Acupuncture weight loss is through acupuncture point stimulation, appetite suppression, to achieve the purpose of diet control, weight loss, acupuncture process is very good, but need to stop acupuncture continue to maintain good habits of diet control, in order not to rebound, if you stop continue to overeat, weight will rebound back.
◆I. How to lose abdominal fat:
Many office workers due to long hours sitting in the office, lack of exercise, it is easy to accumulate fat in the abdominal position, and abdominal fat is a deep layer of fat, to effectively solve the problem, you need to cooperate in many ways;
1. To change the eating habits.
Don't sit down or sleep on your stomach immediately after eating, it's best to keep the form of standing, you can choose to take a walk or organize something. So in addition to reducing fat accumulation, but also to help digestion. Because 30 minutes after the meal, if you keep the state of immobility, it is most likely to form abdominal fat.
2. Walking and sitting posture should be correct;
Walking with head up and chest out, swinging arms. Often ring around the arm in front of the chest, the abdominal muscles are not out of force, easy to protrude. And swing your arms to walk, not only consume more energy, look extra mental. And when you sit down, you should also let the spine straight, do not bend or belly, so that you can train the abdominal muscles, so that the abdominal muscles are strong and not easy to loose.
3. To cooperate with the movement;
Shake hula circle or do a sit-up, stretch waist, can gradually eliminate abdominal fat, and make the abdominal muscle more and more strong and not easy to accumulate fat.
◆Two, how to lose belly fat:
Many office workers are sitting in the office for a long time, and lack of exercise, it is easy to accumulate fat in the abdominal position, and the abdominal fat is a deep fat, in order to effectively solve the problem, you need to cooperate with a variety of aspects.
First of all, we need to change our dietary habits, do not sit down or sleep immediately after eating, it is best to keep the form of standing, you can choose to take a walk or organize something, so that in addition to reducing the accumulation of fat, but also help digestion, because 30 minutes after the meal, if you stay immobile in the state of the most likely to form abdominal fat.
Then again, it is walking and sitting posture to be correct, walking to head up, swinging arms, often ring arms in front of the chest, the abdominal muscles are not out of force, easy to protrude, and swing arms walking, not only to consume more energy, look extraordinarily spiritual. And when you sit down, also want to let the spine hit straight, do not bend over or belly, so that you can train the abdominal muscles, so that the abdominal muscles are strong and not easy to loose.
Lastly, we need to cooperate with the movement, shake the hula hoop or do a sit-up, stretching, can gradually eliminate abdominal fat, and make the abdominal muscle increasingly strong and not easy to accumulate fat.
◆Three, flat abdomen tips:
Daily nine to five sitting at the work desk, so many white-collar beauty abdomen become a little "October baby" suspicion. Lack of exercise and after lunch will be sitting down to work, the abdomen is most likely to appear "belly", coupled with the city people are generally susceptible to gastrointestinal problems, indigestion will also lead to abdominal body shape bad.
In the details of daily life, if you pay attention to some of the basic rules, then the flat stomach will still be around.
Removing tension while eating
Many people, especially women, have sensitive stomachs. It may be a problem with hormone receptors in the mucosa of the digestive tract that leads to frequent intestinal dysbiosis, which people incorrectly call colitis. Daily prevention is to eat with proper posture, eat slowly, in a quiet environment (if you turn off the TV), and chew sufficiently.
Cook your food well
The fashionable cooking nowadays is half-cooked, which results in starches not being destroyed, and the starch sugar in most vegetables and grains collects in the large intestine, producing carbon dioxide, which leads to a bulging abdomen.
Eating healthy foods
Yogurt and fermented milk activate substances essential for digestion and help improve the gut microbial system, thus preventing belly bulges.
Drink fewer aerated drinks and chew less chewing gum
When you drink aerated drinks or chew chewing gum, you swallow a lot of air, especially the polyols contained in the gum, which are not digested by the small intestine.
Exercise for a firm abdomen
A firm abdominal wall results in less intestinal bulging.
Walking, drinking water, massaging
Walking and drinking water are good for a flat stomach. You can also do a circular massage on your abdomen every day.
Increase minerals to avoid premenstrual syndrome
If your waistline is thicker than usual before your period, try eating foods rich in iron (fruits, dried fruits), calcium (dairy and mineral water), zinc (red meat, fish, shells, seafood ......), which can help you balance your hormones that avoid this premenstrual syndrome.
Breathing control
Breathing correctly can help eliminate toxins and tension from your body, making you feel good and maintaining a beautiful body posture.
◆4. Shoulder and back exercises for slimming beauties:
1. Stand upright, feet slightly wider than hips apart, bend knees slightly. Look straight ahead with both eyes and keep your back straight. Hold a two-pound ball or other equivalent weight in both hands and place them on your hips.
2. Hold the ball in your right hand, straighten your arms up and pass the ball into your left hand at the top of your head.
3. The arms descend, return to the hips, and restart the up-and-down passing motion. The arms move to look like spinning windmills.
4. Repeat the passing motion 20 times. Move slowly and don't rely on impulse to move.
Note: Don't rely on moving your wrists to pass the ball; keep your arms, back, and neck straight so you can pass the ball naturally instead of rolling it.