The labor bugle is short for ? Bugle? In the north, it is often referred to as the "Horn". Yell horn? and in the south, it is often called "yelling". The laborers are often referred to as "yellers" in the north and "shouters" in the south. I will now give you a brief introduction to the labor trumpet.
Definition of the labor horn:
The horn is directly accompanied by physical labor, and labor rhythm closely with the folk song. It is produced in the process of physical labor, directly for the production of labor services, a true reflection of the labor situation and the mental outlook of the workers. Its musical image is rough and bold, solid and powerful, and is an indispensable organic part of some physical labor.
The number has two functions. People engaged in physical labor must adjust the breathing, accumulation of strength, which is shouting (singing) the inevitable physiological response of the human body, that is, the human body needs to labor; collective labor needs to unify the pace, unified rhythm, the horn should be produced. Therefore, the horn in the labor has issued orders, command labor, regulating energy, inspire the practical function of the labor mood. At the same time, the music of the bugle expresses the feelings of the laborers, expresses people's joy, anger, sadness and happiness, and also gives people the feeling of spiritual pleasure, which is the expressive function of the bugle. The practical and expressive functions of the bugle are organically linked to one another, contradictory and unified, and have become the unique characteristics of the labor bugle.
The horn has an important position in folk songs, and has played an important role in human life, which is also the earliest root and foundation of folk song tones. With the progress of society, the bulky labor is decreasing, the practical scope of the horn is shrinking, but as a variety of art, its vitality will last forever.
Types of Labor Horns
A wide variety of labor types, resulting in different types of horns, generally divided into: carrying horns, engineering horns, agricultural horns, workshop horns, and fishing boat horns.
1, handling horn
Manpower transportation of objects when singing the horn. According to different ways of transportation, there are loading and unloading, bar lifting, picking, carting, pulling and other horn, more names.
The picking of burdens is not afraid to bend the flat burden is the picking of burdens in northern Jiangsu, is the people picking the burdens of marching sung by the horn, music with the rhythm of the foot marching, short and even, more lively.
The bugle call is sung in Sichuan when pulling a crate with human power. At least one person, sometimes two to three people, living in the middle of the car bar pulling the car is called? The one who pulls the cart in the middle of the bar is called "Zhongkang" (center bar). The person who pulls the cart in the middle of the bar is called "Zhongkang". Moths? or? Side tripping. When you sing the call, you will be led by? The center pole. leads the song. Moths? (if a person pulling the car can only sing solo). Plank car horn in the long road again and again, the car stops the song stops, the car away from the song again, thus forming a convenient repeated, termination of the sense of return type structure.
2, engineering horn
engaged in building houses, roads, dams, quarrying and other infrastructure projects, such as labor sings the horn. Including ramming, ramming, logging, transporting wood, quarrying, prying stone, stone lifting and other horns.
"Ramming Song" is used in Sichuan to build dams and roads tight mud foundation when singing the horn. Ramming? is in the heavy stone pillar or logs above the frame two parallel sticks or? The "well" is made up of two parallel wooden sticks. Zigzag sticks, operated by two or four people. The labor intensity is greater, the people work together to lift and smash down, throw the ground, so the rhythm of the horn is strong and weak, strong and powerful.
Ram Song is a Hunan bugle. Is a round stone or iron, tied around a number of ropes, the crowd around the city in a circle, collaborative pull up to smash down to smash the foundation. Collaborative, labor-intensive, the number of a leader and the singing form, the leader of both command and organization of labor, but also to the funny lyrics to inspire and regulate the mood of the workers.
3, farming horn
Collaborative and rhythmic agricultural labor in the singing of folk songs is agricultural horn, mainly car water horn, playing grain (playing wheat, rice, playing yoke, etc.) horn, rice horn, sieve peanuts horn, and so on. The labor intensity of the agricultural bugle is less than that of the engineering bugle. In the hot climate, long hours of monotonous labor, singers often improvise lyrics, with a wide range of content, amusing and witty, and singing folk stories, love stories; generally characterized by distinctive rhythms and beautiful and pleasant tunes. Cheshui Horn is an agricultural horn of Haining, Zhejiang Province. Southern rural car water labor sung by the horn, often two to three people with the tread water car, the rhythm of the music and foot movements to match, the tune is similar to the mountain song.
Playing grain trumpet is the rural engaged in playing rice, wheat and other threshing labor sung by the trumpet. This labor intensity is not too big, labor full of harvest joy, labor horn speed medium, rhythmic, lively tune, often absorbing the factors of the minor key.
"Dang" is the Hubei Qianjiang County wheat bugle, a leader of the crowd and the content of the young men and women teasing each other and joking, reflecting the happy mood of the laborers. The lyrics, rhythms, and tunes of the whole piece are lively and interesting, and the tunes with Do, Mi, and Sol as the backbone have the typical local color of Hubei.
"Round field horn" is? Turning Fork Horn?
4, workshop horn
manual labor mode of production in the workshop, workshop, workers engaged in physical labor sung by the horn. Such as the production of vegetable oil, "oil pressing horn", the production of mustard, "mustard horn", the production of pigments in Shanxi, "playing blue horn", papermaking, "bamboo hemp horn", salt production, "salt workers horn" and so on.
"Artificial horn" (salt farm pulling horn) is Zigong City, Sichuan? Salt workers trumpet? Artificial salt production, including chiseling salt wells, draw salt brine and lift and transport salt boilers, iron pots and other heavy labor, each process has a horn. The song "Artificial Salt Making" is sung when the winches for drawing salt brine are moved by human power. A collar crowd and the form, the lyrics sang the salt workers on the boss, foreman of the hatred.
5, boat fishing horn
In the rivers, lakes and seas in the boat, fishing when singing the horn. Boating, fishing is a complex water labor, affected by the current, there are downstream (downstream), upstream (against the current), flat water, rapids, shoals, dangerous shoals? Different water conditions; boats have offshore, shore, sculling (sculling by the crowd push shaking), rowing, bracing Artemisia, pulling the fiber, catching and other different ways of labor; fishing in addition to the boat, line to the fishing grounds, there are looking for fish, pulling the nets, loading the cabin and other labor. Therefore, the music of the boat fishing horn is rich and varied, there is a single horn, there are also a number of horn connected to the suite.
(1) The Yellow River Boatmen's Song (Shaanbei)
The Yellow River is deep and the waves are fast, the boatmen work together to shake the pulp, the boat breaks the waves. The bugle song describes the boatman's wrenching the boat with vivid and exaggerated lyrics, while the music repeats an undulating melody with a long, broad and even rhythm, blending with the raging Yellow River waves and expressing the boatman's bravado.
(2) The Horn of the Boatmen of the Sichuan River (Sichuan)
The Yangtze River flows into Sichuan, and the river is called the Sichuan River from Yibin in Sichuan to Yichang in Hubei. The natural conditions of the river are complex, there is a relatively stable water, wide waters; there are also cliffs on both sides of the confrontation, the river is narrow and curved rapids, the famous three gorges on the risk in the middle. Wooden boat traveling the river, by the number of workers (usually is the helmsman) issued a musical call, commanding the boatmen to paddle, the boatmen with a unified labor calls and paddling action accordingly. A leading crowd and the horn with the changes in the current and the labor of the rush, sometimes stretching, sometimes tense, rich and varied tunes. There are offshore, docked when singing the "wood about the horn", "tow bar horn"; there is the water is calm when singing the "flat water horn"; over the dangerous beaches when singing the "on the beach horn", "desperately on the horn", down the beach when singing the "beach horn"; wooden boat against the water upstream, the shipwrights go ashore to back the rope to pull the boat sings the "fast counting board horn", "grabbing the horn," pulling the fiber Encountered a special terrain is difficult to walk, the fiber rope will be chained to a boulder on the shore, the boatmen holding the cable to walk back and forth, the boatmen holding the cable to walk back and forth, the boatmen holding the cable to walk back and forth. When it is difficult to walk on the special terrain, the boatmen will tie the fiber rope to the boulder on the shore, and the boatmen will hold the cable to walk back and forth to pull the boat and sing "Catching the Cable Noise". The rhythm and melody of each song is different, as well as the way the leader and chorus sing together.
Here are only five songs.
Ping Shui Huo Zi The tempo of the song is slow. The leader sings with a free rhythm and a melodic melody, with a slight flavor of Sichuan opera. The leader sings casually: ? The wind blows coolly and leisurely, pushing the boat down to Fuzhou. Rich people sit at home, how do they know the advantages and sorrows of the poor. The boat pusher is a bitter man who walks along the pier in the wind and rain. A few words of idle talk were scattered in the wind, and there was a Guanyin beach in front of us. The Goddess of Mercy, she is not a goddess of mercy. If you don't make an effort, you won't be able to cross the beach. You and I are all heroes, so let's save up our strength and move forward. We must change the horn of the flat water, squeeze the radius tightly and rush across the beach. After each phrase, the boatmen harmonize with the rhythm of X-X-one. The leader and the harmonizers adopt a sentence-after-sentence style with a wide and long rhythm. When we get to the end of the song? There is a Guanyin beach ahead. When they come to "There is a Guanyin beach in front of us", the rhythm of the laborers quickens, and the rhythm of the chorus is reduced to X-. The last two lines are a reminder of the horn worker to change the horn, the labor rhythm should also be accelerated.
"See the beach horn" fast board four two beat. Seeing the shoal from afar, the bugler signals to the boatmen, and the rhythm of the bugle becomes x.x xx|x x|; the bugle sings? The sky is changing, to rise, storm, big waves, to rise, not afraid of the wind, not afraid of the rain, Nu put effort, put more effort, rushed through? Short and powerful song command and inspire the boat workers to break the beach in preparation, lead and sing and sing constitute a close connection, the atmosphere is getting tense.
Shangtan Bugle is a fast four-two beat, with a shorter tempo, and the lead and chorus have developed into an overlapping two-voice part, with the sound of laboring hoots and hollers taking the lead.
The Horn of Fate is in four or two beats on the Allegro. This is the critical juncture of the beach, if you do not speed up the beach, the ship may be back or destroyed. At this time the speed of the horn faster, more compact rhythm, shouting and labor rhythm sound as one. This is a tense struggle with the rapids.
Down the Beach slow tempo. After a tense and fierce struggle, the boat passed the shoal and went downstream, and the music of the bugle returned to the four-four beat of the slow plate. The melodious melody and the long and wide rhythm express the relaxation and pleasure of the boatmen.
Characteristics of the Labor Horn
Physical labor requires people to react quickly and decisively from the spirit to the body, which determines that the music of the labor horn has a solid and powerful, bold and bold musical character and a natural and simple method of expression.
Most of the lyrics of the labor horn are related to labor. In collective labor, often improvised by the leader of the song lyrics to remind attention to the quality of labor and labor requirements or to inspire the mood; some direct response to the laborer's state of mind at the time. Labor intensity is a little light in the horn in the lyrics sometimes have nothing to do with labor, singing historical legends, folk stories, slice of life, jokes and jokes. The intense labor call often has no real words, only the false words that indicate the sound of the labor call.
The rhythm of the labor call is directly governed by the rhythm of labor, with a distinctive rhythm, rhythmic characteristics. Different types of work have different labor loads, labor conditions, and labor rhythms, and the rhythms of their horns are of different types. Some rhythms are clear and firm, such as the "Ramming Call" and "Rice Pounding Call"; others are short and compact, quick and light. Some of them are short and compact, bright and light, such as "picking the burden of the horn", "on the beach horn"; some of them are wide and long and stretching, such as "flat water horn".
The tune of the horn also varies depending on the type of work. The heavy load of the horn, the music is more simple and simple, fixed less change, often repeat the use of the same musical material, such as the "plate car horn", "ramming horn", the lighter load of the horn, often absorbing the factors of the mountain songs, ditties, tunes stronger and have certain changes, such as the "Ping Shui Horn" and so on.
The singing form of the horn depends on the number of workers and whether the labor is collaborative, divided into solo, duet, sing, a leader and so on, and a leader and the most characteristic, but also best reflects the characteristics of collective labor. The leader is the organizer of the collective labor and commanded by him to sing the words (also known as words, that is, there are actual connotations of the lyrics) to give orders, sung tunes and rhythms have a certain degree of change; and sung by the workers as a whole. Generally do not sing the actual words, only sing and labor rhythms corresponding to the call, rhythm regularization, tune less change more repetition. The combination of lead and chorus depending on the tension of labor varies; in the booklet tense labor, the lead and chorus with compact, using a sentence (lead and chorus associated, constituting a phrase) or dense connection (lead and chorus associated, constituting a series of short phrases or phrases, (such as the "rammer trumpet" and "see the beach trumpet"); in the rhythm of the labor of the soothing, often using a paragraph (lead and chorus associated. constituting an orchestra) in the most intense labor. In the most intense labor, the lead and chorus overlap to form a multi-part chorus of two or more voices, such as the "Chuanjiang boatman in" in the "on the beach horn" and "desperation horn".
The compositional structure of the labor horn is influenced by the labor process and time. In continuous labor, the bugle makes repeated repetitions, and in intermittent labor, the bugle stops and starts. Therefore, the structure of the horn is generally shorter and smaller, with more regular phrases, more narrative structures (a phrase repeated again and again) and corresponding structures (a pair of phrases echoing each other), and fewer other structures. In the case of continuous labor, there is often a return structure with little sense of termination and paragraphing, which makes it easy to repeat over and over again ("The Horn of the Plank Truck").