Knowing Dynamic Sheet Music is good to use What are the functions?

Explain what is Dynamic Sheet Music : It is a professional sheet music reading device specially designed for musicians, performers and other music people who need to carry a lot of sheet music and worry about it. You can convert traditional paper music into electronic music format and put it on the SD card of the music reader. Depending on the capacity of the SD card, one music reader can hold hundreds or thousands of pieces of music, completely solving the problem of carrying a large amount of paper music in the past.

With a user-friendly interface, you can organize your electronic sheet music according to your personal needs, such as by sheet music name, music genre, composer, or custom compilation, and you can quickly access your desired sheet music in a clear and organized way. You can even add notes or markups to your electronic scores to help you play music more accurately.

Knowledge Reading Dynamic Sheet Music Machine is very good to use can change the key, speed, cast the screen, dancing, singing, singing, song point song electric wind pipe teaching, and has a cursor to follow the automatic scrolling Our band of elderly people are using this more than 9,000 songs now more than 9,000 songs to see, song 50,000 hand-typed hope to adopt?

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Knowing the dynamics of music

Knowing the dynamics of music