For our once dead earth, under the bright sky, has risen! -- Suffering, too, has become a memory, and in its warm breast, swirling anew, will be the blood of the combatant. Excerpts from Ai Qing's quotes. Here is what I have summarized for you, I hope it can help you.
Ai Qing Poetry Selection, Grade 9, Book 1, Famous Readings
I. Basic knowledge
1. Author's situation
Ai Qing (1910-1996), a modern poet. Formerly known as Jiang Haicheng (蒋海澄), a native of Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, he joined the League of Chinese Left-Wing Artists (中國左翼美术家聯盟) in 1932, and in 1933, he published for the first time a long poem entitled "Dayan River - My Nanny" under the pen name of Ai Qing, which was a sensation in the world of poetry for its sincerity of feeling and freshness of poetic style. Later on, he published the collections of poems "Dayan River" (1939), "Torch" (1941), "To the Sun" (1947), etc. The poems were written with eloquent strokes and strong feelings, and they expressed his feelings for the motherland and the people. After the founding of New China, he wrote a collection of poems called "Poems in Color" and "Extraterritorial Collection", and published "Selected Narrative Poems of Ai Qing", "Selected Lyric Poems of Ai Qing", as well as various editions of "Selected Poems of Ai Qing" and "The Complete Works of Ai Qing".
In the history of China's new poetry development, Ai Qing is after Guo Moruo, Wen Yiduo and others to promote a generation of poetic style and has had an important impact on the poet, also enjoys a reputation in the world. 1985, France awarded Ai Qing the highest order of literature and art.
2. The process of writing a book
After the crushing of the "____" in 1976, Ai Qing was rehabilitated, and once again rejuvenated his creativity, writing and publishing "Fossilized Fish" and other excellent works. 1979, the poet compiled his own Selected Poems of Ai Qing, which was handed over to People's Literature Publishing House for publication. This anthology of poems includes the poet's major works from the 1930s to the end of the 1970s, basically reflecting the poet's creative process and style characteristics.
3. Style
Ai Qing's poems from the style: before liberation, with deep, exciting, unrestrained strokes curse the darkness, eulogize the light; after liberation, and as always, glorify the people, salute the light, and think about life. His "return" song, the content is more extensive, the thought is more thick, the emotion is more deep, the technique is more diverse, the art is more mature. His poetry, with realism as the main body, drew on the nutrients of symbolism, with a simple and fresh style, deep and meaningful, clear and not direct, sometimes implicit and not obscure, practicing his "simple, simple, concentrated and clear" poetic aesthetics. Ai Qing is a representative poet of the new free verse.
Second, extend
1. Poet Story
In 1931, when the September 18 Incident broke out, Ai Qing was studying in France. Like many Chinese youths studying in France, he was discriminated against and insulted in Paris. One day, when Ai Qing went to a hotel to register for accommodation, the hotel staff asked him his name, and Ai Qing said his name was Jiang Haicheng, but the other party misheard him as "Chiang Kai-shek", and immediately yelled at him. In a fit of anger, Ai Qing typed an "x" under the cursive character "蒋", and also took the spoken homonym of "澄" to be "青". "and put "Ai Qing" in the lodging register. So Ai Qing became his pen name.
2. Classic quotes
①Why do I always have tears in my eyes? Because I love this land so much.
② The people don't like falsehoods, even how pretentious and grandiose they are, they won't move the hearts of the people. There is a scale in everyone's heart that measures language.
③ The pain and joy of the individual must be blended in the pain and joy of the age.
④ There is no eternal night on earth, no eternal winter in the world.
⑤ For, our once dead earth, under a bright sky, has risen! -- Suffering too has become a memory, and in its warm breast, swirling anew, will be the blood of the combatants.
⑥ A tree, a tree, stands alone and apart from each other, the wind and the air, telling their distance. But under the cover of soil, their roots lengthen, and in the unseen depths, they entwine their roots together.
III. Wonderful Appreciation
When the dawn wears white
Ai Qing
Purple-blue forest to forest
From green-gray hillside to green-gray hillside,
green grassland,
green grassland, grassland flowing
Fresh emulsion-like smoke! ......
Ah, how fresh the fields are when the dawn is dressed in white
The yellowish light,
Is trembling its last hour on the electric pole.
On the way from Paris to Marseilles, January 25, 1932
Points to note
This poem is about the view of a field at dawn and one's feelings. At the beginning of the poem, the author carefully chooses three color words "purple-blue", "green-gray" and "green" to draw a clear and harmonious picture for the readers. On the basis of the above static depiction, the whole picture is brought to life by the words "flowing on the grassland". The use of "emulsion" to describe the smoke, the smoke of the freshness, flow, etc. depicted, can be said to be a stroke of genius.
So, at the beginning of the second stanza, the poet can't help but exclaim, "Ah, when the dawn puts on its white coat, / how fresh the fields are!" The concluding line, "The yellowish light, / Is trembling its last hours on the pole," contains a profound philosophy: "Dawn" symbolizes the power of new life, and "light" symbolizes the power of decline.
The handcart
In the region where the Yellow River flows
At the bottom of countless dry rivers
The handcart
With its only wheel
emits a shrill sound that convulses the dark vault of the heavens
Through the cold and the silence
From the foot of this hill
To the foot of that one
It rattles on and on.
The sadness of the people of the North
On days of frozen snow and ice
Between poor hamlets
On individual wheels
Deep ruts in the grayish-yellow earth
Across the expanse and the desert
From this road
to That road
The sorrow of the people in the north
Early 1938
Points to note
In early 1938, the poet traveled from the gloomy Wuhan to the banks of the Yellow River, where the war was approaching day by day, and wrote nearly ten small, simple, and solemn poems, of which "The Handcart" is one. The poem is only a short twenty lines, outlining a real heartbreaking situation. There is not a single superfluous word in the whole poem, and every precise and heavy word contains the real sense of history and suffering, which is like the heavy wheel of the wheelbarrow rolling over the reader's heart.
I love this land
If I were a bird,
I should also sing with a hoarse throat:
This storm-battered land,
This river that is always raging with our grief,
The enraged winds that blow ceaselessly,
And the immensely gentle from the woods. Dawn ......
- and then I died,
and even my feathers rotted inside the earth.
Why do I always have tears in my eyes?
Because I am y in love with the land ......
This is a widely-recorded lyrical masterpiece, in which the poet transforms himself into a "bird" and "sings with a hoarse throat" to sing about our world. singing" about our disaster-ridden country. Then further describes the object of the bird's song - the land, the river, the wind, the dawn, they are all long suffered from the wind and rain blow, grief and anger, struggle against the image.
In the second stanza of the poem, the poet turned to a close-up close-up of "me", "often with tears in my eyes", such a static close-up, showing that the grief and pain of the emotion of constant lingering in the "me". "The last two lines are the essence of the poem. The last two lines are the essence of the poem, which is the confession of the most sincere feelings of all patriotic aspirants to the motherland in that bitter era.
Notice of the dawn
For my prayer
Arise, O poet
And tell them
That what they wait for is coming
That I have come on the dew
Already by the light of the last star
I come from the east
From the From the raging sea
I will bring light to the world
And warmth to mankind
By the mouths of your righteous men
Please bring my message
Inform mankind, whose eyes are burned with longing, and the faraway cities and villages steeped in misery
That they are invited to welcome me. --
Herald of the day, bringer of light
Open all the windows to welcome
Open all the doors to welcome
Please sound your sirens to welcome
Please blow your horns to welcome
Ask the scavengers to clean the streets
Let the carts remove the rubbish
Let the laborers walk the streets in broad strides
Let the cars flow through the squares in brilliant procession
Let the villages wake up from their damp mist
Open their hedges to welcome me
Let the village women open their roosts
Let the farmers bring out the oxen from the corrals
With the warmth of your mouth, let us welcome you. p> Inform them with your warm mouth
That I have come from over the mountain, from over the forest
Ask them to clean the sunny fields
And the patios that are always dirty
Open the windows that are covered with flowery paper
Open the doors that are decorated with spring scrolls
Wake up the attentive women
And the men who snore
And the women who are in the village who are in the forest
And the men who are in the village who are in the village who are in the forest. Snoring men
And young lovers too
And sleepy maidens
And sleepy mothers
And babies by her side
And everyone
Even the sick and the sick in labor
Even the old and the aged
And those who groan and moan in their beds
And those who fight for justice
And those who are in wars for the cause of justice
And those who are in wars for the cause of justice
And those who are in wars for the cause of justice
And those who are in wars for the cause of justice
Even the wounded in the wars of justice
And the refugees displaced by the fall of their homelands
Wake up all the unfortunate
And I will comfort them all
Wake up all those who love life
Workers, craftsmen, and painters
And let the singers sing to welcome them with the sound of the grass mingling with the dew
With the sound of the grass mingling with the dew
With the sound of the grass mingling with the dew.
Let the dancers dance to welcome
Put on their morning dresses of white mist
Let those who are healthy and beautiful wake up
And say that I am coming soon to knock on their windows
Let your faithful poets of time
Bring a message of comfort to mankind
Let them be ready to welcome, and all men be ready to welcome, and all men be ready to welcome. All prepare to welcome
I will come when the cock crows for the last time
Ask them to gaze at the heavens with reverent eyes
I will give the most gracious light to all who look for me
Tell them, while the night is almost over
That what they have waited for is coming
Points to note
This poem was written in early 1942. The poem was written in the beginning of 1942, when the poet went to Yan'an from Chongqing. He saw the dawn of the coming victory with his sensitive eyes, so he created the image of "dawn" and gave it a brand-new meaning. The whole poem unfolds in the tone of a dialog between "Dawn" and the poet, in which "I" is "Dawn", "you" is the poet, "they" is the poet, and "they" is the poet. is the poet, and "they" are the people who are thirsty for light.
Lost years
Unlike lost baggage
which can be retrieved from the lost and found,
Lost years
are not even known to have been lost -
some have disappeared sporadically
some have been lost for ten or twenty years
and some have been lost for a long time
and some have been lost for a long time
and some have been lost for a long time
Some are lost in the noisy city,
Some are lost in the distant wilderness,
Some are lost in the crowded station,
Some are lost under the cold and quiet oil lamp;
The lost ones are not like pieces of paper that can be picked up
But more like a bowl of water thrown on the ground
They are dried up in the sun and no shadow can be seen. It is dried up, and no shadow can be seen;
Time is a flowing liquid -
It can't be salvaged with a sieve or a net;
Time can't be made solid,
It would be better if it were fossilized,
It can be found in the rock even after tens of thousands of years;
Time is also like paper, which can be picked up. p>
Time is also like a gas,
like smoke from the head of a speeding train!
Lost years seem like a friend,
disconnected, endured some suffering,
suddenly got the news: that he
had left the earth long ago.
The poet was wrongly categorized as a rightist in 1957, and was forced to put aside his writing for more than twenty years before resuming it in 1976. In this poem, he recalls in sorrow the "lost twenty years of sorrowful years" of his exile. In the poem, he compares time to a lost object, to a piece of paper, to a gas, a liquid, a solid, and finally, more skillfully, to a friend who is no longer on earth when you think of him. Readers read this poem, on the one hand, touching the author's inner pain, on the other hand, it will also stir up the "hurry of the years, the past is no longer" sentiment, to wake up their own time to cherish, grasp the moment.
Tiger shell
Beautiful tiger spots
Burning on you
What rubbed you to such a light
What rubbed you to such a light
More delicate than the finest china
More hard than white gems
Oval like a goose egg, slippery
Can't find any pinpoint wounds
I can't find a single one.
Years at the bottom of the sea of despair
Rolling in the waves
Armored in jade
Protecting the most vulnerable of beings
Had it not been for the occasional wave that swept me up on the beach
I would never have thought I would have seen the sunshine so beautiful
December 17, 1979 At one o'clock in the morning
A lady gave Ai Qing a tiger-spotted shell, which triggered the poet's feelings. In the first eight lines of the poem, several metaphors are used to depict the appearance and texture of the tiger-spotted shell, making people feel the image of the shell as well as its texture. The latter lines are both about the fate of the tiger-spotted shell and writing about one's own fate.
"How many years at the bottom of the sea of despair / Rolling in ten thousand hectares of waves / All covered in jade armor / Protecting the most vulnerable life / / If not for the accidental waves that rolled me to the beach / I never thought I could see such beautiful sunshine." The poet's many years of painful experience, and the subsequent joy of being back in the sun, are all summarized in this. The clever use of metaphor is the most important feature of the poem.
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