Loves manhole covers. It is estimated to be about one and a half years old, is very fond of well covers, and there was a period of time, go out and go to the village of the city trails around and around, just wandering between the well covers. When I saw a broken manhole cover, I would stay there for a long time, not wanting to leave. Now also like manhole covers, but not so obsessed.
Love floor lights, ceiling lights and street lights. When I was about 2 years old, I loved floor lights and street lights, and I still love them, and if they're broken, I'll keep looking at them and asking why they're broken or something.
Love the escalator. Starting around the age of 2, I guess, they especially like to ride in elevators, and hand-held elevators at that. When you go to the mall, you're not interested in the fancy stores, but you like to go back and forth between the elevators. If the elevator is broken, it will stay there and observe.
Likes to do exercises and square dance. 3 years old or so, he was very interested in the five elements of health exercises made by his grandfather and learned to do them. She was also interested in square dancing, and when she went to the square, she would voluntarily join the group to dance until after 9:00, when the music ended before she would go home.
Like running. Especially like to run and run and run so fast at home.
Loves to play ping pong. 3 years old like this loves to play ping pong.
Likes to recognize words and count and draw. I think it's around 2.5 years old, I like to recognize words and draw pictures, and now I'm interested in writing and counting.