Christmas Day is December 25th, and Christmas Eve is the night before Christmas, which is the night of December 24th. Mardi Gras is held in February and March.
Mardi Gras, usually a Christian festival of feasting and revelry before Lent, was originally extended from the Feast of the Lord until the day before Lent, and is now usually limited to a few days before Lent. It is prevalent in Europe and the United States.
Many countries have a traditional Mardi Gras festival, masquerade, colorful car parade, masks and banquets are several characteristics of Mardi Gras, which originated in non-Christian festivals, such as the Greek god of wine festival, the ancient Roman gods of agriculture and pastoral festival, as well as Celtic religious ceremonies, etc.. It is usually held in February and March.
Expanded Information
Brazilian Carnival is said to have originated in Europe in the 15th century, when the Pope ordered that the first three days of Lent be celebrated in front of the Papal Palace. The faithful sang, danced and danced, and the whole city of Rome was immersed in a sea of joy. From then on, Carnival was formalized and spread throughout Europe, and was later introduced to Brazil by the Portuguese. 1641, in Salvador, a parade of horses and floats was held, thus creating the first Brazilian celebration of Carnival.
In 1846, Brazil held its first carnival masquerade. In the second half of the 19th century, with the gradual abolition of the Brazilian slave trade and the final abolition of slavery, the majority of black people happily joined the Carnival parade, accompanied by traditional African musical instruments, dancing with a strong African style.
Brazil overthrew the imperial system in 1889 after the establishment of the **** and the country, the carnival from the form to the content of a new change, the samba gradually become the protagonist of the festival. In this way, over time, gradually formed today's unprecedented non-religious national carnival activities.