Against the water cold years of God thief drug categorization

Drugs categorization: red - stop bleeding loose, yellow - gold wound medicine, green - tranquilizer pill, blue - nourish the heart Dan.

The entire Elderly Thief quest can be roughly divided into six small tasks, and the overall process is considered to be a very delicate long copy quest. In the first phase of the situation, players are required to retrieve the remnants of the painting paper in the scene.

In the second phase, the mission requires careful observation and mastery of the order of hitting these stakes, which is where the difficulty lies. To complete this small section of the task process, players should carefully observe the NPC's hitting order of the stakes in the picture, and then manually select the appropriate stakes to hit in accordance with the order of the stakes.

In the case of the third stage, players have to follow the correct order to open the box, in order to successfully complete the process. And there's one tough bit about this level, which is that you have to re-enter the code every time you open a chest, plus there's a copper mirror array waiting to be explored in the aftermath.

The fourth stage of the game, after the plot, players need to find two enemies and a friend from among the three phantom bodies by means of lookout. The fifth stage can be completed simply by following his quest prompts, like the first part of organizing the relics, and following the list of items to organize and collect.

The final stage in the game involves interacting with each of the four statues. Basically, if you approach each statue, it will show you which side the statue is from, and you can get the code 687 for the Vermilion Bird statue after the conversation, and then continue the conversation to get the codes for the other statues, and once you get the codes, you can enter the numbers to unlock them.

All of the current antidotes are as follows:

1. Medium-quality Wind Elixir can remove the current slowdown effect and immunize you from the slowdown effect for the next 1.5 seconds.

2. Medium-grade Hustle Elixir, which removes the current Silence effect and is immune to the Silence effect for the next 1.5 seconds.

3. Medium quality Sobering Elixir, can remove the current stun, falling flowers dancing in the breeze, ribbon binding and other stun effects, and is immune to silence effects for the next 1.5 seconds.

4, Medium Flame Dan, can remove the current freezing effect, and in the next 1.5 seconds immune to the freezing effect.

5. Medium grade Spirit Dan, can remove the current levitation, levitation pursuit, levitation knockdown, stabbing, decapitation, fall to the ground, stiffness, hardness and other effects, and is immune to the freezing effect in the next 1.5 seconds.

6. Medium Grade Fixed Spirit Elixir, removes the current effects of Knockback, Tackle, Breaking Stance, Flower Spin, and is immune to Freeze effects for the next 1.5 seconds.

7, Medium Grade Light Body Elixir, removes the previous effects of Pulse Sealing, and is immune to the freezing effect for the next 1.5 seconds.