The ballet Sleeping Beauty is a three-act ballet based on the French writer Bello's Sleeping Beauty in the Woods, whose musical part was composed by Tchaikovsky in 1888-1889, and which celebrates friendship and faithful love. Here is my introduction to the choreography of Sleeping Beauty for you to learn more about this beautiful story of friends can look at Oh!
Ballet "Sleeping Beauty" plot synopsis
Prologue: Naming Ceremony
Florestan Palace Palace, the King and Queen is held for the birth of a short time daughter Aurora christening naming ceremony, the guests have to them! express their blessings. The Lilac Fairy and other good fairies have also come to offer their congratulations. These fairies are all of great nobility. Suddenly, the Wicked Fairy Carabosse arrived, surrounded by rats. Due to the negligence of the ceremony officials, she was not invited. Carabosse evilly curses Princess Aurora that she will grow up and die from a needle prick on her finger, and the kind Lilac Fairy vows to protect Princess Aurora.
Act 1: The Curse
More than a decade passes, and at the king's celebration of the beautiful Princess Aurora's 16th birthday, princes from England, India, Italy, and Spain come to ask for her hand in marriage. Inadvertently, an old woman walked up to the princess and handed her a spindle, which she took and pricked her finger with. The old woman then lifts her disguise and turns out to be the evil fairy Carabosse, who has come to trap the princess. The Lilac Fairy appeared to protect Princess Aurora so that she would not really die, but the princess would sleep for 100 years until a handsome young prince fell in love with her and kissed her, then the princess would wake up. At that point the whole kingdom falls asleep.
Act II: The Phantom
A hundred years go by in a flash, and a royal hunting party comes to the forest, with a young, handsome, and dashing prince in the group. While resting, the prince wanders alone in the forest, and suddenly a vision of Princess Aurora appears in the forest, and the prince falls in love with the princess. With the help of a lilac fairy, the prince arrives at the royal palace and sees the sleeping princess. He is attracted by her beauty and kisses her, and she awakens. The evil fairy's plot is bankrupt, and love triumphs over evil.
Act III: The Wedding
The wedding of Princess Aurora and the prince takes place in the palace. Many of the guests are famous fairy tale characters: Bluebird, Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood, Puss in Boots, Bluebeard? , they all congratulated the princess and danced with joy ****.
About the Russian Ballet Theatre:
The Ballet of the Russian State Theatre was founded on October 22, 1878, and its founder was N? Duke Romanov, is an institution belonging to the state nature. At that time, the Russian Theater appeared as a laboratory of theatrical art, led by the outstanding masters of drama Stanislavsky and Nemirovich? Danchenko.
In 1946, the famous Russian ballet choreographer took the initiative: within the Russian State Theatre, based in the Bolshoi Theatre, the Ballet was founded, which was led by Ra? Chakharov led it. From the very beginning, the company laid down its creative principles: careful preservation of the best traditions of the Russian classical ballet school, exploration and development of new dance forms. Currently, the artistic director of the company is Prof. Vladimir Atzdov, a decorated Russian performer and winner of international competitions. Prof. Atzdov. He has worked as a soloist with some of the country's leading ballet companies, and now plans the company's repertoire.
The company organizes annual training courses for soloists from the Bolshoi Theatre, the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg, the Bolshoi Theatre in the Kremlin, and the Berdych Company to improve their professionalism. The company's faculty is the envy of many ballet companies, including the People's Performer of the former USSR, winner of the Grand Prize of the International Competition, Prof. N. Pavlova. Mikhailchenko, the Russian actor Y. Amosov (the company). Amosov (the manager of the troupe) and so on.
In 2001 the Ballet of the Russian National Theater was re-registered and renamed the Russian National Ballet Theater. The National Ballet Theater of Russia consists of more than 60 performers and has a great potential, because it has all the conditions to improve the level of art and creative exploration. The main performers are: Russian actresses of merit, winners of national competitions: M. Poydanova, the National Ballet of Russia. Poydanova, the winner of the National Ballet Competition. Dokhinova, K. Bavinskykaya, M. Bavinskykaya, M. Dokhinova, M. Bavinskykaya. Mikhailov, A. Fakhirislamov. Fakhirislamov. The main repertoire of the troupe includes: Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake and The Nutcracker; Minkus's Don Quixote; Bizet's Don Quixote. Quixote; Bizet's Carmen; Aminov's Thousand and One Nights; Karayev's Seven Beauties and ballet gems.
In recent years, the Ballet Theater of Russia has visited the following countries: China, the United States, Spain, Greece, Iceland, Norway, Malta, Italy, Mexico, Germany and so on.
"Sleeping Beauty" is a mythological theme, but infused with the emotions of the world, especially through the beautiful music, the sympathetic lilac fairy performance is exceptionally kind and vivid. The content of the theme of Sleeping Beauty is very suitable for the form of ballet performance. With the dancing posture of light bouncing on the tip of the foot, the thin short gauze skirt flutters like gorgeous flowers with the dance, and the colorful image of the flower fairies at the celebration is vividly shown. Nearly a hundred years, "Sleeping Beauty" has become the treasures of the ballet.