A, funeral briefly. During the epidemic, funeral activities simple to do, quick to do, there are funeral matters, the owner of the first time to the village to report, and strictly control the scale of mourning, simplify the mourning rituals, shorten the time of mourning, shall not be for condolences, funeral arrangements for dinners and other gatherings of folk activities, do not invite friends and relatives to participate in the field. Participating funeral personnel should strictly in accordance with the relevant provisions of the epidemic prevention and control verification of health code, trip code, measure body temperature, wear masks.
Two, happy events slow. During the epidemic, the wedding, full moon and other happy events to slow down, advocating "humane" for the "epidemic" to make way for "affection" for "epidemic "Service. Townships, villages, communities to strengthen the jurisdiction of the wedding, birthday, housewarming and other happy events information. Do need to handle, we must strictly implement the reporting system, simplify, narrow the scope, do not run a seat, do not gather, promote the use of WeChat congratulations between friends and relatives, the network to send blessings and other new ways to celebrate.
Three, the banquet does not do. During the epidemic, the county related catering service units and individuals suspend the organization of various forms of group meal activities. At the same time, the county-wide suspension of exhibitions, temple fairs, fairs, folklore, cultural performances, square dancing and other mass gathering activities. Temporarily do not hold large-scale conferences, forums, training and other activities, do need to hold, to strictly control the number of participants, and the strict implementation of the prevention and control measures.