What are some of the most devastating things you've encountered on the train?
On one occasion, I took the train, my seat by the window, was a young man sat, and he said that is my seat, he insisted that it was his, in fact, our seats are next to each other, I sat next to him, thinking that when he went to the toilet or get up and walk around, I will sit over I did not expect this guy has been using his hands to support his head, facing the window, and did not move. I'm tired of sitting on the walk two steps, either to the toilet, or eat, and then I see him so strong, I want to see how long he can really hold out, just keep looking at him will not move a little bit, never thought that this guy actually from me on the car to get off the six and a half hours of time, not a move. I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to do with this.