An introduction to the characteristics, features, etc. of the Butterfly Dog, Fawn Dog, Pomeranian, Chihuahua, Foxhound, etc.~?

Butterfly Dog:

Native to France, the dog is named for its erect ears, which resemble a butterfly. The dog has a long history in mainland Europe, as early as the Renaissance, many famous paintings show the butterfly dog. Coat thick and long, like silk like shiny, gorgeous, not curly, color black and white, brown and white, etc., mainly white. The body type is divided into small and medium-sized two kinds. Body height is generally 20-28 centimeters, small weight below 2.5 kilograms, medium-sized 2.5-4.5 kilograms. The head is small and short, with a wide and deep forehead, and the upper jaw sometimes protrudes. The ears are rotatable, erect and butterfly-like, and the eyes are large and round. The limbs are erect and slender, the tail is long and ornamented, and the tail curls onto the back. The dog has an elegant gait, and is bold, flexible and adaptable.

Characteristics: She has a lively personality, good behavior and handsome, elegant demeanor, not overly sticky, is an excellent pet dog. The Butterfly Dog is covered in a silky, flexible coat and is light and easy to care for, making it an excellent urban family dog.

Use: Best used as a family dog or as an ornamental dog.

Origin: Spain

Standard size: Height Weight

Male 20-30cm 4-5kg

Female 20-28cm 3-4kg

Color: White with black, grayish-black, brown, reddish-brown, and yellowish markings, with white from the forehead to the nose and muzzle is preferred

Deer dog :

Because of its deer-like form, it is also known as the deer dog. Originally from Germany, in many modern paintings have its style, is now popular in Europe and the United States. Petite size, short, hard, glossy coat, black-brown and fawn color, which cheeks, lips, jaw, throat, the lower part of the forelimbs and hind limbs at the inner side of the fawn. The body height is 25-30 centimeters and the weight is 3-5 kilograms. The head cover is slightly garden, the muzzle is slender, the ears are large and erect, and the eyes are oval with black and bright color. The forelimbs are erect and the hind limbs are sturdy. The tail is high, erect and often broken. The dog is active and agile, and is now widely used as a plaything.

The Miniature Pinscher has the appearance of the English Toy Spaniel, but on closer inspection, the tail is shorter and the ears can be either erect or pendulous. The now-famous play dog was a favorite working and guard dog in Germany and Scandinavia in its early days. History The Miniature Pinscher is very similar to the English Toy Pinscher, and at first glance looks like a miniature Dobbin, but in fact both are German breeds. Although it has always been a favorite play dog for ladies, and even the Empress Marie-Anne-Donne, who was guillotined at the end of the French Revolution, still hugged the sad Miniature Pinscher before she died, it is still a great pity that the formation of this bloodline is still not certain. Unfortunately, it is still not clear how this bloodline was formed. During the First World War, the native German Miniature Pinscher population disappeared, but after the Armistice, a large number of dogs were imported to Germany from various countries and the number of Miniature Pinschers in the country reached a peak. Nature The Miniature Pinscher is intelligent, active and passionate about people, but has a strong sense of self-esteem, so avoid scolding it with an overly harsh tone. Although it is not a barker, it is still quite alert


Origin: Germany

Purpose: Watchdog

Characteristics: Tail curls upwards onto the back, fur takes three years to grow, colors are white, red, orange, gray and black; although small, it is an excellent watchdog, a loyal and gentle companion.

Breeding and care of Pomeranian

Pomeranian's food is very small, nowadays the market dry dog food to choose the right kind of age, generally nutrition has been enough, occasionally can give some fresh chicken breast, beef or vegetables, a small amount of vitamins and fresh milk, with clean drinking water, so that the breeding of a healthy and gorgeous Pomeranian.

Be sure not to give Pomeranian dogs of any age a chance to chew on chicken or duck bones

Pomeranian dogs are small in size and do not need much space to move around, so the balcony or living room of a normal home is more than enough space for their activities.

The Pomeranian does not have a body odor, so it only needs to be properly groomed on weekdays and bathed once a month or so. The Pomeranian has a low excretion rate. Pomeranians have a low fecal output and can be taken outdoors more often to avoid stage fright.

Considerations for choosing a pet

Is the size and range of movement suitable for a family

Does it have a body odor, does it shed hair, is it noisy, does it affect the quality of living

Is it easy to care for or keep

Is it easy to be patient and caring

Is there enough patience and love for pets

Does it bite? Is it poisonous?

Reasons to choose Pomeranian

Small and cute, suitable for children

No body odor, less hair loss, small space

No body odor after training, less hair loss, and does not take up much space, easy to raise, will be at will to bark

Safe and not dangerous

Healthy, not easy to get sick

Puppy price is reasonable, low cost of ownership


Before the 18th century, the Pomeranian's ancestor was a sheepdog, a medium-sized dog weighing more than 10 kilograms. The Pomeranian's pleasing appearance was improved by artificial breeding, resulting in today's petite modern Pomeranian.

Don't look at the Pomeranian's small head, but because it's a sheepdog, the Pomeranian has a lot of smarts and is ranked 23rd in the intelligence ranking of dogs, which is in the top 5 of small dogs, so it's quite easy for owners to teach and train. The Pomeranian's bark is so loud and clear that many large dogs can't compete.

But because of this characteristic, the Pomeranian is a very good watchdog, as long as there is a breeze, it will send out a shocking sound to alert the owner, but he can only be a watchdog, does not have the threat of aggression, after all, his size is really too small.

The purebred Pomeranian is a beautiful and fascinating breed of dog, and is a popular dog breed all over the world, but because of its delicate body, some Pomeranians have a small mix of foxhound blood to increase the ease of raising, the Pomeranian produces a small number of litters each time, mostly within three, and at the age of one and a half years old can be regarded as an adult dog, with the hair completely grown up to the age of two years old, and the life expectancy of nine to eleven years old.

In terms of coat color, the most common Pomeranian is between yellow or orange, and recently white Pomeranians have become popular in Taiwan, while black or brown Pomeranians are harder to find in Taiwan.


The Chihuahua is also known as the Chihuahua and Chihuahua Dog.

Origin: Mexico, State of Chihuahua.

Height: 12 to 20 centimeters, the smaller the more popular.

Weight: 0.5~2.7 kilograms.

History: The Chihuahua was developed around the 19th century from dogs bred by the Toltecs in Mexico. 1923 saw the establishment of the Chihuahua Dog Club, one of the 12 most popular breeds in the United States. The Chihuahua Dog Club of England was established in 1949.

Characteristics:The Chihuahua is the world's smallest dog, with a rounded head, large, thin, upright ears, and round, large eyes. Chihuahuas are available in both short-haired and long-haired types.

Character: The Chihuahua Dog has a tough will, intelligent and extremely loyal, agile, lively, very brave, able to defend itself in front of large dogs. It is quite afraid of the cold, should not be raised in the outdoor kennel, the winter out of the need to add outerwear to protect against the cold.

Coat color and texture: cream, red, brown, black with fawn. The short-haired breeds have soft fur. Long-haired breeds have decorative hair on the ears, limbs and tail, and the length of body hair does not drag the ground. Long-haired Chihuahua dogs are more afraid of the cold

Keeping points Chihuahua dogs are active, it should not be locked up in the apartment all day; its coat should be brushed with a soft brush, and then wiped with a velvet cloth to make it shiny; ears should be cleaned regularly; toes and claws must be trimmed regularly; the dog's skeleton is slender, do not let it jump from a high place, so as not to cause bone fracture. Chihuahua dog naughty and active, often have nothing to do, Ka form in the color of running around at home, so it should be allowed to stop. The dog is afraid of the cold, cold and prone to pneumonia and rheumatoid arthritis, winter should be put on a dog coat when you go out to protect yourself from the cold.

Purchase points should choose the head round like an apple, cheeks thin, forehead section obvious, muzzle small and pointed, thin lips, nose slightly pointed, ears large and erect, tail long and upward curved, soft and smooth coat, slightly wavy; strong body, lively character, emotional stability of the person.

Appearance Standard Head: Elegant and slightly rounded, elongated cranium, well defined cheeks, flat but not fat. The tip of the nose and mouth is slightly thin, and the face is not allowed to have too many wrinkles. Ears: the ears are wide, with the root of the ear at about 45 degrees to the head. Eyes: Large and round, with a large distance between the eyes, dark, ruby red, light-colored coat and light-colored eyes. Nose: Narrow nose, any color is acceptable. Body: The back must be flat, the shoulders sloping, the chest thick and rounded, but not barrel shaped. Coat: Any color is acceptable. Limbs: Straight front toes and muscular back straight. Feet: Small, slender and elastic, toes clearly separated but not far from each other. Tail: Medium in length, high at the root of the tail, held toward the back

History Chihuahua is a city in northern Mexico, from which the dog takes its name. The dog's origin is widely debated, the Spanish insisted that the Spanish invasion of Mexico when they brought this dog, but some experts say that the Spaniards and Chinese business from China to Spain, most experts believe that this dog is the Southwest of the United States and the Mexican Tolteca people bred Tchichichi dog descendants. The dog is said to have begun to be used in religious ceremonies, and the Mexican Aztecs used the Chihuahua to bury their dead masters, believing that the Chihuahua would fight the devil and keep their souls safe. Around 1850, farmers in northern Mexico began selling these small dogs to tourists in the U.S. In 1923, the Chihuahua Club was founded in the U.S., and the dog is one of the most popular breeds in the country.

Love Pets For Sale Chihuahua - female, 3 months, $3,500; Chihuahua - male, 3 months, $3,600; Chihuahua - 5 months, female, $4,000;


Also known as the Japanese Spitz, Japanese Spiked Puppy and others. "Spitz" in German originally means "pointy mouth" of the animal, so it is called pointy mouth dog;

And because the face looks like a fox, so the name is fox dog.

[Origin] The dog is native to Japan, but its true origins can be traced back to the Spitz, a cross between a sled dog and a Swiss terrier from the Arctic.

The "sharp-tongued dog" has long been favored by the Germanic peoples of Germany; other breeds of this type include the Pomeranian, the Alaskan sled dog, and the

Eskimo. Around the 13th year of the Taisho era in Japan, the white German Foxhound was crossed with the Japanese dog and improved to become this dog; in 1913

this dog had become an extremely popular breed in Japan and was officially recognized as an independent dog breed in 1952.


Height: male 30-40 cm; female 25-35 cm.

Weight: 6.4~10 kilograms. Head: Head fairly large, skull flat and wide, muzzle medium long, pointed but not too thin; nose small and pointed, end of nose black; lips black but not flabby; teeth stout and solid, clipped bite.

Ears: Ears are small, triangular, erect ears, covered by a short coat.

Eyes: Eyes are round, large and slightly triangular, black in color with black rims.

Neck: the neck is of medium length with a full crease flap coat.

Trunk: Body length slightly greater than height, chest moderately wide and deep, ribs well curved. The back is straight, the loin is wide, and the belly is tucked up.

Limbs: forelimbs straight, elbows near the bottom of the chest; hind limbs with broad and well-muscled thighs, hocks moderately flexed; feet round, compact, cat-shaped toes, richly trimmed hairs between the toes.

Tail: Tail a curly tail covered with long ornamental hairs, always curled over the back; tail root high.

Coat: Coat is fine and soft.

Coat Color: Bright pure white color is predominant.

Gait: flexible and free stride.

[Characteristics] Strong, energetic, cheerful, excitable and slightly nervous, keen senses, arrogant, loyal to the owner, suspicious of strangers

, love to bark.

[Usage] In the early days it was a hunting dog, then a fighting dog for a time, and after World War II it became an extremely popular companion dog.

[Purchase and selection of breeding points] should choose a dense coat, fine and soft hair, erect ears, bright eyes, tail curled to the back, decorated with a full coat, the skull should be flat, muzzle pointed, strong and powerful limbs, the coat color pure white dog.

[Defects] Short tail, curly coat, non-white coat color, lack of melanin on nose, eye rims and muzzle, and light eye color are defects. A mixed


raw, ears not erect, and cryptorchidism on both sides are inferior.

[Feeding and management points] The dog was originally born a herding dog, like freedom, good sports, so domestication should ensure that it has enough exercise. Japanese Fox

The dog's hair is long and pure white, in order to keep the coat bright, it should be combed and bathed often. If there are eye droppings in the eyes, they should also be gently wiped away. Puppy period should be strengthened training

The training, to overcome the shortcomings of its barking.