How to swing your hips

Some people in the swing crotch, completely with the body to drive the crotch swing back and forth from side to side, this swing is wrong, this swing crotch even if there is a center of gravity of the movement, in common parlance, but also no Latin flavor of the swing crotch, of course, the swing crotch, but also to have the body to drive the cooperation, but this is not the main point. I will talk about the key points of swinging the hips. - Preparatory movements: legs apart and shoulder-width apart, legs straight but the knees do not lock, arms out to the sides, slightly retracted, head up chest and abdomen, lift the diaphragm (diaphragm how to lift? (How to lift the diaphragm? Just close the abdomen). - The key to swinging the crotch: the left leg straighten at the same time (when the left leg knee to lock), with the internal force of the left crotch pressure to the left rear, while the right leg slightly bent forward to follow the rhythm, then the right leg straighten with force, with the internal force of the right crotch pressure to the right rear (when the right leg knee to contraction of the dead), while the left leg knee slightly bent forward. Repeat this swing, coupled with the aforementioned, the center of gravity to follow the upper body with the traction, swing, after a period of practice, your hips swing must be impressive. - Speaking of which, do you see what the key point of swinging the hips is? It is the leg straight with internal force to the crotch pressure out, not the body to bring out, the body just to cooperate with this action. Also pay attention to the movement of the center of gravity ah, otherwise, there is no Latin dance unique flavor. -- The swing of the hips in the rumba is the swing of the pelvis and hips caused by the straightening and bending of the knees, not a deliberate swing of the hips, which is generated by the internal force that squeezes the hips to the side and back.