Age of Empires 3 Decision Edition Update23511 update content list each civilization change details

Age of Empires 3 Decision Edition has launched a new version of update23511, additional content related to the United States DLC, the following take a look at Age of Empires 3 Decision Edition Update23511 update content list

Age of Empires 3 Decision Edition Update23511 update content list

The update includes:

New civilization United States

Large number of game crash fixes and stability improvements

New unit fixes and stability improvements

New unit changes to civilizations. New Civilization United States

Lots of game crash fixes and stability improvements

New unit classifications, improved readability of various descriptions and effects

Removed kill experience values for various construction wagons, and increased the life values of some valuable wagons

Fixed the bug where the main city card was unobtainable in the campaigns

Units produced for free will now be reserved in slots to wait for a population to be available before being spawned if the population is stuck, instead of being lost outright

Improved the number of waves of outlaw units and mercenaries and how they are obtained

Balance updates for 13 countries, including AZ, Ching, France, and Sweden

Updated the Finnish, Hungarian, and American Grammars

.... And much more

One change that may be of interest to code readers:

New troop tags have been added, and many related techs and cards have been optimized

New tags have been added:

AbstractRifleman Rifleman class

AbstractFootArcher Bow class

AbstractMusketeer Musketeer Large Class

AbstractOutlaw Outlaw Unit Large Class

Curious to see if this will trigger new bugs and errors, hopefully the production team played this piece out (I'm not so sure

Added hotkeys:

Added hotkeys for small and large militias respectively

< p>Gameplay changes:

1. All wagons built removed from hit experience value

Because losing a wagon is already a significant loss in itself, we decided to remove the extra experience value bonus given to opponents. Originally, all wagons had 60 experience points for kills (regardless of building value).

2. Docks in treaty mode are now unaffected by the build location restriction

3. Pioneers, Villagers, Puritans, and French Coolies now **** the build cap with Villagers

4. Homestead Caravans can now be used to build housing as well

5. Resource chests obtained from ascending eras and cards will now be merged as much as possible to reduce the number of chests

6. p>6. Units that are now produced for free (such as Factory Heavy Cannon) will stay in the slot and wait if there is no population space when they are produced. Instead of losing this unit outright, it will be output again when it is populated.

7. Fixed bug where indigenous units could sometimes be produced from trade TPs == Balance changes ==


1. Saloon, the mercenary's inn, is now a US-exclusive building, with new features, cards and interaction options.

2. The Mercenary Saloon in Europe has been changed to the Tavern, as has the opening Mercenary Saloon in Indonesia and the Central South Peninsula.

3. All American civilizations now get a new civilization feature: the ability to build Native Embassies directly. Embassies can produce Wild West Outlaw units - the same as Taverns in Europe

4. All American civilizations now have the ability to produce "Captured Howitzers" in Native Embassies in Era 5. This unit has the Native Warrior tag - this means that the unit eats relevant bonuses such as the "Legendary Native Warrior" tech in TC and various enhancement cards.

Captured Howitzer, Age 5 unlocked, 150 food, 350 gold, 4 population

(read the code, the base attributes of the damn thing are in Imperial, for those who know

5. Added two new mercenaries to the tavern's random pool

Napoleon Cannon (Age 3 unlocked, 500 gold, 5 population)

Features: Similar to the Pipi Cannon. Can move & fire fast, low build cost but low life, extra bonus to ships.

Volunteer (Age 4 unlock, 400 gold, accounts for 2 population)

Scattered mercenary type. Have high life and higher armor, but lower range. Doesn't have the various bonuses and minuses, so not so afraid of cavalry, but also not able to overcome heavy foot.

6. The Flagship Samurai, Heart Stick (Bodyguard), Iron Army, and Zat Spear Cavalry have been moved to Era 4.

But the Heart Stick, Iron Army, and Zat that are unlocked at the Temple can still be built in Era 3 if you use the Atonement card.

7. You will now get 3 random mercenaries in mercenary inns, taverns, and native embassies (previously 2). Since many mercenaries have been moved to industry, this change increases the expected number of trainable mercenaries at the fort.

8. Native embassies will now be built by villagers (instead of explorers), this is to avoid treaty mode where explorers can frontload native embassies like crazy.

(The actual test didn't change at all, the production team is talking about the update again, it's so trashy)

9. Previously, we let the aboriginal embassies to be built by the explorers, this is to solve the problem that the villagers in Holland have too many types of buildings in their building panel to be able to place the aboriginal embassies. Now to solve this problem, we have decided that Holland can use envoys to build aboriginal embassies.

(It didn't change at all in real life, it's well known that the production team never tests their changes)

12. The multiplier of the counter-impact infantry of the dragoons you get from the consulate has been corrected from 2.75x to 2.25x (same as the normal dragoons)

13. Gatling: production cost has been lowered from 400 gold for 100 wood to 250 gold for 100 wood to better match its intensity


14. German Infantry (Homeland Servant): learned Morgan's Little Gyro skill, dealing 3 ranged damage.

15.Priests, Imams, and Corpsmen now have a build number cap of 30 (not enough, suggesting a cut to 5)

16.TP Sleds have had their life value corrected from 150 to 250

17.Zapotec Lightning Warriors: life value reduced from 210 to 190

18.Dipped into the US with a tweak to the Council:

Cost reduced from 400 to 300 wood, build experience increased from 160 to 300, vision increased from 12 to 34 - same as TC.

19. Lakeland Technology (Aztec's card) now works for Mills & Rice Fields as well

20. Horse trading along the Summer: now boosts the training rate for all types of cavalry.

21. The Vessel Howitzer, an exclusive upgrade for Mortar Battleships, is now a pre-requisite tech for researching Imperial Mortar Battleships.

22. Lacrosse now correctly increases the attack power of all long-range infantry (should refer to the native tech of the Iroquois natives in the campaign, tm can the official write-up of the update make it clearer, don't make me guess)

23. The Alliance can correctly allow for the training of axe-throwers and ballistic shields in military buildings (ditto, should refer to the native tech in the campaign)

24. Klamath work ethic (Klamath natives): now correctly boosts all gathering efficiency for gatherers (one of the legacy bugs from the original)

25. Elite system (Zen temples): now correctly reduces the cost of all unit upgrades.

26. Fixed Wilderness of the West (European Tavern tech) and Atonement (Asian Nation card) to make them effective on all Undead units

27. Cree Bloodline (Cree Natives): now increases Native Warrior training efficiency by 45%, instead of the previous increase in the number cap

28. Cree Weaving tech (Cree Natives): now reduces the cost of building by 10% and increases build speed by 25%

28. Cree Weaving tech (Cree Natives): now reduces building cost and increases building speed by 25% (including wonders) instead of the previous reduction in wood cost only.

29. The flow of gold resources given by Capitalism has been increased from 1.25 per second to 1.5 per second

30. Durasteel (Swedish card) now opens up close-range barrages with 0.5x damage reduction against cavalry

31. Engineering Schools are now correctly effective against all types of artillery, including Gatling Guns. Same for Team Engineering Schools.

32. Masonry Moved to Era 1 (for all civilizations with this card) ========= National Balance Changes ============

1. Repeated horizontal jumps. Upgrade options for Era 1 on Era 2 increased from 70 seconds back to 80 seconds for the other 4, except for the Summons Fast Upgrade which is still 30 seconds.

2. Skeleton Warrior now slowly heals itself while touching fish

3. Skeleton Warrior Counter Shock Infantry multiplier corrected to 2.2x from 2x

4. Skeleton Warrior has also learned the gyro skill, Obsidian Storm Obsidian Storm. has a 30 second CD, adds 2 to the Normal Attacks increase damage range by 2 and deal an additional 33.3% damage (this gain does not eat the Restraint Multiplier Bonus). The coolest part is that the bodies of enemies that die from this are sent flying. (Like the Eagle Cannon)

5. The icon numbers for card 9 Mayan allies are now displayed correctly.

6. card Warlord Great Temple Aid Now also strengthens Skeleton Warrior's Obsidian Storm.

1. Team Cheap Docks: Now also additionally reduces the research cost of the Big Button of the Americas Civilization Docks by 50%.

2. Farming (the industrial card, the one where the house slowly spawns farming) now no longer reduces the speed of TC farming.

The following changes have been made to balance the treaty capabilities of the Belt Clear

1. German Expeditionary Forces now provide 1 Heavy Cannon + 18 Dessan (previously it was 2 Heavy Cannon + 11 Dessan)

2. The Acupuncture card now increases the Heavy Cannon productivity of the Russian Collar factories by a slight margin (literally a tiny bit, maybe 5%)


3. Industrial Age infinite 15-vine cards weakened to infinite 10-vine cards

4. Old Dynasty Reforms: now increases the production cost of affected units by 25% instead of 20%

1. Made a pathetic enough new model of France's nano-sized food crates to make the French player instantly fall into a state of shame and loss of their size.

2. Team farming cards for teammates are now only given to regular French farmers. There's no way to whittle down French farmers anymore.

The following changes to the church cards are to encourage you to hand out "grenade thrower" cards and build super egg soldiers.

3. Young Imperial Guard moved from Era 3 to Era 2

4. Middle Imperial Guard moved from Era 4 to Era 3, no longer giving away the Grenadier Konchos upgrades, but giving the Grenadiers 10% extra blood attack.

5. Imperial Elderly Guard (still in Era 4) no longer gives 10% extra Blood Attack to the Bombardier, but does give away the Bombardier Konquest upgrade.

(Personally, I think this only makes the current version of the French player look more like a clown. A guess, not necessarily right.)

6. Wilderness Warfare cards now also work on Kerry Forest Coolies

1. Germany's Cavalry Reinforcement cards now also reinforce Cavalry Outlaw units with reformed Cavalry units

1. Alpacas don't get fatter while square dancing any more (pretty logical isn't it?).

2. The "Arrow Poison" card now renames the Poison Bow's "Ranged Attack" to "Ranged Arrow Poison Attack". Opponents will now be able to detect from the panel if you have sent this card.

3. Fixed a bug where Native Treaty (Era 2 card) would give more units if Allies of the Americas (Era 1 card) was dealt first.

4. Fixed a bug where Old Ways (Era 4 card) did not work on Inca Raiders (Big Button).

5. Fixed a bug where Sons of Inti (Era 4 card) would limit the damage done by Inca Chiefs

1. Fixed a bug where Sons of Inti (Era 4 card) would limit the damage done by Inca Chiefs. p>

1. Fixed bug with Manzadar unit's attack, ensuring that its attack is the same as a normal unit's attack, with only life doubled.

2. Manzadar units now eat their own aura bonus as well.

3. Fixed the description of the card Mumbai Navy to tell you that it works on fishing boats as well. (However, the Chinese text is now even more wrong. Empire's localization team is actually 8 lines long.)

1. Siege Dance now does not work on artillery (cry, just now I was YY 2000 attacking mortars.)

1. ottoman neo army: now eats the anti-infantry rifle bonus when in staggered mode.

2. Silk Road card: now also boosts experience income

1. Dragon Cavalry Combat Strength: now also boosts that Dragon Cavalry unit in Gran Colombia

2. Cheap Outposts for Teams: now also reduces the cost of the Noble Hut

1. Cards that enhance Ancient Infantry are now effective on all (all, mind you) Melee Infantry and Crossbow infantry, in other words some natives and mercenaries.

2. Instead of giving you 4 resource chests, the upgrade option "Logistician" now sends them directly to your inventory. (When are you going to get one for the big gold?)

3. The default "Newbie" card set is now better suited to letting newbies explore the various ways to play Spain.

4. Teams: Training ancient soldier units has been slightly nerfed. The acceleration effect on Spanish units has been reduced from 50% to 40%. The acceleration effect against Inca is almost nerfed. (And this wasn't in the changelog)

1. Efficiency of gathering blueberries reduced from 0.64 to 0.57, making it 1.7 times the rate of gathering grape berry bushes.

2. The effect of Savolax Riflemen (Church Card Tech) has been changed as follows:

Transporting 6 Hunters upgrades all Hessians to Savolax Hunters. Savolax Hunters have 5% extra life, have the stealth ability, and the build cost has changed from 200 gold to 100 wood 100 gold. Hopefully, this change will make the Swedish church cards more popular. Swedish church cards give powerful bonuses to melee infantry, use melee infantry to protect Swedish hunters and guns!

(It might sound a bit stupid, why do I think the production team is trying to get players to use Swedish xx?)

3. Great Northern Forest card: max wood harvesting efficiency reduced from 1.0 to 0.7

4. Uxena reform: gold-for-meat ratio reduced from 1 for 1.3 to 1.25

Upgrade options:

Mercenary Contractor: now correctly strengthens all outlaw units as well

1. Karelian Hunter: now able to Build docks

2. Karelian Hunters: increase their rate of collecting resource chests to 8, same as villagers

3. New cards: Baltic Fleet: unlimited number of cards, ships a Mortar Battleship with a Frigate

1. Grenzers: their life reduction strengthened from -20% to -10%. The range advantage remains unchanged.

1. Revolution spawns 2 Gatling Machine Guns from each Fortress instead of 1

2. Volunteers are now renamed Grim Ground Snipers

3. Cards with enhancements to Scattered Troopers also enhance Grim Ground Snipers