? Vorono.
In the other corner of the square, in the Dutch tower, the abbess Gündil, having been robbed of her daughter, fifteen years before, by the gypsies, bade her with a voice of abhorrence to leave. Esmeralda feels a sense of alarm and uneasiness. Esmeralda leaves the reveling festival square with her beloved little goat. The curious Gangovar kept following the heavenly beauty of the girl. When Esmeralda reached an alley in the square, suddenly Vorono and Quasimodo rushed out and tried to snatch Esmeralda away. Gamboa, seeing this scene, was too frightened to save her. At this critical moment, the Royal Guard passes by, and the Captain of the Guard, Vorbis, saves Esmeralda. Vorono slipped away while the guard was fighting with Gazimodo. And Gazimodo was captured.
Esmeralda thanked Vorbis very much, and after saying goodbye to Vorbis, she returned to the Kingdom of the Beggars, where lived the lower classes of Paris, who were French, Spaniards, Italians, and Germans ......, who worked as beggars during the day and thieves at night. Esmeralda lived here, and she had great magic among these beggars and thieves. Esmeralda returned to this place, men and women beggars are obediently standing columns, the original fierce face is also gentle. Ganguo wa mistakenly into the beggar kingdom, was caught, according to the law of the beggar kingdom, Ganguo wa will be sentenced to death. In order to save his life, Esmeralda agreed to be his "wife". Although Esmeralda provided him with food and lodging, he was not allowed to approach her.
Gasimodo was arrested and dragged to the gallows in Gracchio Square, where the crowd played and abused the ugly man. When Gazimodo saw Vorono in the crowd, his eyes lit up and his heart rejoiced, but the righteous father who had adopted him scrambled to avoid Gazimodo's gaze. Tied up on the torture table and whipped mercilessly, Garcimodo, thirsting, cries out in desperation, "Give me water to drink!" The people watching mock him and do nothing. Esmeralda, looking at all this, stepped up from the crowd to the torture platform and tenderly brought the water gourd in her arms to Gazimodo's parched mouth. A line of tears was seen rolling out of the ever-dry eyes of Quasimodo. Perhaps this is the first time that Gazimodo shed tears. In front of the eyes of such a beautiful, pure, charming, frail girl can be so compassionate to an ugly, vicious people, the crowd off the stage were touched; but the friar in the Dutch tower to see this, and cursed: the abominable gypsy woman. Quasimodo returned to Notre Dame as bell-ringer. Esmeralda continued to dance in the square, and Garcimodo leaned against the bell tower of Notre Dame to enjoy Esmeralda's dance, and in Garcimodo's eyes showed a tender and lovely gaze.
Gasimodo was adopted by Vorono 16 years ago when he was abandoned by his parents. From then on, Gazimodo took Vorono as his only family. However, because of his ugly and deformed appearance, Garcimodo was discriminated against and ridiculed by people. In the heart of Quasimodo was full of hatred. Esmeralda's action of repaying hatred with kindness touched Gazimodo y, and he had unlimited gratitude and pure adoration for Esmeralda. Since Vorono failed to rob Esmeralda, his heart has never given up his lust to possess her. Vorono searched for Esmeralda with lustful eyes on the north tower of the church. Esmeralda appeared in the streets and alleys every day with a ganado, as usual, to help her collect the coins she earned from selling her art.
The captain of the guards, Vorbis, made a deep impression on Esmeralda. He was Esmeralda's savior and the idol of her love. But Forbes is engaged to his cousin. By chance, Esmeralda dances in the street and is seen by Forbes, who greets Esmeralda at her aunt's house for a performance. Esmeralda took her beloved goat to Forbes' aunt's house. A lady from Forbes' aunt's house took advantage of Esmeralda's conversation with Forbes to lure the goat to another house with candy. The lady curiously unhooked the little pocket around the goat's neck and poured its contents onto the floor, where the goat skillfully fiddled with what turned out to be the alphabet, and a little while later it was noticed that the goat fiddled with a word that was - Forbes. Originally, Esmeralda since being rescued heart adore young, handsome, beautiful Forbes, she used two months of hard work to train the little goat. All this was seen by Forbes, who knew the secret of the gypsy girl's heart. While walking Esmeralda out of her aunt's house, Forbes asked Esmeralda to meet him at the inn. Forbes tells Vorono's brother the secret. When Vorono learns of this news, and sees that the woman he secretly loves and covets is about to fall into the arms of another man, Vorono arrives at the inn in disguise. As Forbes and Esmeralda cuddle together, Vorono burns with jealousy and draws a dagger into Forbes' chest before quickly slipping away. News of the gypsy girl's assassination of the captain of the guard quickly spread through the city of Paris, and Esmeralda was arrested, and she was sentenced by the court to be hanged.
Esmeralda was locked in a dark dungeon and was very weak. That night, Vorono, dressed in a robe, came secretly to the dungeon, where he unabashedly expressed his love and inner pain to Esmeralda. Offering to escape with Esmeralda, he was sternly refused by Esmeralda. Esmeralda is escorted to the square for execution. Forbes, who had recovered from his injuries, was now sitting on the upper floor of his aunt's house, looking at Esmeralda with a cold face. Forbes is afraid to come forward to prove Esmeralda's innocence. At that moment, Quasimodo rushed out of the church, swung down the executioner, lifted Esmeralda high on his shoulders, jumped into the church, and cried out in a hissing voice, Holy Land! A cheer erupted from the crowd, who were moved by Gazimodo's feat. Quasimodo protects Esmeralda. When Vorono again sneaks into Esmeralda's housing late at night, he is beaten by Gazimodo. Understanding that Esmeralda was y in love with Vorbis, Garcimodo approached Vorbis and begged him to meet Esmeralda. Vorbis faced Garcimodo with disdain and spurred his horse away.
Soon after, the Diet once again sentenced Esmeralda to death. Upon hearing of this, the people of the Beggar's Kingdom, led by Clopan, attacked Notre Dame late at night. The angry crowd poured into the church to rescue their Esmeralda. Unknown to Quasimodo, who fought valiantly against the attacking people in the church, Vorono and Gangova took advantage of the confusion to slip into the church and tricked Esmeralda out under the pretense of helping her escape. Esmeralda falls into Vorono's clutches again. King Louis XI, hiding in the Bastille, originally thought the civilian riots were an attack on the court and gloated. When he realized that the real purpose of the street riots was to oppose the king, he ordered the suppression of the masses. For a time, bodies were strewn in front of Notre Dame and blood was spilled.
The army was chasing Esmeralda, when a black-robed and masked man pulled Esmeralda and stood in front of the gallows; the black-robed and masked man tore off his scarf and revealed his face, which turned out to be Vorono again. He took advantage of the gallows to threaten Esmeralda again, saying: Choose between it and me. Esmeralda to death will not obey. Vorono was so furious that he left Esmeralda in the care of the friaress, and went himself to call the military police who were searching for her. The friaress looked at the beautiful, lively, spirited Esmeralda in front of her and remembered her lost daughter. When they took out a tiny embroidered shoe that each of them had kept, the friaress knew that Esmeralda was her own lost daughter of 15 years ago, and the mother and daughter hugged and cried. Vorono called the military police, and the executioner dragged Esmeralda from the friar woman's arms. The executioner pushed the friaress under the gallows, killing her instantly.
The sun came out and shone scarlet like fire on the city of Paris. Esmeralda, dressed in white, swayed in mid-air, and Vorono gave a devilish grin from the upper floors of Notre Dame. A grief-stricken Quasimodo looked at the hanged Esmeralda, lunged at the vicar general and angrily pushed Vorono off the church.
A few years passed, and two connected corpses were found in a cache in the cellars of Montefalcón. One of them was a deformed male corpse, with no trace of strangulation on him, embracing Esmeralda's bones. When people tried to separate them, they were already a pile of ashes.
Character Brief
Esmeralda, not only has amazing beauty, but also has a noble and pure heart, beauty and goodness in her body combined so perfectly, so that she has a dazzling charm. Because of her amazing charm, she attracted the desire of the evil one, and because of her pure innocence, she was plunged into the disaster of love tragedy. The fact that she was hanged when she should have been God's favorite made me feel the immense cruelty of those in power.
Gasimodo, a church bell ringer unique in literary history. He was one-eyed, hunchbacked, rotund, and deaf, making him a strange and ugly man. However, he has a kind heart, willing to become the slave of the vice bishop for his nurturing, and would rather give his liver and brain in return for Esmeralda's drops of kindness. Despite his extremely strong love for Esmeralda, he only guarded her like a daemon and did not go to blaspheme her. When he witnesses the love of his life being mercilessly hanged, he is so helpless and desperate that he eventually goes to the cemetery to be buried with her. His ugliness reaches the human extreme, but the profound human beauty shown in him makes him the most unique and touching artistic image in the history of literature. The beauty of his heart has completely covered the defects of his appearance, and has become a model of goodness in people's minds.