I am from Dongshan. If you mention the fun places in Dongshan, it is like what was said above. Fengdong Stone (the most amazing stone in the world---is a very handsome stone standing on the seaside. As long as you can push it to his smile point, it will dance with the wind and do a Yangko dance for you. This is definitely not Bragging, I have personal experience.) When you go to Dongshan, you must play in the sea, because Dongshan is an island, and the water quality is definitely no less than that of Hainan Island. Find an evening and walk on the beach. The more famous bays are Maluan Bay and Jinluan Bay. In the evening, remember to take your loved ones to the beach to eat seafood. While tasting the freshly caught seafood, you can enjoy the tenderness and charm of the sea breeze and listen to the symphony of waves caressing the beach. How wonderful it is. The best season is summer. . You can also go to Dongmen Island (there is a temple on the small island, but in the past, all men who married young wives would be caught eating vegetarian food there for 3 months. Just so you can give yourself a warning to see if you are taking a lover this time? Be careful if you bring it. If you don’t bring it, you have to work harder, haha). There are several famous islands off Dongshan Island: Chicken Island, Hu Island, and Lion Island, lying vividly in the sea. When you see it, you will be shocked by the uncanny workmanship of nature (you have to rent a yacht to see this) ). Since you choose to go to Dongshan Island, you must go to see the sea and have the closest contact with it. There is also the most amazing stone in the world. You must go and let it dance for you. Eat the most natural seafood, and don’t forget to bring dried seafood products when you come back. Don’t forget to bring Dongshan’s special asparagus tea as a gift to friends who are losing weight or have high blood lipids. It is definitely top quality. It saves you money and makes you look thoughtful. On behalf of the people of Dongshan, I welcome you! Have a nice trip!