Kneel down and ask for information about Goh Joon Yeol? (Only 25 points available)

Name Goh Jun Yeol

Birthday 1969.09.11

Birthplace Seoul

Height 178cm

Weight 68kg

Blood type A

Zodiac sign Virgo

Religion No

Education Gyeonggi High School, Graduated from Visual Design Department of Gyeongnam University

Interests Summer, Sports, Fishing, Swimming, Fitness

Traits Sexy bald head, Swimming, Fitness


Summer, Sports, Fishing, Swimming, Fitness

Traits Sexy bald, delicate perfectionist both cute and cool, become the new man of the world to worship a variety of chameleon

First time to fall in love with the target kindergarten teacher

Love to collect CDs, decorations, clothes

Favorite singers Shin Seung-hoon, Baby Face

Love to sing the songs of the singer, Shin Seung-hoon, Baby Face

Love to sing the song, Shin Seung-hoon. Released "Funky Together" album in Taiwan

1999 Released "CLON STYLE" VHS and VCD in Taiwan

2000 Released "New World" album in Taiwan

Kang Won Rae and Koo Jun Yup have been living on their own since they were in Gyeonggi High School. After living on their own since Gyeonggi High School, Kang Won Rae and Koo Jun Yup won the first prize at a nightclub disco competition held in college, which was their chance to join "WAWA" at the end of 1989 and start their formal entry into the singing world. After that, both of them went for military service and stopped their activities for a while. After his discharge in 1993, Koo Jun Yeol organized a male "duo" and Kang Won Rae became a back-up dancer and actor, and also served as a back-up dancer for Kim Model, Hustle Group, and Lola, etc. Especially, Kang Won Rae's outstanding dance and rap in Park Mi Kyung's "Love Warning" won him a good reputation, and they started their own music industry under the name of "Cool Dragon" in 1996. "In 1996, they released the album 'Bow Power Shabala' under the name of 'Cool Dragon', and the exciting melody of the album, combined with the brilliant dance moves of Goh Joon Yeol and Kang Won Rae, made them the center of attraction in the music industry that summer. In 1997, they changed the image of their last rap music, and added modern dance beat flavor of 〈Escape from the city〉, and HIPPOP lyric song 〈Wrap around 〉 in their second album 〈On more time〉, and they became the hot spot of the summer once again.