Next is the third and fourth beat, the right foot starts to step forward (or to the left or right). The left foot cooperates with the follow-through, and the movements should be symmetrical and coordinated.
Side step is the same way, the first beat the left foot step (forward, side, back can be), the second beat the right foot to the alternating forward, at the same time pay attention to bending the knee.
Another way to use the slide as a pad step is to take one step on one beat and make a move to the side, sliding the left foot one step to the left grazing the ground on the first half of the beat, and then on the second half of the beat gently straightening the knee of the left leg, with the right foot quickly heeling to the right.
Another way to use the jump-step as a pad step is to take a step forward or otherwise with the left foot on the first beat, and on the second beat to jump up with the left foot while stepping up with the right leg straight at the knee to the left front.
There is also a way to use the hopping step as a pad step: both legs upright, the body slightly downward squatting to make preparatory movements, one or two beats to hop a step, according to the rhythm of the music gently jumping, falling to the forefoot first, bending the knee to have flexibility. Popular square dance music network square dance teaching.