Hanjiazhuang village is located in which city

Hanjiazhuang village belongs to Gu'an County, Li Ran store township, is located in Li Ran store township government on the east side, 30 kilometers from Gu'an County, from the Daguang Expressway Niu Camel exit 5 kilometers. The village **** has a land area of 2,164 acres, 1,860 acres of arable land, farmland and water conservancy infrastructure is sound, farmers to plant wheat, corn, peanuts and other field crops. Population of 1,254 people, the village covers an area of 304 acres, per capita net income of 7,500 yuan.

Hanjiazhuang Village is adjacent to Lijiangdian San Village, Lijiangdian Yicun, Lijiangdian Ercun, Kangjiawu Village, Qujiaying Village, Dachulin Village, Xianggongzhuang Village, Shahekou Village, Naochang Village, Hujiazhuang Village, Yanjiazhuang Village, Jaguozhuang Village, Houtun Village, Guanguanjidian Village, Caijia Village, Qijia Village, and Taishizhuang Village.

Hanjiazhuang village near the Gu'an geothermal wells, Yongding River Bicycle Sports Park, Langfang Gu'an geothermal, Gu'an Industrial Park, Kang Yiquan Hot Spring Resort and other tourist attractions, there are Gu'an willow weaving, Gu'an mineral water, crispy biscuits, filigree, Yingchun wine and other specialties.