Amidst these scholars was a courageous young man named Fan Pang, whose biography Su Xun's wife was teaching her son to read.
In the second year of the Jianning era, when the party was sent to be executed, an urgent appeal was made to arrest Pang and others. In the second year of the Jianning era, the government sent a decree to arrest Pang and others. The governor, Wu Guan, went to the county and held the decree. Pang heard, day: "will be for me also." He then went to the prison. The county magistrate Guo Yi was shocked, out of the relief seal slow, bow horror all died, the day: "The world is great, why is the son here?" Pang Ri: "If I die, I will be in trouble, so why would I dare to tire you by committing a crime that would cause my mother to be displaced? Pang's mother said goodbye to him. Pang's mother said to him, "Zhongbo's filial piety and respect is enough to provide for Pang, and he has returned to the Yellow Springs from Longshujun, so he can live and die in his own way. However, I hope that you will not add to my feelings of gratitude." My mother said, "You are now on a par with Li and Du, so I don't mind dying! But if you have a name, and you want to live a long life, can you have both?" Pang knelt down to be taught, and then bowed again and left. Gu said his son: "I want to make you for evil, then evil can not be; so that you for good, then I do not for evil." Walking road heard, no one shed tears. The year of thirty-three.
Small Dongpo looked up at his mother and asked, "Mom, when I grow up, if I do what Fan Pang did, will you do it?" His mother replied, "If you can be Fan Pang, can't I be Fan Pang's mother?"
Dong Po was six years old when he enrolled in school. The private school was not a small one, with over a hundred schoolchildren and only one teacher, a Taoist priest. Su Dongpo's supremely bright young mind soon revealed itself, and of all the schoolchildren, Su Dongpo and one other student were the most praised by the teacher. That student was Chen Taichu, who later also passed the imperial examinations, but became a monk, bent on seeking immortality. In his later years, Chen Taichu had been preparing for a daytime ascension. One day, he went to visit a friend. The friend gave him food and money. When he left the house, he dispersed all the food and money to the poor people, and meditated outside the door, preparing to leave this world of red dust and disturbance without eating the food of the people. After a few days, he breathed his last and did not move. The friend asked his servants to remove his body. But it was New Year's Day, and on such an auspicious day of the year, the servants were reluctant to remove the body. But the dead man spoke up, "It's okay, I can carry it myself." He stood up and walked out into the wilderness by himself to die in a more comfortable place. This is what is commonly known as the "daytime ascension" of Taoist practitioners.
When he was a young boy, Su Dongpo had many interests outside of reading. After school, he would go home and peer into the bird's nest. His mother had strictly warned Dongpo and the family's maids not to catch birds. As a result, after a few years, the birds knew that they would not be victimized in the garden, and some of them made their nests in the branches of the trees in the garden, so low that the children could see them. There is an extremely beautiful and brightly colored bird, a few days in a row to his garden, Su Dongpo remembered this bird especially well.
Sometimes an official passed through the town of Meishan and visited Su's house, for Dongpo's uncle had become an official. The family was then busy for a while, and the daughter ran around barefoot, picking vegetables and slaughtering chickens in the vegetable garden, so that she could prepare a feast for the guests. This situation in the child, leaving a deep impression.
Dong Po and his cousins used to play around their mother. He and his brother Rut also used to go to the village to catch the market or to dig in the vegetable garden. One day, the children unearthed a beautiful slab of stone, both crystalline and shiny and beautifully striped with green. When they struck it, it made a clear metallic sound. They wanted to use it as an ink stone, and it fit perfectly. Inkstones must be made of a special stone with pores, good at absorbing moisture, and good at preserving it. This kind of good ink stone is very important to the art of calligraphy. A fine inkstone is often considered a treasure by the literati. A good inkstone was an important item on the scholar's desk, as it was closely associated with most of the scholar's day. When a father gave his child an ink stone, he had to keep it until he grew up, and he had to carve special words and phrases on the ink stone to wish him great fame in the future.
According to some texts, by the time Su Dongpo was ten years old, he was already able to write surprising poems. In his essay "Crafty Mouse Fugue" we find two lines. This short text is a description of a cunning little mouse, fell into a tile urn, pretending to be dead, such as the urn poured on the ground, they fled in a hurry, so that the people deceived over. Around this time, his teacher was reading a long poem about a group of famous scholars at the court. Su Dongpo, a young schoolboy, peered forward behind his teacher's shoulder and began to ask questions about them. They were all famous people in Chinese history, for during Su Dongpo's childhood, China was under the rule of the most sagacious monarch of the Song dynasty, who strongly rewarded literature and the arts. The country was peaceful, and the nomads of northern and northwestern China, such as the Jin, the Liao, and the Xixia, the tribes and barbarians that had often plagued China, were at peace with the Song dynasty at this time. Under such a court, good ministers in power, a number of outstanding literary talent are favored, serving the emperor, embellishing the peace. It was at this time that the young boy Su Dongpo first heard the names of Ouyang Xiu and Fan Zhongyan, and was greatly encouraged. Fortunately for the great poet, we have these foreshadowings of his future prominence in his childhood. Although Su Dongpo recorded a number of dreams and unfinished poems from his adult life, there are no unintentional words for modern biographers to combine with interpretations, intuitions, and rhapsodies to create the neurotic structure of the poet's subconscious. Not that Su Dongpo mentioned anything about diapers or constipation.
When Su Dongpo was eleven years old, he entered a secondary school to prepare seriously for the imperial examinations. In order to cope with the examination, students must read the scriptures, history, poetry and literature, the classics must be familiar with the ancient books to be able to recite, recite in class, students must stand with their backs to the teacher, so as not to peek at the teacher's desk in the open article. Students who were willing to work hard memorized the entire text of the history book. When memorizing, one should not only focus on the content and knowledge of the text, but also on the wording of the text, since the vocabulary used in the text was learned from it. The use of famous words and allusions without explicitly stating their origin, the learned read, then have the pleasure of elegance and extraordinary. This is a kind of language used by those who are in love with each other. The reader admires the author's ability to write such essays, and he or she reads them and understands them, and is therefore complacent. The author and the readers of the pleasure, is by the concept of the implication and the concept of association, this implication than understand the real say more powerful and moving, because a word, the implication of the charm will be small unattainable carry on.
This kind of memorization is really difficult and laborious work. The old traditional method was to ask students to memorize an entire book, which was not punctuated, and to punctuate it to test whether they understood it thoroughly. The most diligent students would even copy the scriptures and official history. This is the same method that Su Dongpo used when he was studying. This method of reading has its own merits if one thinks a little about the simple classics of Chinese poetry and literature, as well as the allusions to names, accidents, and so on, which are common in the official histories. Because after copying a book word by word, the depth of knowledge of that book is by no means comparable to just reading it many times. Such a method of study will be of great benefit to Su Dongpo in the future, because whenever he advises the emperor or drafts a decree for the emperor, or when he cites historical examples, he will never be at a loss, just as modern lawyers cite jurisprudence in general. In addition, when he was copying, he could practice his calligraphy.
Before the invention of printing, this kind of copying was inevitable, but by the time of Su Dongpo, books had been printed for about a hundred years. Collodion printing was invented by a common merchant, Bi Sheng. The method was to make individual characters out of a special kind of mastic, and after the characters were carved, the mastic hardened; then the characters were laid out on a metal plate coated with a layer of gum, and after the plates were lined up in rows, the mastic was heated up, and a piece of flat metal was pressed onto those lined up plates to make the faces of the characters perfectly flat. After the book was printed, the gum was heated again, and the plates came off easily from the metal plate, which was cleaned and used again next time.
Su Dongpo and his younger brother Su Zhe were thus familiarizing themselves with a large number of literary classics when his father returned from a failed examination. At the time, the imperial examinations had their own set of rules and forms. It was like a modern doctoral dissertation in philosophy. In those days, in order to meet certain criteria, one had to have done some hard work, had to have a good memory for memorizing facts, and, of course, had to have a generally normal intellect. Too much intellect and creativity is an obstacle to success, not a benefit. Many talented writers, like the lyricist Qin Shaoyou, failed the examination. Nine times out of ten, Su Xun's weakness was in poetry. Poetry examination, must have a considerable artistic elegance, the wording is quite delicate and stable, while Su Xun is mainly focus on the concept of thought. Because the reader in addition to teaching, the career is the only way to glory and success, the father fell from the mountain and returned to the inevitable chagrin and disillusionment.
The younger generation read the classics aloud, the older generation leaned on the bed and listened to the rhythmic and clear sound, the older generation is considered to be one of the great joys of life. In this way, the father can correct his son's mistakes in pronunciation, because beginners read the classics, naturally, there are so many difficulties. As if Ouyang Xiu and later Su Dongpo are so leaning on the bed to listen to his son reading, now Su Xun is also leaning on the bed to listen to his two sons of the pleasant sound of reading, his eyes staring at the ceiling, the mood is probably just like a hunter shot the last arrow and failed to hit the deer, as if to put up a new arrow, so that his son to shoot again. The children's eyes and loud voices convinced the father that they would be successful in their hunt, and the father thus regained hope, and his wounded heart of honor was healed without medicine. By this time, the two young sons, in memorizing the scriptures and history, and in excellent calligraphy, I am afraid that they had already surpassed their father, and the young wind was clearer than the old wind sound. Later, one of Su Dongpo's students once said, Su Xun talent is higher, but for the son of Su Dongpo, in academic thinking, but more knowledgeable than his father. Su Xun on the merit is not completely dead, although he failed to test, if therefore the son of high school can not be convinced, that he is the world a great dementia it. This is not to say that there is no respect for the father, because he is pure and elegant style of teaching his son, teaching his son to study the history of the law of government, and even the country's prosperity and decline of the way, we are not unaware of.
Su Dongpo is fortunate that his father has always insisted on the mellow and simple style of the article, the force to caution the popularity of the habit of gorgeous; because later young students to Beijing to catch the examination, the Minister of the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of the Ministry of Rites of the chief examiner Ouyang Xiu, are determined to launch a reform of the literary style of the movement, they took the opportunity to only indulge in the carving of the text of the words and phrases sold the word of gorgeous text of all the students are not admitted. The so-called florid style can be said to be the accumulation of difficult and incomprehensible words and obscure and rare allusions, in order to achieve the beauty of the article. It is difficult to find one or two lines of simple and natural sentences in such essays. The most taboo refers to the object directly called its name, the most afraid of the sentence is simple and unadorned. Su Dongpo said that this kind of showy and pompous article in the composition of the sentence with the word each for their own purposes, to the effect of the whole piece of disregard, such as the opening day of the play, the neck and arm hanging gorgeous jewelry of the old Ji as well.
The atmosphere of the family was just right for the development of a young man of literary genius. Books of all kinds filled the shelves. Grandfather is now very different from the previous, because the second son has been the official manufacturing supervisor, the father has also been awarded as the "Dali judge". These titles are purely honorary, and the main advantage is that they make it easier for other officials to address them. Sometimes seems to be, seek such an official title engraved on the epitaph, this life is not in vain - is the same as saying that if a person is not born for the gentry, at least look forward to dying like a gentry. If unfortunately happen to die too early, have not had the time to get this honor, there is a convenient way to get the title given after death. In fact, in the Song dynasty, even the official officials of the court had titles that had little to do with their real positions. Readers of the Su family epitaph, it is easy to mistakenly think that Su Dongpo's grandfather served as a Dali assessor, and even did too much, and mistakenly thought that his father had also done the Prince Crown Prince - in fact, these honorary titles are Su Zhe to do under the door of the ministers when the court awarded. Su Dongpo had an uncle who was an official at this time, and his two aunts were also married to officials. Thus both his grandfather and his maternal grandfather held official titles, one honorary and the other actual, as has just been mentioned.
In the Su family, the one who grew up and studied with Dong Po and who would be closest to him in the future was his younger brother, Zhe (辙), with the character Ziyu (子由). Their brotherly love and later in the process of the deep love of brother and sister, is Su Dongpo, the poet's lifelong song of the subject. The two brothers comforted each other in times of sorrow, helped each other in times of trouble, met each other in their dreams, and wrote poems and sent them to each other to communicate with each other. Even in the ethical and moral state of China, it is by no means uncommon to see the beauty of friendship and love between brothers like this. Su Ziyu was born with a quiet and cold temperament, steady and practical, in the official world than the elder brother in the official position, even higher. Although the two have the same opinion about politics, the same glory and blight of the eunuchs, ZiYu is calm and sensitive, each to the elder brother's loyal advice, the elder brother is quite beneficial. Perhaps he was not so stubborn and capricious as his elder brother; perhaps because he was not so brilliant and famous as his elder brother, he was not so dangerous and terrible in the eyes of his political enemies. Now when the two were studying at home, Dong Po was not only a classmate to his brother, but also a mentor. In a poem he wrote, he said, "I knew Ziyu when I was young, his natural talent and and clear, not only for my brother, if the virtuous friend born." Zi Yu also said on his elder brother's epitaph, "When I first came from the Duke, I relied on his knowledge. If he caressed me, he was a brother, and if he taught me, he was a teacher."
Walking the pen to this point, it is just right to illustrate the famous Yu of San Su. According to ancient custom, a Chinese scholar has several names. In addition to the last name, an official name, in the letters signed, in the official documents signed, all to use this name. There is also a character for friends to address verbally and in writing. Ordinary to a person politely called, is to say the word without mentioning the last name, and after the word "Mr.". In addition, some scholars and literati also another elegant name, as the name of the study, but also often used in the seal, these elegant name once famous, people also tend to call this name. There are people out of the collection of poetry, and others also have the name of the book to call him. In addition, there are people on the important position, the country is well-known, people also known by the name of his hometown. The first is that the first time I saw this, I was able to see it in the back of my head.
The old Su name inquiry word Ming Yun, the old spring, the old spring is because of his hometown Zuying and named. Eldest son Su Shi, word Zizhan, the number of Dongpo, the number is from the "Dongpo Jushi" from the "Dongpo Jushi" is his banishment to Huangzhou when he started, and later, to today, he will be known to the world as Dongpo. In Chinese history books, he is often referred to as "Dongpo" instead of his surname, or Mr. Dongpo. His complete works are sometimes called by the name of Yifa (溢法), and are known as Su Wenzhonggong Quanji (苏文忠公全集), which was bestowed by Emperor Xiaozong of the Song Dynasty (宋孝宗) sixty years after the death of Dong Po (东坡). Critics often called him "Su Meizhou" after his hometown. Xiao Su was known as Zhe Ziyu, who lived in seclusion in his later years and called himself "Yingbin Longevity". Therefore, some people called him "Su Yingbin". Sometimes he was also called "Su Yicheng" because of his collection of writings called "Yicheng Collection". Yicheng is very close to Zhengding south of Beiping, Su ancestors two hundred years ago, is from Yicheng moved to Meizhou.
A man of letters has so many names, the study of Chinese history is quite difficult, Su Dongpo was alive, there were at least eight people with the name of "Mengde", meaning that before the mother was pregnant, had dreamed of getting a son in a dream.
When Dongpo was sixteen years old, an unexpected thing happened that strained the relationship between his family and his mother's mother's family, and also made his father's character a little bit. The thing is, Su Dongpo's father betrothed Dongpo's sister to a cousin of Dongpo's grandmother's family, which is a common occurrence in Chinese families. And while it's far enough back in ancient times that we can't know the details, the bride was not happy in the Cheng family. Perhaps she was tortured by the Cheng family, in any case, died soon after. The circumstances that passed provoked Su Xun's irritation. It seemed that this new daughter-in-law's father-in-law was a big bad guy. Su Xun wrote a poem, implying poisonous words, blaming himself for his daughter's death. Then he revealed an extraordinary act. He compiled a family tree, carved it in stone, and erected a pavilion on top. To celebrate this event, he invited the whole clan of the Su name to which he would publicly condemn his wife's family in front of the whole clan. After the whole clan had already laid libations for their ancestors, Su Xun told them that "someone" in the village - alluding to his wife's elder brother - represented a powerful family, and that he had already caused the village to lose its morals; he had already driven his young nephew away. He has driven away his young nephews and monopolized the family property; he favors his concubines over his wife and indulges in lustful pleasures; his father and son **** the same feast and drink noisily, and the women in his family are known far and wide; a family is a powerful villain, bullying the lower and flattering the upper, and disliking the poor and loving the rich; his family's vehicles shine brightly in his eyes, and the poor neighbors look sideways for them, and his family's power of money and the official world can sway the officials; and last but not least, "it is a great thief of thirty miles. I dare not tell the townspeople about it, but I will privately warn my clansmen about it." Dongpo's father had naturally offended his wife's mother's family to the end, but he was ready to cut ties with the family at all, so he told his two sons again never to associate with that cousin. For more than forty years after this incident, the two Dongpo brothers had no dealings with their cousin Cheng Zhicai. However, after the death of Laoquan, the Su brothers and other cousins in their grandmother's family maintained good relations. Su Xun's challenges to the gentry and his public denunciations of them show slightly of his fierce character, his blistering hatred, a trait that his son, Dong Po, also displayed in his later years.
Dong Po's mother was, of course, very upset by this incident, and saddened by her young daughter. Whether she was on the side of her mother's family or on the side of her own deceased daughter in this conflict of relatives is difficult to guess. As already mentioned, the mother was a well-bred one, and her father was an official in the imperial court, and not a bad one at that. As far as we know, she had rebelled against the evil habits of that moneyed power in her family, or at least against the wicked and corrupt behavior of her brother. She may be said to have suffered a sad and broken heart, and her health rapidly deteriorated.
A wonderful legend is popular in China that Su Dongpo had a sister who was not very beautiful but quite talented. She was quite a poet and married a lyricist and a bachelor under Su Dongpo's tutelage, Qin Guan. According to the story, she refused to let the groom into her bridal chamber on her wedding night, and would not open the door to him until he had finished a couplet she had written. The first couplet was very difficult to match, Qin Guan searched his intestines and was walking anxiously in the courtyard, but Su Dongpo gave him a hand and he matched the second couplet. Another story says that the couple made a marvelous iambic pentameter, which can be read in a circle, backwards and forwards. In one such story, Su Dongpo is said to have told his sister, "If my sister were born a man, she would be more famous than my brother." This is nonsense, but everyone wants to believe it. Unfortunately, we can find no historical basis for it. In the hundreds of letters and other sources between Su Dongpo and his younger brother Ziyu, although Qin Guan is mentioned many times, I have never been able to find any trace of their kinship. In dozens of Su Dongpo's contemporary notebooks, there is no mention of a younger sister. Moreover, Qin Guan first met Su Dongpo at the age of twenty-nine, after he had already married. Even if Su Dongpo's sister had been a talented woman, she would have been about forty years old when Qin Guan first met Su Dongpo. This story was later spread more and more widely and more realistic, and became the best after-dinner story. The popularity of such folk tales is precisely to show how much Su Dongpo's character has endeared him to the Chinese people.
But Su Dongpo had a cousin who was his first love, and he couldn't forget her for the rest of his life. After the death of Dongpo's grandfather, his father returned from a long trip, and his uncle and his family also came back to mourn. At this time, the cousins had the opportunity to meet and play together. According to Su Dongpo, Yi Ren was "filial and gentle". Since they shared the same surname, there was no hope of marriage, but if they were cousins of their grandmother's family, there would have been no such difficulty. Later, this cousin married a young man named Liu Zhongyuan. Later, Su Dongpo in traveling, had in Jingjiang her home for three months. During those days at his cousin's home, Dong Po wrote two poems to her. These two poems are not easy to understand, unless they are read as love poems to his cousin. No other contemporary writer or researcher of Su Dongpo's life has ever mentioned their special relationship, because no one else would. However, when Su Dongpo was in exile in his later years, he heard the news of his cousin's death, and wrote to his son that "his heart was cut asunder". When he was returning from exile, he passed through Jingjiang, where his cousin's grave was located. Although he was seriously ill at that time, he still struggled to go to the grave and pay his respects to his cousin and her husband. The next day, a few friends went to see him, found him lying on the bed, facing the wall inside, is twitching and crying
Works are mainly:
1. before the Red Cliff Fu [Su Shi] 2. Su Shi poems [Su Shi] 3. Su Shi words (48) [Su Shi]
4. out of the mouth of the Ying saw the Huai Shan, is the day of the Shouzhou [Su Shi] 5. spring night [Su Shi] 6. begonias [ Su Shi]
7. and Ziyu mianchi nostalgia [Su Shi] 8. and Ziyu trekking [Su Shi] 9. flower shadow [Su Shi]
10. huichong chong "evening scene of the spring river" [Su Shi] 11. waxing day tour of the lonesome mountain to visit huigin huisi two monks [Su Shi] 12. june 27th wanghulu drunkenness book [Su Shi]
13. march 29th [Su Shi] 14. on the first year of the service banquet [Su Shi] 15. shi yun service banquet [ Su Shi] 15. Shi Cangshu Drunken Ink [Su Shi]
16. Autumn Scene Painted by Li Shinan [Su Shi] 17. Inscription on Jinshan Temple [Su Shi] 18. Inscription on Xilin Bi [Su Shi]
19. Evening Scene at Wanghai Lou [Su Shi] 20. Scribing on the Wall of Beitai after Snow [Su Shi] 21. Drinking in the Early Sunshine on the Lake [Su Shi]
22. Stormy Rain at Yumettang [Su Shi] 23. The east of Tinghui courtyard mixed flowers in the mountains have begonias a plant native people do not know how expensive [Su Shi] 24.Gift Liu Jingwen [Su Shi]
25.the twentieth day of the first month to the Qiting, the county people Pan, Gu, Guo, three people to send you to the Queen City, the East Chancery [Su Shi] 26.the twentieth day of the first month and Pan Guo two students out in the countryside in search of spring, suddenly remembered last year is the day of the Queen City, the same poem, [Su Shi] 27.eight sound Ganzhou (send Sen Liaozi) [Su Shi]
28. Bu San Zi (the missing moon hangs on the sparse tree) [Su Shi] 29. Butterfly in love with flowers (flowers fade red green apricot small) [Su Shi] 30. Butterfly in love with flowers (remember to paint the screen at the beginning of the encounter) [Su Shi]
31. Butterfly in love with flowers (Mizhou on the first yuan) [Su Shi] 32. Tingfengbo (often envy of the earth to cut the jade lang) [Su Shi] 33. Tingfengbo (not listen to the sound of the forest beating leaves) [Su Shi]
34. 34. dongxian song (冰肌玉骨) [su shi] 35. dongxian song (江南腊尽) [su shi] 36. he xinlang (乳燕飞华屋) [su shi]
37. raunxi sand (覆块青青麦未苏) [su shi] 38. raunxi sand (画隼横江喜再游) [su shi] 39. raunxi sand (山色横侵浸晕霞) [su shi]
40. raunxi sand (山下) [su shi] 40. Runnishasha (Sending Mei Tinglao to the Shangdang School) [Su Shi] 42. Runnishasha (Rain and Slanting Winds in the Little Cold) [Su Shi]
43. 47. Jiangchengzi (Cui'e Shy Dai Cowardly People Look) [Su Shi] 48. Jiangchengzi (On the Lake with Zhang Xian) [Su Shi]
49. Jiangchengzi (Old Man Chatting about Young Maniacs) [Su Shi] 50. Jiangchengzi (End of Days and End of Thoughts) [Su Shi] 51. Jiangchengzi (Recorded Dreams of the Twentieth Day of the First Month of the Year of the Yimao Period) [Su Shi]
52. Linjiangxian (Waking up and Drunkenness after Drinking from the East Slope at Night) [Su Shi] 53. Su Shi] 53. Man Jiang Hong (Jiang Han comes to the west) [Su Shi] 54. Man Jiang Hong (Qing Ying flows to the east) [Su Shi]
55. Man Ting Fang (Thirty-three Years) [Su Shi] 56. Magnolia Flower Order (Times the rhyme of Ou Gong Xihu) [Su Shi] 57. Nan Ge Zi (The rain darkens the night of the first suspicion) [Su Shi]
58. Nan Xiang Zi (The cold sparrow is full of sparse hedges) [Su Shi] 59. Nan Xiang Zi (Cool woven mat with a green yarn kitchen) [Su Shi] 59. ) [Su Shi] 60. Nanxiangzi (Frost and Watermarks) [Su Shi]
61. Nanxiangzi (Sending Descriptions of the Ancient World) [Su Shi] 62. Niannujiao (Recalling the Ancient World at Red Cliff) [Su Shi] 63. Qinyuanchun (The Lonely Pavilion with the Lamps Green) [Su Shi]
64. Qingyu case (Three Years' Pillow on the Wuzhong Road) [Su Shi] 65. Ruanlanggui (The Return of Ruan Lang) (Early Summer) [Su Shi] 66. Su Shi]
67. Whistle all over (for the rice waist) [Su Shi] 68. Water Song of Songs (sunset embroidered curtains rolled) [Su Shi] 69. Water Song of Songs (the bright moon a few times) [Su Shi]
70. Water Song of Songs (intimate children's language) [Su Shi] 71. >73. 望江南(超然台作) [苏轼] 74. 西江月(照野弥浅浪) [苏轼] 75. 西江月(重九) [苏轼]
76. 行香子(手手江村) [苏轼] 77.行香子(一叶舟輕) [苏轼] 78. yangguanqu (Mid-Autumn Festival) [苏轼]
79.永遇乐(长憶别时) [苏轼] 80. The Partridge Sky (The Forest Breaks the Mountain and the Bamboo Hidden Wall) [Su Shi]
85. Drunkenness (Light Clouds and Slight Moon) [Su Shi] 86. Stone bell mountain record [Su Shi]
88.before and after the Red Cliff Fu [Su Shi] 89.Su Shi word collection [Su Shi] 90.Su Shi word selection [Su Shi]
In Google Baidu a search in the search: Su Shi [back to the home page]
Respondent: over1943 - probationary period first level 11-16 14:. 20
1.Former Red Cliff Fu [Su Shi] 2.Selected Poems of Su Shi [Su Shi] 3.Selected Words of Su Shi (48) [Su Shi]
4.Out of Yingkou, I first saw Huaishan, and it was the day I arrived at Shouzhou [Su Shi] 5.Spring Night [Su Shi] 6.Begonia [Su Shi]
7.What Ziyou Mianchi Huaiyu [Su Shi] 8.What Ziyu Treading Green [Su Shi] 9.Shadow of the Flower [Su Shi]
10.What Hu Chong wrote [Su Shi]
Reply this. p>10. Hui Chong's "Evening Scene on the Spring River" [Su Shi] 11. Waxing Day Visit to the Lonely Mountain and the Two Monks of Hui Qin and Hui Si [Su Shi] 12. 27 June Drunken Script at Wanghulou [Su Shi]
13. 29 March [Su Shi] 14. The Banquet at the Shangyuan [Su Shi] 15. Shi Cangshu's Drunken Ink [Su Shi]
16. Autumn Scene Painted by Li Shinan [Su Shi] 17. ] 18. the title of the west forest wall [su shi]
19. the evening view of Wang Hailou [su shi] 20. after the snow on the north terrace of the book wall [su shi] 21. drink the first clearing on the lake after the rain [su shi]
22. have beautiful hall rainstorms [su shi] 23. living in the east of Ding Hui hospital of the flowers of the mountain with a Begonia a plant of the natives do not know the price of the soil [su shi] 24. gift to Liu Jingwen [su shi]
25. the new year The twentieth day of the first month to Qiting, county people Pan, Gu, Guo three people sent to the Queen City in the East Zen Zhuang Yuan [Su Shi] 26. the twentieth day of the first month and Pan Guo two students out of the countryside in search of spring, suddenly remembered that last year is the day of the Queen City with the poem, [Su Shi] 27. eight voices of Ganzhou (send Sen Liaozi) [Su Shi]
28. Bu Suanzi (the lack of moon hangs sparse Tong) [Su Shi] 29. butterfly in love with the flower (flowers faded red apricot small) [Su Shi] 30. Butterfly Lovers' Flower (Remembering the First Encounter on the Painted Screen) [Su Shi]
31.Butterfly Lovers' Flower (The First Year in Mizhou) [Su Shi] 32.Tingfengbo (Envying the Earth's Jade Lang) [Su Shi] 33.Tingfengbo (Listening to the Sound of Leaves Beating Through the Woods) [Su Shi]
34.Dongxiange (The Song of the Cave Immortals) [Su Shi] 35.Dongxiange (The Waxing End of the Jiangnan River) [Su Shi] 36.Hexinlang (The Milk Swallow Flying to the House of Hua) [Su Shi]
36. Su Shi]
37.浣溪沙(覆块青青麦未苏) [Su Shi] 38.浣溪沙(画隼横江喜再游) [Su Shi] 39.浣溪沙(山色横侵浸晕霞) [Su Shi]
40.浣溪沙(山下兰芽短浸溪) [Su Shi] 41.浣溪沙(送梅庭老去上党学官) [Su Shi] 42.浣溪沙(细雨斜风作小寒) [Su Shi] 42. Su Shi]
43. Ruanxi Sha (Allegory) [Su Shi] 44. Ruanxi Sha (Shining Sun Deep Red Warm See Fish) [Su Shi] 45. Minus Characters Magnolia Flower (Spring Moon) [Su Shi]
46. 49. Jiangchengzi (old man chat hair teenage madness) [Su Shi] 50. Jiangchengzi (the end of the world and the thought of endless exile) [Su Shi] 51. Jiangchengzi (yimao the twentieth day of the first month of the night to remember the dream) [Su Shi]
52. Linjiang Xian (night drink dongpo woke up drunk again) [Su Shi] 53. Manjianghong (jianghanxi lai) [Su Shi] 54. Manjianghong (qingyi ying donglv) [Su Shi]
55. The first time I saw the woman, I was in the middle of the night [Su Shi]
58.Nanxiangzi (cold birds full of sparse hedges) [Su Shi] 59. 62. Nian Nujiao (Red Cliff and Ancient Times) [Su Shi] 63. Qin Yuanchun (Lonely Pavilion and Green Lamps) [Su Shi]
64. Green Jade Case (Three Years' Pillow on the Wuzhong Road) [Su Shi] 65. Ruan Langgui (Early Summer) [Su Shi] 66. Juvenile Journey (Last Year's Send-off) [Su Shi]
67. Whistle All Over (Bending Over for Rice) [Su Shi] 68. Song of Water (The Embroidered Curtains of the Setting Sun Rolling Up) [Su Shi] 69. The Song of Water and Songs (When is the Moon?) [Su Shi]
70. The Song of Water and Songs (Intimate Children's Words) [Su Shi] 71. The Song of Water and Dragon (Second Rhyme for Zhang Qifu's Yang Flower Lyrics) [Su Shi] 72. The Song of Water and Dragon (The Boat Across the Spring River) [Su Shi]
73. [The Moon on the Western River [Su Shi]
76.Xingxiangzi (Hand in Hand with Jiangcun) [Su Shi] 77. Xingxiangzi (The Lightness of a Leafy Boat) [Su Shi] 78. Yangguan Qu (Mid-Autumn Festival) [Su Shi]
79.Yongxuele (Long Memory of Goodbye) [Su Shi] 80. Su Shi] 83. Zhaogun grudges (who made Huan Yi three弄) [Su Shi] 84. Partridge Sky (forest breaks the mountain bright bamboo hidden wall) [Su Shi]
85. Drunkenness fall down (light clouds and moon) [Su Shi] 86. Red Cliff Fu [Su Shi] 87. Stone Bell Mountain Records [Su Shi]
88. Su Shi]