Longyi Village is located in which city

Longyi Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Suwu Township, Minqin County, Wuwei City, Gansu Province, with an urban-rural classification code of 220 for villages. The zoning code is 620621111224, and the first 6 digits of the resident's identity card number is 620621. The postal code is 733000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0935, and the license plate number is GAN H. Longyi Village is adjacent to Long Er Village, Yanglu Village, Qiandu Village, Suwu Mountain Forestry, Dengqiao Village, Zhonggou Village, Xuchao Village, Wuba Village, Xueqiao Village, Yuantai Village, Sushan Village, Pu Yang Village, Sanba Village, and Dengtou Village. Adjacent.

Long a village near the saxifrage medicinal herbs science and technology and cultural exposition park, Hongyashan Reservoir, Minqin Taozhong Modern Agricultural Demonstration Park, Minqin Langfu Ecological and Cultural Tourism Zone, Shiyanghe National Wetland Park and other tourist attractions, there are Minqin licorice, Minqin honeydew melon, Wuwei wine grapes, Minqin lamb, Minqin red jujubes and other specialty products.