Hello very honored to be able to answer for you , below I start to answer for you. Now I will share the steps and screenshots for your reference and use, I hope to help and inspire you.
First of all, start Photoshop cs5, execute the file-open command, open a pair of paper airplane pictures, the airplane using the magic wand tool to key out, save as png format.
Start flash8, create a new document, set the size to 800 * 600, frame rate of 12fps, background color is white.
Execute File-Import-Import to Stage command, import the pre-processed airplane material to the stage, set the size to 200*150.
Press f6 to insert a keyframe at frame 30, right-click on Layer 1, select Add Guiding Layer option from the drop-down menu, and add a guiding layer on top of Layer 1.
Select the first frame of the guiding layer and choose the Pencil tool in the Toolbox to draw a flight path.
Select the first frame of Layer 1 to move the airplane to the starting position of the designed path, and select frame 30 to move the airplane to the end position of the path.
7. Select Layer 1, right-click on any frame between frames 1-30, and select the Create Traditional Patch Animation option from the drop-down menu.
8. Open the Properties panel, set the background color to light blue, and then perform the ctrl + enter key combination to test the animation to see the effect.
9. Execute the File - Export - Import Movie command, enter a name in the pop-up dialog box, save it in gif animation format, and choose a suitable location to save it.
I hope my answer can help you this is the flash to create a simple airplane flight guidance layer animation all the steps