What is the postal code of Kaoyuan Village?

Kaoyuan Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Chaohai Street, Jimo District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province. The urban-rural classification code is 1 1 1, which is the main urban area. The zoning code is 3702 15002204, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 3702 15. The postal code is 266000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0532, and the license plate number is Lu B. Kaoyuan Village and Jinhua Community, Yin Hua Community, Dahua Community, Zhongshan Community, Shengli Community, Hexiang Community, Heshun Community, Mingduyuan Community, Taishan Road Community, Laoshan Road Community, Hexing Community, Marten Community, Gucheng Community, Dongguan Village, Xinsheng Village, Xinjian Village, Hou 'an Village, etc.

There are tourist attractions near Kaoyuan Village, such as Jimo Jinshan Ski Resort, Jimo Heshan, Qingdao Huashan International Country Club, Qingdao Vegetable Science and Technology Demonstration Park, Rose Town, etc., and there are specialties such as Baimiao Taro, Jinkou Yuya Celery, Jimo Yuan, Jimo Old Wine and Underwater Village Celery.