What medicine to cure frozen shoulder for more than two decades

First, avoid being sedentary. No matter how busy you are at work, or what you are doing, take time out to stand and walk, so that your body can constantly change its posture, so that blood circulation is smooth. Correct bad posture, for people who have been sedentary for a long time, they should pay attention to adjusting their posture to avoid chronic strain and cumulative damage caused by long-term bad posture.

Secondly, for patients with frozen shoulder, it is especially important to focus on joint movement, such as: yoga, square dance and fitness exercise. Square dancing in particular can fully move the muscles and bones of the whole body. You can also play Tai Chi, use dumbbells and exercises such as swinging with both hands. The hand that suffers from frozen shoulder is naturally perpendicular, make a circular drawing arc from the front to the back, and then do it in the opposite direction for 5 to 10 times. From small to large, slow and then fast, until the maximum range. However, pay attention to the amount of exercise so as not to cause injury to the shoulder joint and its surrounding soft tissues. Active exercise, active prevention.

Finally, combined with external medication, joint treatment. Such as Jingzhutang Bamiao cream, external massage cream, apply to the affected area. There are no side effects, safe and effective.

My frozen shoulder is cured this way, prevention, exercise plus ointment application, if you are also a frozen shoulder patient, it is recommended to try.