Which is the stronger cultural influence of the game, World of Warcraft or Pokemon Go?

You guys are just saying that more people have played it, more people know about it, and you guys know how to compare the numbers, does more people knowing about it make it more influential!" Crap, what else could it be. The first thing to determine is what is meant by cultural influence. My personal opinion is that a game product that says how big the market derived from it can represent cultural influence. You a game, just the game does well, can not count what cultural impact. Your game is good, out of the animation, out of the movie, do theme parks, patterns are printed on the car cups on the plane, your image story can penetrate into all aspects of society, this is called cultural influence. From my thoughts, the cultural impact of Warcraft and Pocket is not at all on the same level, Warcraft was crushed to death, without the power to turn around. I play Warcraft too, and I've been crazy about it, and I've never played Pokémon. I don't deny for a second that Warcraft is a very successful game, and everything about it used to fascinate me, but what's being discussed here isn't whether or not any one game is doing well or is a personal preference, but rather the impact a game has on the world, how much it penetrates into the social market outside of the gaming industry, and how big of an industry chain it creates. Baidu Pokémon and Warcraft will tell you that. Warcraft has a long way to go. ========我擦这问题都能吵起来我决定修改答案! The first time I looked at this question, I remembered when I graduated and just entered the game company, when a group of us game planning interns went out to play, the peer of a certain interns keep rambling about their own play of a certain domestic online game how fun, how rich the plot, how aesthetically pleasing the picture. I then silently bought a host game magazine at the bookstall and threw it at him, saying to him. "Take a look, this is the world." Doing the game for several years, I think the most important thing to do the game is not how good the idea is, the picture is how second, but just a sentence "seriously", every point is done seriously, every word is written seriously, the game is not bad.