What is this anime?

Tomb of the Fireflies

A ragged teenager lies dying in a station, slowly approaching the end of his short life at the age of fourteen, in Japan, a little over a month after the defeat of the war.

The air raids began, and his mother died in the bombing. In the face of the sudden shock, all his brother could do was to keep the news of his mother's death from his young sister. In the empty square, the brother smiled strongly and performed the bar for his sister who was crying for her mother, and the two thin figures looked so thin under the setting sun. Perhaps, it was at that moment, the brother tried to carry all the sadness, decided in the chaos of the ruins for his sister to raise a clear sky.

The siblings had to go to their relatives. However, the war has alienated family ties, and material poverty has made people even more indifferent to each other. More and more blank stares and less and less rice in their bowls suggest that they must leave. The brother finally decides to move away with his sister to build a home of his own. But while singing a song and leaving happily, he could not have predicted the irreversible and tragic fate due to that war.

In order to keep his sister from starving, his brother had to risk his life to steal while the airplanes were bombing. Whenever he found some food in an empty house, he was overwhelmed with excitement.

In the darkness of the abandoned caves, his brother caught fireflies into the mosquito nets, which danced brightly in the sultry summer nights. The older brother holds his sleeping sister close to him, afraid that if he lets go, he will lose her again.

Particularly tragic, I cried when I saw it /(êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê~~