What the geese flying south symbolizes

Symbolism of the geese flying south: go out, miss home, want to return home, also indicates that the south fly to chase the dream. Geese, also known as wild geese, swans, large migratory birds, is a national second-class protected animals. Geese belong to the migratory birds, migratory birds are generally migratory habits, with seasonal changes in the regular travel between the wintering grounds and breeding grounds of birds, geese enthusiasm, can give companions to inspire the companions, with the call to encourage the flight of the companions.

Appearance: geese is the common name for birds of the genus Geese,**** the same characteristics of the body is large, the base of the bill is high, the length of the head and the length of the head is almost equal, the edge of the upper mandible has a strong dentition, the upper mandible hard horny sheath is strong, takes up the whole of the upper mandible.

Habitat: geese are excellent air travelers. Whenever the fall and winter seasons, they are from their old home around Siberia, flocks, and vastly fly to the south of our country for the winter. In the spring of the next year, they return to Siberia after a long trip to lay eggs and reproduce.

Distribution status: geese are distributed in North America, including the United States, Canada, Greenland, Bermuda, St. Pierre and Miquelon Islands and the transition zone between North and Central America in Mexico.