What are the idioms of "follow and dance"?

随波逐流 随才器使葵方阶转舵隨應變 随声吠影 随声附和 随时制宜 随俗浮沉 随乡入乡 随心所欲 随 随心所欲逐队

随遇而安 随缘樂助 随踵而至 随珠弹雀 情隨事迁 天隨人愿 天隨人願意 傍花隨柳 彩凤隨鸦飛蓬飛蓬隨风 甘雨隨车 嫁鸡隨鸡,嫁狗随狗

如影随形 入乡乡随俗鞭执鞭随蹬 百衣百随 The husband sings with the woman, the woman follows the title, the title follows the character, the shape follows the character, and the words follow the law.

The dance of the eyebrows, the dance of the fluttering eyes

The dance of the hips, the dance of the songs before and after, the dance of the light songs, the dance of the magpies, the dance of the doves, the dance of the devils, the dance of the chickens, the dance of the joyful joys, the dance of the warblers, the dance of the swallows, the dance of the songs.

Following and dancing: if not strictly speaking There: dancing with the wind ....