Can I take off my shoes to practice at the dance studio?

Yes, wear dance shoes, or just socks.

Dance itself has multiple social meanings and roles, including movement, socialization, courtship, rituals, and ceremonies. Before the origin of human civilization, dance was important in rituals, ceremonies, celebrations and entertainment. Dance appeared in China 5,000 years ago. It emerged in the slave society and developed into a certain characteristic by the time of the Qin and Han dynasties.

Many scholars believe that dance originated from sexual activity, since primitive people regarded reproduction of the next generation as a very important thing in order to survive, and dance was the main way and means of choosing a spouse, courting and conducting love training.

With the spread of Urbandance.Cn choreography, it is believed that dance not only expresses human love, but also all kinds of people's stirring emotions, and emotions and activities of great significance in people's lives are viewed with dance.

No other artistic behavior, can be like the dance of the transfer and excitement of all human beings, China's ancient music and dance theory has: "love moved in the line in the words, the words are not enough so contempt; contempt of the lack of the so chanting; chanting is not enough, do not know that the hands of the dance of the feet of the dance also." This also vividly illustrates the dance is the expression of people's most excited emotion product.

There are many scholars in China who advocate the theory that dance originated from labor, because labor is the first need for human survival and development, and it is also labor that creates human beings themselves, it is labor that makes human beings detached from the animal world, and it is labor that creates human society. In the dance of primitive people, the expression of hunting and planting and all kinds of labor life occupies the largest proportion.