More and more elderly people are infected with HIV, I think it is the popularization and publicity of our country for AIDS is too little, with the lack of care for the elderly, the elderly's sexuality concept is also very weak has a lot to do.
01, China's popularization and publicity for AIDS is too littleGrowing up, I always thought that AIDS would only be transmitted through the blood, I do not know that there are other ways. After I became an adult, I realized that there are many ways of spreading AIDS, among which sexual contact is the most common way of transmission, including sexual contact between the same sex and between heterosexuals; secondly, mother-to-child transmission through the placenta, the birth canal, or postpartum breastfeeding to the fetus or newborn; another kind of transmission is through the importation of blood, blood products, such as the blood route, and if you use syringes contaminated with HIV patients' blood, you can also spread AIDS. The other way of transmission is through the blood route, such as entering blood and blood products.
02, the lack of care for the elderlyMore and more young people do not like to live with the elderly, young people like to have their own space, because of different habits and routines. So a lot of older people are living alone, some of their partners left earlier, some go abroad to their children with grandchildren, so it is also a state of separation. The children of the elderly do not care about their lives, and no one knows what they really want, resulting in a greater emptiness.
Living alone, the elderly lack of care, all day long nothing to do, can only go to find some things to amusement, when they see some of the "small card? When they see some "small cards" and so on, they will be tempted, as long as they are healthy, the elderly also have needs. Some of the elderly gathered together, will also talk about some of the things of prostitution. This leads to promiscuity. The promiscuity leads to the infection of AIDS.
03, the elderly weak sexual conceptsElderly people simply do not know that promiscuity will get AIDS, there has been an old man in the hospital was found to have AIDS, he told the doctor, every time you have finished with soap cleaning, it is unlikely that you will get the disease. The old man's words are really shocking, the old man's misunderstanding is that they think clean and clean will not catch the disease.
04, the elderly lack of love when young, the old pursuit of stimulationPreviously the generation of older people, basically no love, are through the introduction of blind date to meet the marriage, a lot of more in order to pass on and set up a family, there is almost no love to speak of, but also to make do with the life. These years because of the change of the times, the elderly more than expected to release the nature, more intense than the stress reaction of the young people of this era. Because of the lack of strong love in their youth, they now want to love well when they meet true love. The probability of these appearing in the square dancing grandmothers and grandfathers is very high.
I hope that the country can popularize AIDS to junior high school students, high school students textbooks, so that children have an awareness, otherwise the children are really innocent, now the children more and more early love, easy to take the wrong way, to let them know from childhood to protect themselves.