Latin dance music is generally more cheerful and exciting, and Rumba should pay attention to the transfer of the center of gravity, the following for you to organize the Rumba men and women's basic dance step decomposition action, come together to learn to learn it!
1. Rectangular Step
Men's Step
Left foot to the left side of the cross, knee bend, the center of gravity in the right foot - fast
Change the center of gravity to the left foot, right foot against the left foot, right knee bend - - fast
Change the center of gravity to the left foot, right foot against the left foot, right knee bend - -fast
Change center of gravity to right foot, left foot forward, knee bent - slow
Change center of gravity to left foot, right foot straddles to right, knee bent - fast
Change center of gravity to the right foot, left foot against the right foot, left knee bends - fast
Change center of gravity to the left foot, put right foot back, knee bends - slow
Girls' dance steps
Right foot crosses to the right side, knee bends, center of gravity left foot - fast
Shift weight to right foot, left foot against right foot, left knee bent - fast
Shift weight to left foot, right foot placed back, knee bent - slow
Shift weight to left foot, right foot placed back, knee bent - slow -slow
Shift weight to right foot, step left foot to left side, bend knee - fast
Shift weight to left foot, place right foot against left foot, bend right knee - fast
Shift center of gravity to the right foot, left foot forward - slow
2. Left turn
Men's Steps
Center of gravity is on the right foot, left foot is placed to the left side, knee bends - Fast
Change center of gravity to the left foot, right foot against the left foot, right knee bent - fast
Change center of gravity to the right foot while turning to the left, left foot forward, knee bent - slow
Continue to turn, change center of gravity to the left foot, right foot forward, knee bent - slow
Continue to turn, change center of gravity to the left foot, right foot forward, knee bent - fast
Continue to turn, change center of gravity Change center of gravity to left foot, put right foot to right side, bend knee - fast
Change center of gravity to left foot, turn to left at same time, reach right foot back, bend knee - slow
Women's Dance Steps
Right foot crosses to the right side, bends knee, center of gravity on left foot. Bend knee, weight on left foot - fast
Change weight to right foot, left foot leaning on right foot, bend left knee - fast
Change weight to left foot, turn to left at same time, reach right foot back, bend knee -Slow
Continue to turn, shift weight to right foot, cross left foot to left, bend knee - Fast
Shift weight to left foot, right foot against left foot, bend right knee - -Change your center of gravity to your right foot, turn to the left, step forward with your left foot, bend your knee - slow
3. Turn right down
Men's Steps
Follow the rhythm of fast, fast and slow. After the rumba's rectangular step, raise your partner's right arm in the air and step back slowly so that your partner can turn downward
Continue with the rumba's other rectangular step, pushing the left side of your partner's body with your right hand so that she turns under her right arm, and resuming your partner's right position as the boys step back slowly.
Girls' Steps
Following the rhythm of Fast, Fast, Slow, walk through the Rumba's . Rectangular step, raise right arm and prepare to turn down as you stride forward in a slow step
As you turn under the right arm, you circle to the right. Begin with the right foot, follow the fast, fast, slow rhythm, walk forward three steps, turn in front of your male partner, continue in a semi-rectangular step and stand in a paired position
4. Cuban Walk
Men's Steps
Standing in a paired position, feet close together, body weight on the right foot circling to the left, begin with your left foot, follow the fast, fast, slow rhythm. Starting with the left foot, follow the fast, fast, slow rhythm (Cuban Steps) towards the line of the dance, using the Basic Steps, backward six steps
Steps for Girls
Standing in a joint position, with feet close together, body weight on the left foot going around to the right, starting with the right foot, follow the fast, fast, slow rhythm (Cuban Steps) towards the line of the dance, using the Basic Steps, forward six steps
5. Open and open step
Men's Steps
Left foot to left hip - fast
Right foot to left foot - fast
Push partner away, step forward with left foot and stand to the right, now standing in the same direction. Now standing in the same direction, use the rumba handshake, extend the left arm and bend the right elbow - slow
Now, as you gradually pull your partner towards you, follow the circle and step back to the right (don't tilt your shoulders). Follow the fast, fast, slow rhythm (Cuban walk) for a few steps back until you have your partner in the right position
Steps for girls
Right foot to the right hip - fast
Left foot against the right foot - fast
Right foot steps back, away from male partner, away to the left, now standing in same direction position, right hand in male partner's left hand, bending left arm - slow
Men walk in a circle to the right as they pull their female partner toward them (shoulders not crooked). Starting with the left foot, follow the rhythm of fast, fast, slow (Cuban walk) and take a few steps forward until you are standing in a paired position.
6. Cuban Step Off
The Cuban Step Off is a transitional step that is used to change direction, **** there are two fast steps and one slow step. When changing from a forward direction to a backward direction, the male step is two steps forward, one step back, and one step forward, starting with the right foot.
7. Forward and backward off-step
Men's step
Step forward with the left foot, bending at the knee - fast
Shift weight to the left foot, bending at the right - -fast
Shift weight to right foot, left foot against right foot, left knee bends - fast
Shift weight to left foot, right foot steps back, knee bends - fast
Shift weight to right foot, left knee bends - fast
Shift weight to left foot, right foot against left foot, right knee bends - slow
Women's Dance Steps
Right foot backward, knee bends - -fast
Shift weight to right foot, left knee bends - fast
Shift weight to left foot, right foot against left foot, right knee bends - slow
Shift weight to right foot, left foot step forward, knee bend - fast
Shift weight to left foot, right knee bend - fast
Shift weight to right foot, left foot against right foot, left knee bend - -Slow