2. Russians are cheerful, bold, and have a strong sense of community. They meet with people, most of the handshake salute, embrace salute is also a kind of salute they often give. They also have the habit of kissing, but for different people, on different occasions, the kissing ceremony also has some difference: generally between friends, or elders to elders, to kiss the cheeks of more, but elders to elders to kiss the forehead for the more gracious and loving; men in particular respect for married women, generally more kissing ceremony, to show humility and respect. Kissing lips is generally only popular among couples or lovers.
3. and the Russians to speak frankly, not behind the back of other people, not to say that they are petty; women should be very respectful, avoid asking the age and the price of clothing and so on.
4. In the hospitality, often with "you" word to show respect and politeness; and friends and relatives often with "you" word, that this appears casual, but also expressed to friends and relatives of the warmth and friendship. When going out, pay close attention to the appearance of instrumentation, clothing buttons to be buttoned up complete, always used to be well-dressed. When men go out to activities, be sure to shave clean; to appointments to be on time; in social occasions, everywhere to show respect for women.
5. Salt is very much worshiped and regarded as a treasure and sacrificial offerings. Salt is believed to have the power to drive away evil spirits and disasters. If someone accidentally knocks over a salt shaker or spills salt on the ground, it is considered an omen of family discord. In order to get rid of the bad omen, they always used to pick up the spilled salt and sprinkle it on their heads.
6. It is a sign of the greatest solicitude that the host gives bread and salt to his guests. The dinner is generally more simple, and more attention is paid to the breakfast and lunch. Meal times are used to drag on for a long time. Happy to taste different flavors of dishes, dishes like cooked and crispy. They like Chinese food very much.
7. Russians do not eat sea cucumbers, jellyfish, cuttlefish, fungus. Favorite "7", that "7" omen will be successful, "7" can also bring people beauty and happiness. They generally love the color red. People regard red as a symbol of beauty and good luck. When you are invited to a Russian home, you can bring flowers or spirits with you, and it is popular to give art or books as gifts. The hostess welcomes the singular flowers brought to her by a visiting guest; the hostess prefers large, colorful flowers with tall stems. Nothing should ever be thrown out on the street, not even an expired movie ticket. Such behavior detracts from Russian tidiness and is against the rules.
8. Russians are averse to the color black, which is considered to be the representative color of mourning. As a result, they have a greater aversion to black cats and regard them as a symbol of misfortune when they run away from them. And that the rabbit is a timid animal, if it runs away from their eyes, it is an ominous sign.
9. Russians attach importance to culture and education, like art and art appreciation. So talking to them about art is a popular topic. There are more things you can do to understand more aspects of this, I went to Russia when traveling is the bulk of the group to go, quite interesting, you can go Look, a lot of information about Russia, for Russia outbound entry.