Beginners can practice the following basic skills:
Practice control. First, there are physical skills, such as bending the elbow joints slightly so that the power can be fully contained in the body rather than released. Then there's muscle strengthening. Lastly, it is about expressing one's own understanding and thoughts through music or dance with one's own heart and emotions, as well as the dance itself.
Arm and mid-range strength can be increased through sit-ups and push-ups. The muscles of the arms, abdomen, and thighs will be strengthened, as these are the three most important parts. The way to do this is simply to practice sit-ups, push-ups and weighted squats consistently for 5 to 10 minutes a day for between 15 and 25 reps.
How to adjust tension and strength. Between tension and strength, tension is more important. The greater the tension, the more the strength will be affected, and vice versa, the greater the strength, the tension will be relatively weakened. The method is to strengthen the muscle quality, more practice sit-ups, and push-ups. The control of the limbs can also be improved to achieve the possibility of tension and strength at the same time.
How can I turn around steadily and more? To spin steadily you must practice half-toe stands and choose a support leg that you feel is relatively stable for spinning.
In the usual rest is to let it to half-toe state stand up and the other leg knee bending the inside of the toes close to the inside of the knee of the supporting foot, the upper body chest out and stomach, shoulder relaxation, chin slightly lifted. Hold this position for as long as possible, practicing your center of gravity and toe control.
Slowly the spinning will become comfortable! The supporting leg should be kept upright, there are also bent leg turn, but we first practice good straight leg first, master the center of gravity after what circle is not a problem. When turning around, pay attention to the "stay head, throw head", long high students, in order to low center of gravity to be flexible their knees, updown is a good choice!
Practice body coordination. The reason why your body is not coordinated is because you don't have the feeling of dancing and you are not used to the rhythm of dancing, which is normal because you have never danced before. If you are starting out, the movements will be simpler and the music will be more moderate. Secondly, you must be bold to dance, don't be shy.
Ligament problems. The ligaments need to be pressed every day, and if you haven't been practicing since you were a kid, you need to press your legs and kick them every day to loosen the ligaments. If you miss a day that ligament softness will go back. Ligaments are actually secondary to street dance, it's just to stretch your body a little more thoroughly.
:Street Dance (Street Dance) is a collective term for a number of different kinds of dance that originated in the United States and are based on different street cultures or music styles, the earliest type of street dance is Locking, which originated in the 1960s.
Street dance movement is a combination of various walking, running, jumping, and through the head, neck, shoulders, upper limbs, torso and other joints of the flexion and extension, rotation, around the ring, swinging vibration, wavy twisting and other coherent combination of each action has its specific fitness effect, both pay attention to the upper limbs and the lower limbs, the abdomen and the back, the head and the torso movements of the coordination, and pay attention to the composition of the links of each part of the independent movement.