Simple wall ballet action thin waist and legs
Simple wall ballet action thin waist and legs, long time sedentary, many people's body will become a bucket waist, the following for you to share the simple wall ballet action thin waist and legs, simple and easy to learn, 2 weeks to let you thin waist, thin legs and buttocks, come to learn about it!
Simple wall ballet action thin waist and thin legs 1The following introduction of the five ballet action only need to lean against the wall of the floor or bed barefoot exercise. 4 to 5 times a week, each movement should be repeated 10 times, the speed should be slow. If you feel difficult, you can simplify the exercise; of course, after practicing for a period of time, you will obviously feel easier, then try our intensive exercises, there is a challenge, weight loss and slimming more efficient, each week each do 2 sets of intensive exercises ` at the same time, and 30 minutes or more of aerobic exercise.
1, step on the wall, legs, lift the buttocks
Lie on your back against the wall, buttocks to the wall, knees bent, arms flat on the floor, feet on the wall, about 7-10 cm high. Exhale, raise your buttocks and relax your shoulders so that your body forms an almost straight line from your chest to your knees. Hold this with a deep inhalation, then exhale and slowly return to the original position.
Strengthening Exercise:
Cross your right foot, place your right ankle on your left knee, step your left foot on the wall, and then lift your butt, pause, and press down. Take a short deep breath, then switch feet.
Simplified exercise:
Don't lean against the wall. As you raise your hips, keep your feet on the floor and arch your body; pause from time to time and be slow in your descent.
2. Lean against the wall, sweep your legs, stretch
Building on movement 1, lower your butt, lie flat on your back, lean your butt against the wall, and lean against the wall with your legs naturally straight; slowly lower your left leg so your legs are perpendicular, like a 9 o'clock hand. Hold both hands palm over belly button. Exhale and return to the beginning. Repeat with the right leg, clearing toward 3 o'clock. Continue alternating legs until you've completed 10 roundtrips.
Strengthening Exercise:
Wrap your left foot around a resistance band, sweeping your leg with your hips moving opposite of your leg, moving your sweeping leg to the floor, and then switching legs to repeat.
Simplified Exercise:
Move your body so that your butt and legs are 7 to 15 centimeters away from the wall, creating a greater angle.
3. Lean against the wall, touch your fingertips to your toes, and tuck in
After completing move 2, return to the starting position. Keeping your stomach tucked in and chin slightly tucked toward your chest, lift your head and shoulders, lift your upper back off the ground, and reach your right hand toward your left foot. Lower your right hand and repeat with your left hand reaching for your right foot. Continue alternating until you've completed 10 reps.
Strengthening Exercise:
Stack your feet with your left heel to your right toes. Reach your right hand toward your left foot, then your left hand toward your right foot. Repeat 10 repetitions alternating each side.
Simplified Exercise:
Elevator only head and shoulders small con floor, you reach for the knees.
4, inverted leg press, lift the buttocks, thin legs
Head to head return to the starting position of action 3, bend the knees, feet on the wall. Move your body across the floor, press down on your shoulders to intensify the pressure of your feet on the wall, and let your body form a diagonal from your feet to your chest. Bend your elbows and hold the backs of your hands up to your waist with your upper arms, head and shoulders touching the floor. Press your left leg as far as you can toward your head, keeping your legs straight and your abdominals tight. Return the left leg leg to the wall, parallel to the right calf. Repeat the exercise 10 times with a different leg.
Strengthening Exercise:
As you lower your leg, pause or cushion it for 2 or 3 seconds, move up and down 2-5 centimeters, and then return to the wall. Repeat with the other leg.
Simplified Exercise:
Move your body 7 to 15 centimeters away from the wall, putting more of your body weight on the wall.
5. Step on the wall, cross your legs and slim your thighs
Lie on the floor with your butt against the wall, knees bent and feet on the wall, about 3 to 4 feet from the floor. Move your body backward and cross your left ankle over your right knee. Squeeze your buttocks and thigh muscles and press your left knee down toward the wall. Do 20 press-downs, then repeat on the other side.
Strengthening Exercise:
As you press your knee, contract your abs so that your hips do repeated lifts and drops, each about ten centimeters in range.
Simplified Exercise:
Move across the floor through your feet and back.
Easy Wall Ballet Moves to Slim Waist and Legs 2Stand on your right leg with your toes pointing outward and your left foot on your right calf. Slowly raise your arms above your head, elbows slightly bent, while your abdomen and right heel are slowly raised, as shown in the picture. Then slowly bring the heel down and do 10 slow reps, then 20 more fast-paced ones before switching to the other foot and repeating.
Lie flat on the right side of your body with your legs close together, lean your head on your extended right arm, put your left hand on the floor in front of your chest, straighten your toes outward, and slowly lift your left leg up until your legs are at 90 degrees, as shown in the picture. Then slowly lower your left leg down. Do this 16 times, then switch to the left side and lie flat and repeat.
Lie flat on your front, knees slightly bent, feet flat on the ground, arms on both sides of the body, slowly raise your hips, heels off the ground, keep your shoulders and knees in a straight line, and then slowly lift your left leg up, try to keep it vertical, as shown in the picture, and at the same time lift your hips upward for 20 times, and then repeat on the other side.
knees on the ground, slightly wider than the hips, toes close to the ground, slowly raise your arms to shoulder height, hands clasped, while the back as far as possible to tilt backward and forward 10 times, and then put your left hand on the ground to support the weight of the body, the right arm up until the ground perpendicular to the ground as shown in the picture, and then change the right hand on the ground, the left arm is raised, this is a set of actions, 8 sets a day, and then change sides! Repeat.
Stand on the left side of the body behind the chair, heels together, toes forward, hold the back of the chair with your left hand, right arm above your head, and at the same time to the right side to extend the length of the right leg until the hip and a horizontal line, as shown in the picture, the hips do not move, the right leg clockwise rotation of 10 times, the opposite direction of the rotation of 10 times, and then change the side to repeat.
Lie on your side with your arms on either side of your body, then keep your right heel close to your left thigh and your left thigh close to the ground, put your hands on either side of your left knee, put your right leg back, bend your knee, and slowly lift your right knee 2 inches off the ground, then slowly lower it.
Warm tips: This is a complete set of actions, do 20 actions a day and then change sides to repeat. Doing these actions can not only help you lose weight and thin thighs, but also help you shape the whole body curve, so that you jump out of the confidence.
Simple wall ballet action thin waist and thin legs 3
The first move
1, chest standing, two feet open and shoulder width (toes facing out), a hand on the wall, the other hand to expand the same level with the shoulder. The four fingers are slightly bent in a ballet ready position.
2, slowly inhale, belly and chest, two feet slightly bent at the same time, the spread of the hand down to the pelvic position.
3. Exhale slowly, keep your feet bent and stand on your tiptoes, while spreading your hands and rowing to your chest.
4, keep the tiptoe posture legs straight, this time the spread of the hand rowed upward over the head, and then return to the ready position. This action left and right group, repeat 4-6 groups.
Tips: pay attention to the movement process at any time to keep the abdomen and chest.
The second move
1, chest standing, one hand on the wall, the other hand spread and shoulder level, feet together so that the thighs, knees and heels in the same line, the toes of the two feet outward 45 degrees slightly open into the ready position.
2, slowly inhale, belly and chest, a foot slightly bent, such as shuttlecock raised, toes taut, at this time the thighs and upper body into a 90-degree angle.
3, slowly exhale, lift the foot slowly backward kick, then the upper body slightly forward, and then return to the ready position. This action left and right group, repeat 4 groups.
The third move
1, as shown, chest and stomach standing, right foot forward, toes to the right, left foot straight back, toes forward, hands to the sides of the spread and shoulders level with the preparatory position (pay attention to the center of gravity on the right foot).
2, slowly inhale, the left hand down to the pelvic position at the same time rowing semicircle. Row your right hand upward over your head.
3, hold the position of action 2, the upper body as far as possible to the left side of the bend, and then return to the ready position. This action left and right set, repeat 4-6 sets.
The fourth move
1, as shown, stand with your chest out and stomach in, step forward with your right foot, toes to the right, and straighten your left foot behind you, toes forward, and cross your hands over your head in a circle.
2, slowly inhale, the upper body slowly bent forward, hands touch the ground as far as possible.
3. Slowly return your upper body to the ready position while leaning back slightly, then return to the ready position. Repeat for 3-6 sets.
The fifth move
1, stand up with your chest out, put your hands in a circle in front of your pelvic bone, feet together so that your thighs, knees and heels are on the same line, and the toes of your feet are 45 degrees outward and slightly open into a ready position.
2, chest and abdomen, right foot bent forward, toes to the right (at this time the center of gravity in the right foot), hands raised only chest, and then return to the ready position. This action around for a group, repeat 4-8 groups.
Sixth move
1, chest and abdomen standing, hands rowed over the head in a circle, feet together so that the thighs, knees and heels in the same line, the toes of the two feet outward at 45 degrees slightly open into the ready position.
2. Bend your left foot and step forward, with your toes facing left at a 45-degree angle.