Kneel: Onimusha 1 Strategy, Urgent!!!!

"Onimusha 1" full strategy

[b]Onimusha 1" full strategy r{3`B}[9XYbA

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One, into the underground temple

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Protagonist ZuoMaRongKe and maple split up after the action, forward! After a while, two enemies will appear, but they will run away after a few cuts, and the protagonist will not lose energy after the fight, and then enter a storyline to get the Ghost's Dragon Hand. After the end of the episode, you can record in the nearby record point, after crossing the bridge, there will be four enemies, cut them to death to enter the city gate, in the room inside the gate will be limited to four enemies, to defeat them all before entering the city, after entering the city, there will be a section of the animation.

:f7]!V2O,] After the animation, you will pass through a forest and two enemies will appear at the entrance of a cave. Kill them and check the right side of the cave to get an herb. r m^-C3z "uOK

When you enter the cave, bats will fly out of the cave, then a big hole in the ground will open up, check the hole in the ground and you can enter the hole in the ground (you can't turn back), enter the secret passage in the hole in the ground, three enemies will appear one after another, after defeating the enemies, you can see a red chest to the right of the staircase, open the chest and you can get the map, then go up the stairs and walk to the statue of the god, check the idol and you can get a scroll. Check the idol and you will get a scroll bar - the Book of the General Stern - and after you get the scroll bar, the idol will move out of the door.

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After entering the door, break the vase on the left to find the chest containing the Book of the Most Wonderful, search on the right to get a fluorite, then on the altar to get the Purple Electricity Bead (make sure to get it), and then put it on the Tactical Shell to turn it into a Thunder Sword (different beads turn it into different swords), and on the right side of the altar, you can find the Book of the Green Dragon. The Book of the Green Dragon can be found on the right side of the altar. Continue through the tunnel and you will see a chest before you exit the tunnel stairs. Unlock the code on the chest and you will get a rope ladder (make sure to get it). To solve the code, turn in the following order: left, right, left.


6pvI1N;N1u9Q II. Reaching the Land of the Southern Sky

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After you go up the stairs and back to the ground level, go right to the end and you'll find a blue Goyu Ghost Stone (recommended). Use it immediately to maximize your magic power. Walk to the record point in front of the gate, and to the left of the record point, you will find a chest. Unlock the code on the chest and you will get a yellow Jade Stone (recommended to use it immediately to maximize your life). To solve the password: Enter the 3rd column of text, then the 6th column, and finally the 8th column in order from left to right, and select OK. (Hints for solving the puzzle are in the Book of the Green Dragon.) _8G]0DDMu ?2L @

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Holding the Purple Power Sword in your hand at the city gates, you can unlock the blue seals (LEVEL 1) to enter the gates (the Thunder Sword unlocked the blue seals), and an enemy will appear on the bridge, so after defeating the enemy and chopping through the planks standing on the bridge, you'll find the chest containing the map.

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After entering the gate on the other side of the bridge, you will arrive at a plaza, where many enemies will appear one after another (if the player is not playing the simple mode, the large bull with an axe will also throw an axe to attack you, so it's best to defend yourself and wait for him to finish throwing an axe before attacking.) After defeating the enemies, enter the door to the northwest of the square, and then you will see many enemies are attacking the soldiers in the city, if you save the soldiers, and then talk to the soldiers, you will be able to get a herb (usually you will see the soldiers in front of the ground there is a luminous object, that is on the soldier's thanks), after defeating all of the enemies, walk to the west side of the city wall collapsed in front of the gap, and then use the rope ladder that you got before, you will be able to get to the outside of the city wall. s+mW?n

kV$Jn2L After defeating the enemies outside the city walls, walk into the cave, and you will first see the record point in front of the big door in the cave, and there is a chest to the left of the face of the record point, so unlock the code on the chest and you will be able to get another Power Stone. How to solve the code: follow the order from left to right, first input the sixth column of text, then input the first column, and finally input the fourth column, select OK. Then go back and break a large wooden chest in the cave to find another chest with pills.

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Three: The First Demon King


#?2yF5h]bO.T Once you enter the door to the cave, you'll meet the first Demon King, and after talking to him, you'll start the fight. In the attack on the demon king, the demon king will run out of some souls, this time I suggest that the player can first back to a safe place to suck souls, sucked and then continue to fight, and souls appeared, and then back to a safe place to suck souls, so that the side of the fight to suck souls, and then with the magic attack, three or two can be cleaned up.


'^0pS c G!D&JN After defeating the Demon King, go into the secret passage next to the defeated Demon King, and then go into the box on the left hand side to find the Book of the Most Wonderful. Then search the area where the altar was originally placed to find a piece of Fluorite, and a door at the other end of the tunnel.

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Entering the door, you'll see a demon eating people, the ultimate demon king, the Phantom King, who leaves after talking to Ryusuke Zouma, leaving behind a pawn to fight him. After defeating this pawn, search this room where you are, and you can enter the door on the right hand side, where you can find a scroll, and obtain the Red Flame Bead (make sure to get it) at the top left. "^VSA#a*d

B h:EV7L0Tws "s9{ Return to the hole where you fought with the first Demon King after obtaining the Red Flame Bead, and you'll be greeted by a couple of Skeleton Balls sucking up souls, so you can suck up a lot of the souls that were sucked up earlier by knocking the Skeleton Balls back. Then you can leave the cave by going through the door with the red seal (level 1) (the Red Inferno Sword unlocks the red seal). -q1oU:SS/^8N6@ o

_ X[7R ck IV. Entering the Heavenly Guardian Court


0CL1x b/@/Y)H%l Go back to the square in front of the city gate, and then you can enter the gate of the castle with the red seal. After you enter the castle and defeat the enemies, you don't have to go into the door on the lower left for now. Inside the door in front of you on the left, you can replenish your magic in front of the holy water, and nearby you can find a chest with a map and a record point, which you can record by the way. If you go in front of the wall behind you, a strange man hanging upside down will appear, but you won't be able to talk to him at this point.

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Walk out of the room where the holy water is, walk in the main door with the red seal (level 1), enter the plot animation, check the chest around you after the animation ends, you can get the vector of the fixed angle of ten, and then enter the next main door with the red seal (level 1), some enemies will appear. Then enter the next door with a red seal (level 1), some enemies will appear, kill them and proceed to the door on the left, enter and find the treasure chest with the Book of the Most Wonderful. Go back to the previous room and enter the door with the red seal (level 1) to reach a long corridor. :V0I/E7Wh7AXiK

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Entering the corridor, you'll find a strange door, which can't be opened at this point, and if you go forward, you'll be in the midst of an animated episode, which ends with you entering the door at the end. tYriZ

$z(q6I0F Jv:G After entering the next room, knock down the enemy, you can get a herb in the treasure chest in front of the stairs, search around the treasure chest, you can get a piece of fluorite, and then enter the door at the bottom of the stairs, you can find a book of Vermilion Bird on the shelf, check the patio in the room, you can see that there is something hanging from the upper part of the room, at this time, if the player is to cut the rope of the patio, it will be delayed. If the player cuts the rope of the patio, it will delay the time to get the Power Stone, so it is better not to swing the sword in the room to avoid cutting the rope. Solve the password of the treasure chest on the ground, you can get a bow and arrow, the way to solve the password is as follows: left, right, left, right, right. ,Jzt+D;[~]p

After exiting the room, go up the stairs and enter the door to the right of the stairs on the first up, which will allow you to search the room's patio for a force stone placed in a barrel. Walk out of the room, then enter the door with two red seals (level 2) (in order to unlock the two red seals, the level of the Fire Flame Bead must be at least two), enter the room, you can get it from the treasure chest in the corner, and on the corner of the table closest to the treasure chest, you can find a Book of Red, if you search the room carefully, you can find a secret passage that can't be opened inside the room, and then you can leave the room by the door that you came in through originally. The door through which you originally entered the room is then used to exit the room. _W3QAb+O

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