A square in Nanling, Wuhu was struck by lightning! 2 people were unfortunately killed, the root cause of the accident.

There are four people in the square dance, because they suffered a lightning strike, two of them unfortunately died, the other two people were injured. The incident was caused by a lightning strike, and a local lightning warning had been issued, but several people were not paying attention or went to square dance, and as a result, the danger occurred.

The lightning strike killed two people.

Nanling, Wuhu, a square, there are two people unfortunately died, these two people are square dancing, there were four people in the square dance. Suddenly suffered a lightning strike, two people died on the spot, the other two people were injured and sent to the hospital for treatment, the other two people have been fine. The root cause of this accident is caused by the lightning strike, in fact, this accident can be completely avoided, is because who did not take the lightning strike seriously. Two people are very unfortunate, because of the sudden death of a lightning strike, I hope that the family can be condolences, but also hope that this incident can give everyone a reminder.

The lack of safety awareness has led to this.

Local lightning warning notices have been issued, but few people pay attention to such notices, and many people feel that thunderstorms are a very normal phenomenon is not surprising, and will not cause any impact. It is the lack of safety awareness that led to this lightning accident. As the old saying goes, fear not, fear not, these people are standing in the square dancing, there is a lot of water under their feet, and water is conductive. If these people have cell phones or other conductive things with them, and it so happens that there is a thunderstorm at this time, it is very likely that these people will be struck by lightning. Because of their lack of safety awareness, their attention was not drawn to the incident, which led to the accident. It's a shame that when the doctor arrived at the scene of the incident, the two people had no vital signs.

When there is a thunderstorm, pay attention to the weather forecast, pay attention to the local lightning warning, try not to go outdoors, do not go near high voltage electricity, do not go near the street lamps, big trees and so on, close to these places may be hit by lightning. When there is lightning, do not stand in front of the window, to turn off the electrical switch.