Caijiagou Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Dafu Yingzi, Songshan District, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia. The urban and rural classification code is 220, which is a village. The zoning code is 150404203202, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 150404. Postal code 024000, long-distance telephone area code 0476, license plate number Meng D. Caijiagou Village is adjacent to Caojiagou Village, Lamataigou Village, Qingqude Village, Niangniangmiao Village, Qijia Village, Doctor Zi Ying Village, Cuijiayingzi Village, Gujia Zi Ying Village, Moujiayingzi Village, Dongshan Village, Shangwopu Village, Da Zhang Fang Village, Dahexi Village and Xiaozhangfang Village.
There are some tourist attractions near Caijiagou Village, such as Liaosong Mountain House, Houtougou Kiln Site, Hanshan Scenic Area, Xiajiadian Ruins Group, Princess Tomb in Rongxian County, etc. There are Xiajiadian Xiaomi, Chifeng Jade Bird Chicken, Chifeng Hada Cake, Sweet Mill Porridge and other special foods.