Original text
Hedong Xue Cunyi will be traveling, Liu Zi carries meat on the chopping board, Chong wine in the goblet, and chased and sent to the river bank, food and drink. And said: "All officials in the soil, if you know their duties? Covering the service of the people, not to serve the people only. Where the people's food in the soil, out of its tithe to the mandarins, so that the Division leveled at me. Now I receive their value of those who neglect their work, the world is the same. Not only do I neglect it, but I also steal from it. To make a servant in the home, receive if the value, if the matter is negligent, and steal if the goods and equipment, then will be very angry and deposed and punished. In order to today's more like this, and the people do not dare to wreak their anger and deportation of punishment, why? Different potential. Potential different and the same reason, such as our people? There are those who have reached the reason, can not be afraid and fear?"
Cunyi fake order Zuiling two years ago, early work and night thinking, hard work and labor, litigation, the flat, the endowment of the average, the old and weak, the old and the weak are not pregnant with fraudulent hatred, it is not false to take the straight is also carry on, it knows the fear of fear is also trial is also carry on. I am cheap and humiliated, not to be with Kaojie Yuming said, in its past, so rewarded with wine and meat and heavy with rhetoric.
Xue Cunyi, a native of Hedong, is about to depart (referring to his departure from Zuoling), and I am going to put the meat on the chopping board (carrier: to bear, here means to put on.). I am going to put the meat on the chopping board (载:承,这里指盛放。俎:古古代祭祀或设宴时用来陈置祭品或食物的一种木制礼器),把酒斟满酒杯(chong:充实,充满,这里指注满,斟满的意思),追赶进而送到江边(hu:水边),请他喝,请他吃(即为他 farewell farewell行),并且告诉说:"Anyone who has served as an official at a local government office, do you know the duties of the local government officials? The servants of the people (gai: adverb of speech, euphemistic and speculative tone) are not here to enslave the people (just: used at the end of a sentence, equivalent to the end-of-sentence morpheme "耳" (ear), a limiting tone, affirming that the facts are limited to this). Anyone who lives off the land (食于土: those who live off the land), put aside one-tenth of the income from their fields to hire officials (乎: a preposition equivalent to '于', to introduce the object involved in the action behavior), so that the officials will be responsible for doing a fair job for us (司平: responsible for doing a fair job.). I: we, here in the tone of 'the people'). Now I, as an official, accept the salary of the people but do not seriously do things for them (Zhi: 通 'value', honorarium, here referring to salary. Idle: slackness, negligence, not serious, not try their best), everywhere under the sky that is. Where is it just not serious (岂惟:岂止,哪里只是)? And also corruption, extortion and other practices (theft: stealing, here refers to corruption and extortion and other practices). If a man hired to work in your house (向使:假使), who accepts your payment, does not work for you seriously, but also steals your property (货器:钱财物品), then (you) will certainly be very annoyed and proceed to drive him away and punish him (deputy:降职或罢职). Here it means to depose a servant from his master, which means to expel and not to use him). Now most of the officials are like this (以今:于今,而今,现在), but the people do not dare to wantonly give vent to their anger and expel and punish (肆:无所顾顾地,大胆地发泄或表示出来),为什么呢? The situation is different (勢:情势,which refers to the difference between the status of the people and the government and the status of the master and the servant). The status situation is different but the reason is the same, what should we do to our people? There are people who understand the reason, can not be afraid and fear (can not: can not)?"
Xue Cunyi has been acting as the magistrate of Zuoling County for two years (假:暂). Every day, he gets up very early in the morning to work, and at night he is still thinking about the problem, working hard and exhausting his efforts, and those who have filed lawsuits have been dealt with fairly (litigation: litigation. Ping: handled fairly and reasonably), those who pay taxes are balanced and reasonable (均:指按合理比例承担赋税), the old and the young are not harboring any internal frauds or exposing abominations (怀:怀有), and the old and the young are not harboring frauds or exposing abominations (暴:暴露,表现出). (暴:暴露,表现出来),他的行为确实没有白取俸禄了(也:句中语气词,表停顿),他的行为确实没有白取俸禄了(也:句中语气词,表停顿. Of: indeed, true), and he knows that trepidation and awe are also understood (审:明白无误,清楚). I am lowly and disgraced (referring to being relegated to exile), and I cannot take part in any deliberation in the deliberations of the officials (幽: dim, referring to a dim and bad official. 明:指贤明的官吏), at the time of his departure (往:指离任前往别处任职), therefore, the gift of wine and meat is coupled with these gifts (赏:赐,赠给). 重之:指在'赏以酒肉'之外再加上[赠言]。 Rhetoric: speech, here refers to this preface to the gift).
In the long run, the generalists gradually came out (5), running through the group of scriptures, left and right to prove that they had chosen their longest say. And its myriad, mixed with prophecy and weft (6), the chaos of the weird and obscene, the world and ridicule.
Between the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the talk of emptiness is emerging to clear words for high (7), to chapter and verse for the dust, absurdity and decadence, so far the death of the world. However, the world still or love its rhetoric (8), can not bear to abolish.
Since then, the north and south of the good points (9), academic different Shang (10), more than five hundred years. Tang a world, both North and South of the long, is defined as a righteousness (11), express coherence, and taken or or not, there is no compromise (12).
Song of the time, true Confucianism is the purpose of the saints, the group of scriptures have been slightly defined (13). The first is that the first two are the same, and the second is that the second is the same.
When the Ming anonymous gentleman chaotic government repeatedly (15), the scholar to maintain discipline, Ming keep the section of righteousness, so that the Ming long after the death of its Song Confucianism effect! And the world of the far (16), for a long time will change. Therefore, Xia Shangzhong, Shang Shang quality, Zhou Shangwen (17).
The change of the scholars, there are large Confucian manipulation of its own and Qi its ills (18), then the Shang is also virtuous in its own way, or not its own way, since the Han have been true. The end of the Ming Dynasty to today, scholars are quite tired of the work contained in the order for the habit of hearing, but also evil Confucian not archaeological and hidden in the near, and then specializing in the search for the ancients of the name of the system of exegetical books and numbers (19), in order to Bo for the amount of time, in order to peek into the gap to attack the difficult for the work (20).
Its even, want to give up Cheng Zhu, and the Zong Han's Shi, branch of the hunt and go to its roots (21), the fine collection and the loss of its giant, the non-masking and (22)? Jiading Qian Jun Xian Zhi, strong knowledge and fine thinking, for the present Shi's leader, I tasted to tell the rest of the intention, and not I reprimanded also. Although, is still living in the capital between the confusion (23).
Qian Jun will return to Jiangnan and suitable Ling table (24), line thousands of miles, next to no friends, alone see the mountains and rivers and trees, heard the birds and beasts of the different songs, look around the world, few and far between, in order to think of the ancient saints to teach the world to teach the first of its great intention, its in the Yu, will be more in line with the argument, it is also true. After the death of Confucius, the Great Way declined.
The Han Dynasty Confucian students in the Qin Shi Huang destruction of academia, began to set up a dedicated division, each holding a scripture, teachers and students from generation to generation to teach, between peers anger hate jealousy, refused to communicate with each other to understand each other's academics, for the saints of the reasoning, like each other, building a wall, closed the gateway Lane as well. As time went by, the Confucian scholars who were well versed in the subject gradually appeared, running through all kinds of classics, comparing and proving each other, and selecting those who had the best sayings.
Later, it was weakened, and then the prophecies were intermingled with them, and the world ridiculed these kinds of doctrines by stirring up the academics with strange, vulgar and trivial things. About the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the trend of empty talk is very popular, scholars are good at talking about the elegant, the chapter and verse of the study of the dust and dirt, one by one, indulgence in grotesque, withered and decadent, until the world's demise.
However, there are still people in the world who like the words of those who talk, and can not bear to abandon. From then on, the North and South Dynasties were divided and confronted each other, and the academic ideas were different, which lasted for more than five hundred years.
The Tang Dynasty unified the world, both North and South of the strengths of the two schools of thought, to determine to make the interpretation of the doctrine of the sutra, understand the notice of the world unity and implementation, but the views taken by some are correct and some incorrect, there is no compromise between right and wrong, to obtain a recognized statement. To the Song Dynasty, the true Confucian to understand the saint's will, a variety of scriptures only roughly have a definite interpretation.
The Yuan and Ming dynasties abided by the views of the Song Confucians, and formulated decrees to seek merit. When the Ming dynasty repeatedly appeared in the dim king corrupted politics, but the scholar can maintain the national discipline and legal system, clearly abide by the moral integrity, so that the Ming dynasty to maintain a long time before the demise of the Ming dynasty, this is probably the effect of the mechanics of the Song Ru exposition it! This is probably the effect of the Song dynasty's discussion of mechanics.
That is why the Xia dynasty revered loyalty and righteousness, the Shang dynasty revered simplicity, and the Zhou dynasty revered culture. When the scholars change, if there are great Confucian grasp of the fundamentals, rectify the shortcomings, then the push will be better than the original, otherwise it will not catch up with the original, from the Han Dynasty onwards are like this.
From the end of the Ming Dynasty to the present, the scholars hate the work of the order contained in the record are some of the clichéd things, there is disgusted with those shallow Confucian students do not seek the ancient things and was blinded by modern things, and then concentrated on the ancient system of the name and objects, words and sentences of interpretation, six arts knowledge, in order to Boqia to measure the learning to each other to pick each other, each other, and refute the efforts of the goal. And seriously, even want to abandon all Cheng-Zhu science, and the Han Confucianism as the authentic, hunting for branches and abandon the fundamental, searching for the subtle and omit the major, this is not too confused? Jia Ding Qian Xianzhi Jun, a strong memory, but also good at thinking, is today's readers in the leader, I once told him my ideas, he did not reject my views.
In spite of this, he is still living in the capital such a mix of schools of thought. Qian Jun is going to return to Jiangnan and go to Lingnan, traveling thousands of miles, no friends around, can only see the mountains and rivers and tall trees, hear the strange chirping of birds and beasts, look around within the sky and the earth, the outline of the vastness, in this case bowed down and pondered the ancient sages left to the descendants of the admonition and teach the world to be the first important thing in the first place intention.
Then and my point of view, will become more consistent it! Ref:百度文库/link?url=KzFoRIvlHDr9ptU8EsZ4x05Ku1oHA0d05kXzbM9jRPH2bCvV93CA6j23UEg-mYSv5pyEeg4ZOrehlfNn5LHpfADGapIHAVbyoRaQkgwYuoG Notes (1) Qian Xianzhi: Qian Goblet, Qing Dynasty scholar and calligrapher, Jiangsu Jiading (now Shanghai Jiading County) people; official Qianzhou concurrently acted Wugong County, intensive study of philology and geography, the author of "Shuowen Jiezi collateral interpretation", "ten scriptures text through the correct book", "the history of the Supplementary Note", "the new collateral note geography," and so on. (2) micro: decline.
(3) extinction of learning: refers to the Qin Shi Huang burning books and burying scholars. (4) Peer: peer, here refers to the same generation of families.
(5) Tongru: a Confucian scholar who is knowledgeable about the past and present. (6) Prophecy: the theological superstitions popular in the Han Dynasty.
"Prophecy" refers to prophecy, which is a kind of cryptic language or prophecy made by sorcerers or priests, as a symbol or sign of good and bad luck. The term "wei" refers to the writings compiled by the Confucian students who were square-knightized and attached the Confucian classics with theological superstitions.
(7) clear words: also known as the clear talk or metaphysical words. During the Wei and Jin dynasties, they advocated nothingness and talked about names and principles.
This social trend began in Wei, when He Yan, Xiahou Xuan, Wang Bi and so on.
3. Seek examples of ancient literary texts that have a preface, such as Su Shi "Song of Water" preface of
"Raccoon Creek Sand" tour of the Herb Water Qingquan Temple, the temple is near the Lanxi River, the stream westward flow of the "Cicadas in Prison and Preface" Yu forbidden to prohibit the wall of the west, it is the law hall thing, there are a number of ancient acacia where, although the business can be known, with the Yin Zhongwen of the ancient trees, and listening to the lawsuits in the, that is, the week of the week of Zaobo of the Gantang. Whenever the sunset low shade, autumn cicadas sparsely lead, hair sound and quiet breath, there is a cut to hear. Is the heart of the people different from the former times, and will the insects sound sad in the former hearing. Contempt! Sound to move the face, virtue to image the virtuous. Therefore, the body is clean and endowed with the high behavior of a gentleman and a man of virtue; the skin is shed, and the spirit of Xanadu is transformed into a spiritual posture. Waiting for the time to come, along with the number of yin and yang; seasonal changes, to examine the hidden use of the opportunity. The eye is open, not because the road is dim and not obscure its vision; the wing is thin, not because the vulgar thick and easy to its true. To sing the breeze of the tree, one is gifted with the grace of heaven; to drink the dew of autumn, one is fearful of being known by others. I have lost my way, and I have been in danger of losing my way. I do not grieve, but complain; I decline before I fall. When I hear the sound of short-lived cicada, I realize the sound of vindication; when I see the shadow of the praying mantis, I am afraid of the unsettledness of the crisis. I have composed a poem for my friends. The feelings of the people are along the line of the objects, and the weak feathers are drifting away; the way is sent to the people, and they pity the loneliness of the remaining voices. It is not about writing and ink, but about replacing a sorrowful cloud. (All is the preface) "Swallow Song Xing" In the 26th year of the reign of Emperor Kaiyuan, a guest from the Yuan Rong out of the plug and return, made "Swallow Song Xing" to show the appropriate. The Sense of Zhengxu (the middle is a little ah, will not spell, huh,) and thus and yan "Pipa Xing" Yuan and ten years, I left to move to Jiujiang County Secretary of the Department of Justice. In the fall of next year, I sent a guest to the mouth of the Penpu River, and heard the boat playing the pipa at night, and listened to its sound, clanging with the sound of Kyoto. When I asked her about her, she was a woman from Chang'an. I learned pipa from Mu, Cao two good talent, old age and color decline, committed to the Jia people's women. He ordered her to play a few songs. After the song was over, she recounted the happy events of her youth, but now she is sinking and emaciated, migrating between the rivers and the lakes. I have been out of the government for two years, and I feel comfortable with my life, and I started to feel the intention of moving to another place on the eve of my departure. Because of the long lines, I sang a song as a gift, with 612 lines, and called it Pipa Xing. Guan Gongsun Daniang's disciples dancing with swords and instruments on the 19th day of the 10th month of the second year of the Dali calendar, Kui Fu Biejie Yuan Zhi House saw Linying Li twelve women dancing with swords and instruments, which strengthened their azure crawls. When asked about his teacher, he said, "I am a disciple of Gongsun Daniang." Kaiyuan five years, I was still a child, remembered the place to watch Gongsun's dance swordsmen Hunter, Liu Li staccato, the only head of the Yichun, Liyuan two Kabuki Square inside the Scott Scott outside the offerings, know that the dancers, Shengwen Shenwu Emperor early, Gongsun only one person. Jade appearance, not to mention the white head; now this disciple, but also the face. I can tell the origin of the dance, and I know that there are no two waves. I am so generous with my thoughts that I am going to write a book called "Sword and Weapon". In the past, Zhang Xu, a native of Wu, was good at cursive writing, and he often saw Gongsun Danniang dancing with a sword in Yecheng County. Since then, his cursive writing has grown, and he is grateful for his boldness, which is what Gongsun can carry on. The Drunken Song on the Lake of Stone Fish A man who brewed wine with rice from his public field, and who, in his spare time, carried the wine on the lake and took it to get drunk. In his drunkenness, he was on the shore of the lake, and he drew his arm towards the fish to get wine, and then he made a boat to carry the wine, and he drank it in favor of the people who were sitting on the boat. It is suspected that he was leaning on Bachiu on top of Junshan Mountain, and the sons were sitting around Dongting, and the wine boat was floating in and out of the lake, touching the waves. I wrote a song about it. I can only find so much, enough?
4. What is the difference between a preface and a book prefacePreface (through the narrative), is an article or a work of introduction, comment on the text. From the essence of the preface to understand the meaning of the introduction, comment on the value of the two aspects of each of them, in fact, there is a purely introductory, purely comment on the preface, there is also a folder introduction folder comment on the preface. If you look at the books of the past, present and future, you will find that there are books in both order and disorder. The famous poet Li Ying published more than 40 collections, almost all of which have no preface. In some books (especially ancient books), it is common to find several prefaces placed at the beginning of the volume. It can be seen that the preface of a book or not can be seen as a matter of opinion, I personally think that the book or a preface is wonderful, I have always regarded the preface of each book as a "channel", "bridge" and "medicine guide ". A book with a preface can be a preface, which is inclined to explain their own purpose and process of writing the book, but also write some other things that you want the reader to know. Most books have a preface by someone else. Whether it is a preface or a preface by others, the preface usually precedes the main text of the book and is followed by a preface. However, there are exceptions, such as the Preface of the Grand Historian, which is placed at the end of the book, making it a special case. We often read in the ancient text of another preface, such as Liu Zongyuan "send Xue Cunyi preface", Han Yu "send Meng Dongye preface", Li Bai "Spring Night Banquet Peach and Lee Garden preface" and so on, belong to the name of the "preface body" article, mostly for the beauty of the text, and the book preface is different.
5. 人教版初二文言文求与下列文章相似的文言文(最好有两篇)《与朱Too many. With the "book with Zhu Yuan Si" is a landscape prose, similar to the "water Jingji - mountain gorges", "water Jingji - river" ...... This is the 1 column, the following in order of 2, 3 ......2, planting trees Guo Goujouzhuan 3, this is Han Yu's "Miscellaneous Sayings" four, the other three are A "dragon said" two "medical said" three "Cui Shanjun biography" of course, there are many ......4, this is a gift preface, similar to many, such as Han Gui "send Shi Shi preface" and "send Dong Shao south tour of Hebei preface" and so on. 5, this is Liu Hedong, "eight records of Yongzhou," its four, and there are also "Beginning of the West Mountain Banquet" "Cobalt Museum of History" "cobalt steep pool" "cobalt steep pool of the west hill Yuanjia thirst record" "stone canal record" "stone stream record" "small stone city mountain record" 6, "Tengwangge Preface" and this is very symmetrical 7, this is the same as the 5 8, Zhou Mi's "tide" tired of me also.