How long after meals can be sports

After eating a lot of people in order to lose weight and so on will choose to exercise, then, do you know how long after meals can exercise?

By the intensity of the exercise, walking, walking, square dancing, tai chi and other light exercise, half an hour to an hour after meals can be carried out. Jogging, weight loss exercises, cycling and other moderate exercise can be carried out one hour to two hours after meals. Long-distance running, jumping rope, playing soccer, playing basketball and other high-intensity exercise, it is appropriate to carry out two hours to three hours after meals.

By meal size, if the meal size before exercise is larger, and eat protein and fat-based food, which are not well digested, it is best to exercise more than two hours after the meal. If the meal size is smaller and the food is based on carbohydrates, vegetables, fruits or fluids, the interval between meal and exercise can be relatively shortened according to the intensity of the exercise.

Why can't you exercise immediately after a meal

It's not a good idea to exercise immediately after eating a meal, such as running and other strenuous exercise, because it will cause indigestion, etc. So why can't you exercise immediately after a meal?

Running or exercising after a meal is not advisable. The reason is that the digestive organs need a lot of blood supply for intense work after eating. If you run or exercise at this time, it is bound to make the skeletal muscles to take away a lot of blood, resulting in the digestive tract ischemia, not only the gastrointestinal peristalsis is weakened, and the secretion of digestive juices will also be significantly reduced, which will cause dyspepsia.