On the days of me and ta

The most unusual day - he and I went to the park on a summer evening after dinner, passing by the colorful fountain pool, the grassy area where we could watch the dogs, and the square-dancing amazons. We were able to take a windy walk and talk about anything and everything. Then go to the entrance of the neighborhood, go to the fruit stand and pick a delicious watermelon and put it in the fridge. Take a shower, blow the air conditioner, eat watermelon with him, and then watch TV. I think this is a wonderful life. ? The most uneventful day - me and her in the middle of the day in winter. Woke up from a lazy sleep to go for a walk. Walking down the path of light snow drifts. Snowy kittens shaking snowflakes from their backs. And little kids building snowmen. We hold hands. Blowing snowflakes off each other's clothes. Then we went to the grocery store and bought groceries. Went home and took off our coats. Turned on the heat. Eating hot pot. And chat about gossip. This is the life I envision.