You said you've been thinking a lot lately about
my little hands and feet
the little hands that grew up
never asked for a hug from you again
how many times the young me
left a lot of laughs on your back
but now that I'm back home, I'm just finding out
how many times you've quietly tired and bent over
how many times you picked me up and turned around and fell off
that you're not going to be able to do that.
How many times have you helped me up
Turned around and fell again
The moment I looked up I always saw
Your loving smile
Now that I'm not by your side
You mustn't fall
Calling out to your parents and getting an answer is more important than anything else
Anyone who has a daughter or son to take care of them in case of an accident is more important than anything else
Anyone who is a son or daughter is more important than anything else.
You always say you're doing well
You've worked so hard to raise me
But I'm not here for you
You must take care of yourselves
When I become your pride
Watching your hair turn gray
I'm afraid that you won't be able to wait
Is it true that if we don't grow up
You won't grow old
If we don't grow up
You won't grow old
Is it true that we can still be pampered
You can still hold me high
Is it true that in this life we won't let go of each other
In the next life we'll still meet
In the next life, I'll be a good girl and I will be obedient
No longer will I let you work hard
How many times did you lift me up
Turn around and
The moment I look up, I always see
your loving smile
Now that I'm not with you
You mustn't fall down
Calling out to Mom and Dad and having someone to answer is more important than anything else
It's been said that we raise our children to protect ourselves against old age
But you've always said that you've been doing well
The hard work of raising me has made it possible for me to live in a world where I've never had to work a day in my life
This is the first time I've had to work a day in my life.
I've worked hard to raise me, but I haven't been around to fulfill my filial duties
You must take care of yourselves
When I become your pride
Watching your hair turn gray
I'm afraid that you won't be able to wait any longer
Is it true that if we don't grow up
You're not going to age
Is it true that if we're a little more pampered
It's true that if we're a little more pampered, we're not going to age at all? We're going to be a little bit more pampered
You'll still be able to hold me high
Is it true that if we don't let go of each other in this life
We'll meet again in the next life
In the next life, I'll be a good girl and I will be obedient
No longer will I be a pain in the neck
Is it true that if we don't grow up
You won't grow old
Is it true that if we don't grow up
You won't grow old And you can still hold me high
Is it true that we'll never let go in this life
And we'll meet again in the next life
In the next life, I'll be a good girl and I won't let you work me over anymore