The dozen or so skins in this update are cool new outfits for level 60 weapons. They are Ancient Bamboo Gun, Desert Flower, Black and White Appliances, Square Dance Sharpshooter, Star Meteor, Royal Fruitcake, Hellfire, Killing Horse Chicken, Toxic Sharpshooter, Kamikaze, Poly Tripod, and Love Boomerang. After the skinning, these weapons have a great change in appearance, more domineering and cool. In battle, after changing to the new weapon skins, the bullets will also appear in a new weapon form during the battle, so that your opponent will be impressed by you immediately!
Weapon Skin Change
When you get a cool weapon skin, you can't wait to skin your favorite weapon and have a great battle. The new one-click skinning system meets your requirements! In the weapon system page on the homepage, you can see the weapons you own, click to view the details of the weapon, and the new skins of your friends will be there. Click on "Skin" to use the skin you want!
I hope this answer helps you