Is it happy to be a full-time mom?

Yes, I think being a full-time mom is happy. The reason for this is that families who can be full-time moms are usually very wealthy, and their children's moms don't have to go out and compete with men just because they want their kids to eat better and live better or go to a better school, regardless of the fact that the kids are still young.

That's why I say full-time moms are happy, they don't have to work hard to earn money, they just have to stay home and take care of their kids.

While it is true that a full-time mom works hard to take care of the kids, do the laundry, cook, shop for food, do the housework and so on. But these are ready-made work, unlike in the unit of work as you want to be creative, to be efficient, to generate income and so on let you all day to rack your brains to think of ideas, every day I do not know how many brain cells to die.

And the full-time mom does not have these pressures, sometimes the home things are arranged can also sleep.