In fact, without enough experience in outdoor sports and professional knowledge of outdoor sports, conducting outdoor sports is sometimes not conducive to good health. In addition to cases such as falls caused by carelessness, incorrect outdoor sports can very easily lead to damage to the human body, especially the joint system. Take mountaineering as an example, without professional protective measures, prolonged participation in intense mountaineering activities can easily cause irreparable damage to the knee joints. Therefore, most of those who regularly participate in outdoor activities will prepare knee pads, hiking poles and so on. Therefore, I personally believe that outdoor activities are a healthy lifestyle, but not the main reason why people participate in more outdoor activities. This is because daily running, square dancing or badminton are more beneficial and effective for the body than such high-intensity behaviors as outdoor activities.
What should also be said is that the increase in outdoor activities also has a lot to do with the publicity of some businesses and the media. Out of curiosity, many outdoor routes are always hyped up when they first appear. Taking the Da Temple in Qinling of Xi'an as an example, few people went there in the first few years, but with more and more people exploring the area, the Da Temple has been described as the "Shangri-La in the depths of the Qinling Mountains", and more and more people are scrambling to visit the area. Although the mountain scenery is still beautiful, it is far less stunning and pristine than before. This is one reason why outdoor activities are becoming more and more common.
Additionally, I feel that the desire to be outdoors is also a reason for people to participate in outdoor activities. Modern people always want to go to the nature to enjoy the natural beauty, experience the feeling of being uncontested with the world, and see the unparalleled beauty of the world, which all belongs to the scope of curiosity after the heavy work. Through such activities, on the one hand, you can make yourself feel fulfilled; on the other hand, the process of perseverance will make you feel invigorated.