Dance square dance sweat more neck drowned, seems to be prickly heat what to do

The formation of prickly heat is due to high summer temperatures, high humidity, the body sweats too much, it is not easy to evaporate, sweat impregnation of the epidermal stratum corneum, resulting in the occlusion of the sweat gland ducts, the sweat gland ducts of sweat storage, due to the increase in internal pressure and the rupture of the sweat seepage into the surrounding tissues caused by the irritation of the sweat pores in the occurrence of herpes and pimples, the occurrence of prickly heat. Some doctors believe that the occlusion of the sweat pore is a primary staphylococcal infection of the sweat pore, which is related to the heat and humidity of the environment.

Clinically, prickly heat is categorized into three types:

1, red prickly heat (red corn rash) is due to sweat overflow slightly deeper in the epidermis. It is the most common clinical condition and can occur at any age. It occurs on the backs of the hands, elbow sockets, neck, chest, back, abdomen, women's breasts and children's head, face, buttocks, for round and pointed pinhead-sized dense papules or mounds of herpes, with a mild redness. The rash often appears in batches, and is characterized by a mild burning and itching sensation. After the rash subsides, there is mild flaking.

2, white prickly heat (crystalline corn rash) is sweat in the stratum corneum or under the stratum corneum overflow and become. Common in the high temperature environment of a lot of sweating, long-term bedridden, over-weakened patients. In the neck and trunk, most of the small superficial blisters are pinpoint to pinhead in size, with extremely thin wall, slightly bright, clear content, and no redness. No self-conscious symptoms, easy to break after gently rubbing, after drying with very thin fine scaly lips.

3, pus prickly heat (pus scars of corn rash) is prickly heat with pinheads of small superficial pustules at the tip. Clinically rare, often occurring in the crease parts, such as limbs and pubic area, pediatric head and neck is also common. The pustules are often sterile, or non-pathogenic cocci, but the ulceration can be secondary infection.

Generally speaking, prickly heat is most likely to grow in children, but some adults with delicate skin, obesity and sweating, or weak physique will also grow prickly heat. In addition to the soles of the feet, palms of the hands and other parts of the thicker skin, all parts of the body will have prickly heat. To prevent prickly heat, it is important to pay attention to skin hygiene and to bathe and change clothes regularly. If you are prone to prickly heat, dry yourself after bathing and apply a little talcum powder or prickly heat powder. Don't play in the hot sun, don't eat too much, eat less sugar and high-fat food, these can prevent prickly heat.

Prickly heat new treatment

(1) 10 grams of pepper into the enamel cylinder, into 200 milliliters of boiling water, on a small fire to cook 5 to 6 minutes. After cooking, when it is a little cool and not hot, use cotton dipped in pepper water to gently rub the affected area. 12 hours later, the pus tip of prickly heat can generally shrink and dry up. In order to consolidate the effect of treatment, can be the remaining pepper water in a small fire on the temperature, and then re-scrub the affected area, after this treatment, prickly heat can be completely disappeared.

(2) Cut off the surface of the cucumber, or use the mashed loofah leaves to rub the prickly heat, 2-3 times a day, a few days after the effect can be seen.

(3) For severe prickly heat, take 1 portion of powdered licorice and 2 portions of talcum powder and rub the prickly heat.

(4) You can also take 100 grams of stinking paulownia and 200 grams of amaranth to decoct water for external washing.

Ten drops of water for prickly heat

The author's practice over the past few years has proved that the use of ten drops of water for prickly heat is very effective. Usage is as follows; first warm water in the affected skin sweat and secretion of oil scrub clean, and then, squeeze out a few drops of ten drops of water coated in the affected area, let it dry naturally. The skin at the application is slightly burning and killing pain, and after a few minutes it is less so and less painful. Apply it daily, two or three times. In two or three days it will reduce inflammation, swelling and itching. The more serious can be extended medication.

Infants and young children with delicate skin, should not be directly coated, can be ten drops of water and warm water diluted at a ratio of 1:10 and then used. The number of times per day can be increased or decreased depending on the amount of prickly heat. To prevent scratching with fingernails and infections, it is appropriate to use cotton swabs to rub the coating in addition, can also be used to prevent and control the method of bathing. The method is to give children each time the bath in warm water add the appropriate amount of ten drops of water (such as half a vial), but pay attention to only water bath, do not use soap, bath, etc., in order to maintain the strength of the drug.

Ginger juice can cure pediatric prickly heat

My son is 1 year and 9 months, others introduced to use ginger to rub the scalp can promote pediatric hair growth, in the rubbing I accidentally found that the raw juice can cure pediatric prickly heat, and the effect is very good. My son's head long prickly heat, with ginger rubbed once that is good. In order to verify the effect, and later with ginger rubbed his chest and back on the prickly heat, but also a time that is good, and is a few hours after the subside, disappear (after a nap), and the affected area has not been growing prickly heat again.

Frosted mulberry leaves can cure prickly heat

This year, the weather is hot, the child long prickly heat. Looking for the mother to know from Jiangsu home to bring a bag of frost mulberry leaves, said the child bath, and let me use 200 grams of dry mulberry leaves, 200 grams of mung beans and 50 grams of glycerite **** research into powder. Every night with mulberry leaves boiled water bath coated with a layer of homemade "prickly heat powder". I did not expect to be effective, only four or five nights, the building to try a few children are cured. According to my mother, frost mulberry leaves must be picked after the frost or frost hit the ground, dry, hang in a cloth bag in a ventilated place spare. Fresh mulberry leaves can also be, but the effect is slightly worse.