Guanyin is divided into Jing Qing Guanyin, clavicle Guanyin, Malangfu Guanyin, fish basket Guanyin and Matou Guanyin.
Great Sage rejoices in the house of heaven. That night, King Jia returned to heaven and recited the Law of Support: "The Great Sage is the King of Moammar in Heaven, and the Wumo girl is a woman, giving birth to 3,000 children. Its left 1.5 thousand, the king of prawns first, doing evil, attracting prawns 107 thousand. Right one thousand five hundred yuan, Fan that night, Jia held a good day first, cultivated all good interests, and attracted 178,000 blessings to be good at holding the public. This fan is the embodiment of Guanyin when King Jia was king that night. In order to reconcile the evil deeds of Pippi Wang that night, he became a brother and sister, which shows that he is holding the same body. "
Guanyin in "The Great Sage rejoiced at home that night, and Jia Wang turned to prayer" has begun to serve Buddhism in India. There are 3,000 brothers and sisters at home, and half of them are out fooling around. In order to prevent brothers and sisters from going out to do bad things, Guanyin organized 3000 brothers and sisters to hold sex parties in their own homes. Brothers and sisters don't go out to make trouble when they are tall.
"Four Chapters of Pena Night Ga Method" and "Biography of Pena Night Ga": "There is a mountain named Pena Night Ga, and this cloud is like Tou Mountain, also known as Obstacle Mountain, mostly Pena Night Ga. His king's name is happy, and his family members are greatly relieved. He wants to capture the anger of all beings in the world, but it is difficult to create obstacles. It was also when Shiro Mohan had not returned to Buddha. When I was a bodhisattva, I was filled with great sorrow, turned my charity into a woman's body and went to the king's place. At that time, King Peter saw this woman and wanted to touch her and hug her. At that time, disabled women refused to accept it. Another king made love and worship, so another woman said,' Although I am like a disabled woman, I have been able to accept Buddhism and get a cassock from the past. If you really want to touch me, you can teach me, that is, if I try my best in the future, can I protect the law And protect pedestrians from me and not be an obstacle? Don't be malicious after I do it? You are such a teacher and my relative. "That night, Shi Bei said,' I deserve you by fate. From now on, I will follow your words and practice Buddhism.' So that night, the girls smiled and hugged each other. At that time, Peter Wang said happily, "Good! We are waiting to speak your language now. As for the future, we will protect Buddhism and will not create obstacles.
In this case, Guanyin Bodhisattva did not organize brothers and sisters to hold sex parties in their own homes, but used physical sex to lure opponents of Buddhism and remove obstacles for the spread of Buddhism.
Humans and Buddhist monks use Guanyin unscrupulously, regardless of it. As long as there is a need, blood, ethics, morality and logic can be put aside, and immortals can do whatever they want.