In 1886, in order to commemorate the founding of the United States of America, where the spirit of freedom is strong, the French
government gave the United States a Statue of Liberty, which took 10 years to carve and is about 46 meters high.
The statue's appearance was inspired by the sculptor's mother, and the right hand holding the torch was modeled after the arm of the sculptor's
wife. The Statue of Liberty symbolizes the spirit of freedom for the American people
. To this day, the statue remains one of America's most iconic landscapes
and with the passage of time, the Statue of Liberty has become
almost a sacred symbol in the hearts of all those who have fought for freedom around the globe.
With this sacred yearning, people come from all corners of the world to
see the Statue of Liberty. More than 100 years after the statue was erected in America's Liberty Plaza
, a painter and a friend flew in a small private plane about 300 feet above the ground
, and the painter and his friend had a clear view of all the details of the head of the Statue of Liberty
: strands of flowing, resilient hair, a rich
The expression of the face, every line of the forehead, the sides of the nose and the auricles, and
the eyes staring steadfastly ahead, full of fire and passion ...... have all been brought to life by the sculptor
. The artist has a reputation for being incredibly critical and demanding of his work
but he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the Statue of Liberty,
which is nothing short of a masterpiece.
Before 1886, airplanes hadn't even been invented, and the sculptor
did everything he could to complete every part of the statue without neglecting a single
More than a century ago, the sculptor used his own hands to file out every perfect detail, even the smallest, most unlikely to be noticed
part, not even considering that some of the fine
sections he carved so carefully may never be seen by people. But he never relaxed on his own requirements
, he carved on the huge Statue of Liberty, in his eyes only hand
in the knife file and knife file under the perfect details. It is precisely because of the sculptor's exquisite
carving skills and his relentless pursuit of perfect details that the huge Statue of Liberty
is displayed in front of the people in a near-perfect image, and at the same time in front of the eyes of the people
there is also the sculptor's exquisite skills and his spirit of liberty
conveyed to the people through each and every detail.
The sculptor of the Statue of Liberty was Frederick Augusta Bar
Toldi. His name will live on as long as the Statue of Liberty, and the spirit of freedom he passed on to the people
will be remembered for millions of generations.
There are no shortcuts to success. If there is a shortcut, it is to make every detail as good as it can be
. When countless details of perfection are accomplished, a
huge achievement can be accumulated.
2, nails, horses and dynasty
In the British folk song circulated this:
Missing a nail, dropped a palm;
Dropped a palm, lost a horse;
Lost a horse, lost a cavalry;
Lost a cavalry, lost a battle;
Lose a battle, lose a campaign;
Lose a campaign, destroy a dynasty.
Like all folk proverbs and ballads, this ballad was born in the midst of social life
and it reflects a real event on the battlefield, and the ballad also
narrates the battle almost completely in an extremely vivid and concise form.
It was in the year 1485, when the then King of England went to Bosworth to conquer the Earl of Richmond, who was contending with himself for the
throne. The battle was about to begin, and the swords were drawn on both sides of the battle. They both know that victory or defeat is at stake, and that one of them will have to wear the
British Empire's crown, while the other will be made a prisoner.
The day before the duel, the king ordered his army to be in good order and
to get all the tools of the trade in the best possible condition, such as making sure there were enough
shields and spears, sharpening their swords, and making their horses
more courageous. A hairy young man named Jack served
as the king's royal groom in this battle. He took the king's favorite horse to the blacksmith's shop
and asked the blacksmith to nail a pommel to the horse that had done so much.
Nailing a horse's pommel is a small job, but because of the recent fighting, the blacksmith's store is doing so well that the blacksmith treats the young horseman with a bit of indifference. As
the king's groom, Jack could not tolerate such contempt, so he said to the blacksmith, "Do you know who owns this horse? Do you know what this
warhorse is going to do? I tell you, this is the king's warhorse, and tomorrow
tomorrow the king will ride it to defeat the Earl of Richmond." The blacksmith, no longer daring to neglect the little horseman in front of him,
took the horse to the shed and began to nail the pommel to the horse.
The job of nailing the horse's pommel was a simple one, and the skillful blacksmith knew how many warhorses he had
nailed pommels for. But today, at the very moment he was nailing the horse for the king's royal horse, he had a problem: he didn't have enough iron in his hand
. So he told the groom that he would have to wait a while, and that he would have to go into the barn to find some pieces of iron that he could
use to nail the horse's paw. But Jack the coachman was impatient and said, "I don't
have that much time to wait for you, the army led by the Earl of Richmond is pushing towards us step by step
, and neither you nor I can be held responsible
for delaying the battle." Seeing the blacksmith's sad face, he added, "Can you just find something else
something to replace that iron piece? Couldn't you find
something like that in your big blacksmith store?" Jack's words reminded the blacksmith that he had found a bar of iron
which, when cut across, would be just right for use as a piece of iron.
The blacksmith nailed these pieces of iron to the paws of the warhorses one by one, but when he finished the
third paw, he realized that a new problem had arisen - this time it was the
nails for nailing the paws that were used to nail the paws that were used up, and the blacksmith could not be blamed for not being stocked up with The blacksmith could not be blamed for not having enough of the stuff in stock,
it was just that there were too many iron tools to be used in war. The blacksmith had to ask the coachman to wait a little while longer, until he had smashed the nails and finished nailing the horse's paw. Jack the horseman could
not wait any longer and asked the blacksmith to make do with what he had, and the blacksmith told him that he was afraid it would not be strong,
but the horseman insisted that he would not wait any longer. And so the horse left the smithy with a missing nail
and carried the king to the forefront of the battle.
The final result was just as the ballad says, the king was riding his warhorse to the
front when the unpegged paw suddenly fell off, the warhorse then toppled over, the king rolled
out of the saddle and was captured alive by the count's soldiers, and the battle ended in the king's utter defeat
The dike of a thousand miles breaks down in an anthill; a huge dynasty is big enough to be destroyed by a single nail
. When we heard similar exhortations in the past, we always took them as sensationalized
hearsay, and when we experienced the taste of it, it was often too late.
3, subtle changes affect the overall
In late December 1979, the famous American meteorologist Edward Lorenz in Washington
Shengton held the American Association for the Advancement of Science made a shocking speech.
The title of the speech is "Unpredictability: A butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil may
cause a tornado in Texas, U.S.A.", and the content of his speech has since been summarized as the butterfly effect, which has been used in every aspect of people's life
lives and work.
Edward Lorenz proposed the butterfly effect is actually very simple, that is to say a
living in the Amazon River Basin butterfly in the dance flap a few wings, it is likely
could be after a period of time will cause the United States of America, Texas, a tornado.
The reason why Edward Lorenz came up with such an idea was based on years of
practical observation and scientific research. The reason for the "butterfly effect"
is this: the constant movement of a butterfly's wings causes the air system around it to undergo
extremely subtle changes, which are too small to be felt
but which create a weak air current that can cause
a lot of damage to the air.
The weak current will cause corresponding changes in the air around it, which in turn will cause a series of chain reactions that will lead
to even greater changes in the weather system, and will eventually lead to what will likely be
a violent tornado in a faraway place.
Anyone who has experienced a tornado will turn pale whenever they talk about it
. That's because violent tornadoes attack people's homes with unparalleled force and
and y shock people's hearts. But who cares about the movement of a butterfly's wings
? Americans in Texas couldn't care less about the wing movements of butterflies in the Amazon, but sensitive meteorologist Dr. Edward Lorenz found a connection between tornadoes and the movement of butterfly wings that shocked people
. What was even more shocking was the idea he put forward in his
theory of the "butterfly effect".
Any seemingly accidental change may have been determined by some
unnoticed details a long time ago, so we shouldn't ignore any subtle
4, a button brewed by the evil
The early 1950s, a scientifically and technologically advanced country decided to
Organize a large-scale military exercises, which will be held by the country's land,
naval and air forces.
The military exercise has invited important leaders from almost every country in the world. The neat
parade, the seriousness of the military, and the advanced and highly sophisticated weapons were unanimously appreciated by all those present. Just as the people watching the maneuvers were getting tired of the exercise, a world's most advanced fighter jet was transported to the exercise site
as the guard of honor retreated from the stage. The pilot who flew this fighter jet was selected several times by a pilot who was considered
the best pilot in the country. This is the first military
exercise for this fighter jet, and to make sure that nothing goes wrong, the aircraft has been thoroughly inspected by the relevant authorities prior to the exercise, and ground crews have also carried out multiple
tests on all aspects of the aircraft.
With the commanding officer's order, the pilot started the plane in high spirits.
People who were expecting to see the plane soar into the sky locked their eyes on the plane, but
they didn't see the plane's valiant performance as it ascended into the sky, but instead saw the plane vibrate violently just as it left
the ground, and then plunge headlong onto the runway. With a loud bang,
the plane's wreckage was seen to be rolling in smoke and in pieces.
That was the end of what was supposed to be a perfect military exercise. The president himself sent a team to
investigate the real cause of the accident. The team conducted a thorough and in-depth investigation into the technical specifications of the plane
and the pilot himself. There was no doubt about the advanced technology of the airplane's manufacture, and the pilot's experience and skill,
as well as the qualities required of him, were all up to standard.
What could have caused such a serious accident? As the investigation
continues to unfold, the fog is being lifted one by one, but the final result is hard to believe
--the cause of the crash was a button on the pilot's shirt
. It turns out that at the moment of takeoff, a button on the pilot's shirt fell into the
instrument, the instrument could not function properly, affecting the operation of other parts, and
last led to the evil consequences of the plane crash.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The success of a great endeavor comes from the perfection of every detail
. Similarly, any major disaster also stems from some insignificant details
on the mistakes.
5, in the most unintentional small place to fall
Hart grew up in his father's teachings to practice mental arithmetic, after years of hard training
practice, he finally became an outstanding master of mental arithmetic. He was able to say the correct answer immediately after someone had just finished
the number that needed to be calculated. Even when faced with
particularly difficult mixed arithmetic, Hart never had any deviations. For this,
Hart was very proud. He was often invited to perform mental arithmetic
shows. As the saying goes, "the tallest man is the boldest", and no matter where he went to participate in the performance, Hart
had never been shy of the stage, and had been so for decades.
This time, he stepped in front of the stage to perform his mental math with the same confidence. Most of the people on stage
had brought their minicomputers with them. They wanted to verify
Hart's mental arithmetic skills, and to sense which
human brain or computer responded faster. During the show, one by one, people went up on stage and asked questions for Hart
. Those who did so tried to come up with questions that were as complex and large as possible, clearly impressed by Hart's mental arithmetic skills, but also wanting to make things more difficult for the master of mental arithmetic, who has never made a mistake. But none of them could
fail him. Hart was more
than ever pleased to see them walk off the stage, one by one, convinced.
Just as Hart was getting his kicks, another woman came on stage. The lady
was unassuming, but had a serious expression on her face. Seeing the lady, Hart
thought, "This one here must be trying to beat me again, but it's just a game
so why be so serious?" The lady slowly stated the content of the question to be asked.
"There is a train going to a certain place, at the station of departure on a **** there are 6
089 people on board, in passing the first station got off 22 people, on board 84 people; the next
station again got off 13 people, on board 61 people."
Hearing this, Hart couldn't help but chuckle softly in his mind, "Such a simple
addition and subtraction problem is childishly naive."
The lady was still speaking nonchalantly about her topic, "At the next stop another
48 people went down and 39 went up; at the next stop 64 people went down and 76 went up; at the next stop 94 people went down and 77 went up; at the next stop 59 people went down and 162 went up; and at the next
stop 195 and 67 went on." Here the lady paused, and Hart looked
as if he was sure of himself, but he was willing to feign modesty and generosity as he said to the lady, "
You may continue with your questions, may I ask if there are any more?"
The lady, still looking unflustered and serious, said, "Of course there are,
The train kept going forward, and at the next stop another 295 people went down, and 24 came up; and at the next
stop 82 people went down, and 35 came up, and at the next stop 673 people went down, and 15 came up.
The lady paused again, and at this point Hart really wished that she would have said something a little more difficult
, for her questions scarcely allowed Hart to show his mental arithmetic
talents to the full. But Hart still behaved quite politely, and said to the lady, "If
that's the end of the questions, I think I'll be able to tell you now how many
people are left on the train. May I ask if you have finished your question?" The lady looked at Hart and said, "Only the
last sentence left," then she said aloud, "I'm going to ask how many stops this train has passed along
a***, not how many people are left on the train." Upon hearing this last statement from the lady
Hart couldn't say a word.
Why is it that the great storms have passed without incident, but the little gutter is often overturned?
The reason does not lie in the environment itself, but in people's attitude towards the environment:
on the big storms and waves people will concentrate, pay full attention, but for the small gutter but less
a few points of caution, more careless.
6, do not ignore the seemingly weak opponent
A mighty lion from the forest through, it with its customary king's honor
strictly condescending to look at everything around. When it saw the tiger sharpening its teeth, it
knew that the other side was a formidable enemy, but as long as it didn't maliciously provoke a dispute, the other side
wouldn't be easy to fight, and even if the two sides fought, as long as it fed up its
spirit most of the time it would not be at a disadvantage; when it saw the fox that was fawning over it, it
both scoffed at the fox's artificial smile and felt that it would not be able to take advantage of it; it also felt that it would not be able to take advantage of it. felt both a snort of amusement and a few moments of acceptance---
Who doesn't like to be praised and flattered? Then he saw the bison, wary of him,
and the panicked elk, and felt a little bit of satisfaction and amusement in his heart; he had just
just had a good meal, and now he just wanted to digest it, but it was still satisfying to see them
fearful of him. Then it saw a few grayish-brown
voles, little things that didn't have much meat to eat and were so ugly that they weren't
worthy of its attention. With this in mind, he walked past the vole in a big way
and went on his way.
Over the next few days, the giant lion had little luck, and it caught no tasty
food. Now it was famished and really missed the last food it had hunted. Just as the giant lion was
hungry, it saw the unsightly voles again. Perhaps he could
use them to feed his hunger, he thought, and the lion quickly made his move. But to his surprise
he didn't catch any of the little things! What made him even more angry was that these
guys were actually playing hide-and-seek with themselves, running, stopping, drilling into a hole, and then drilling out of another hole. Seeing it
the pair of thieving eyes, the giant lion is more feel mocked like insults, it
at that time in the heart vowed to give these small things look good. Finally, it caught a
little vole that had just emerged from its hole. The little guy obviously didn't know that he was
in front of the king of the forest, let alone realize the imminent death he was about to face
. The little vole squeaked and squealed as it scratched at the corners of the giant lion's mouth with its sharp claws
a few
beards. The lion, already enraged by the mice and hungry, swallowed the mice in one gulp
. But the lion was still not satisfied, for the little
vole was not enough to fill his stomach, so he began to chase other
animals. It didn't notice that from the moment it swallowed the little vole,
there were two pairs of hateful eyes watching it.
With its stomach finally full, the lion returned to its territory, contentedly enjoying the worship of the other animals as usual, but today it
suddenly saw two more pairs of hateful eyes around it. These two pairs of eyes had actually been staring at itself like this
for a long time, only it had just realized it. At first it felt a chill from these eyes
but when it became clear that the chill was coming from two unassuming field mice
the lion felt another pang of boredom.
One night, a few days later, the lion finally came face-to-face with those two pairs of hateful eyes
, for by then it had already been bitten by the owner of those eyes and had its throat bitten off
--that night, the sleeping lion actually felt some discomfort in its throat
But he had traveled too far and eaten too much during the day, not to mention that he saw that it was only two tiny field mice that were causing him discomfort,
so he rolled over again and went back to sleep.
When it felt a salty, hot liquid drain from its throat, it was too late. The giant lion's throat had been bitten off by
two voles it didn't give a damn about, the parents of the baby voles it had previously
swallowed into its stomach.
Before all major crises, there are in fact a variety of omens, only
People often miss the best time to prevent these omens because they are insignificant, and the tragic
drama is often formed.
7, details determine success or failure
A large company recruiting new people, has eliminated several batches of candidates to participate in the interview
. At this time, both the interviewer and the interviewee feel a little nervous: if today
Today can no longer select qualified candidates, that the company's many jobs will be affected;
The interviewee, if you can enter this nationally renowned enterprises, then their
future career development will be immeasurable.
Then a young man walked into the interview office. He saw a small piece of
paper in the doorway, and out of habit, the young man stooped down to pick up the piece of paper and threw it into a trash can
. After the interview, the president of the company, who conducted the interview, told the young man to stay
and told him that he could come to the company immediately to participate in the training, and after the training, he could
be formally put to work. The young man himself can not believe, because he knows in this
this recruitment process into the interview this level of elite, and according to his observation, its
there are many people's ability level is above him. The president heard the doubts raised by the young man
and replied with a smile, "That's exactly why I'm looking for you to talk to me, your level of competence is really
not the best among all the applicants, but only you passed one
of the most crucial tests during the interview --- the small piece of paper at the door. --That little piece of paper on the doorway is something I purposely asked to be put there
Those talented people who went with the young man to apply for the job did not fail to see
that small but noticeable piece of paper in the doorway. For them picking up the small piece of paper on the floor
was again as simple as bending over a little, but they didn't think it was worthwhile to do something so trivial
and so they missed out on the chance to get into that big company, and in fact
this was by no means the only important opportunity they missed out on as a result.
And that young man was Henry Ford, the father of the American automobile industry. He
proved the president's vision with his own actions.
Henry Ford is lucky, his luck lies not only in his own eyes
knowledge of talent president, but also in his every little thing is not negligent of the spirit of seriousness.
David Packard said, "The little things make the big things, and the details make perfection." Success
Success is accumulated by one small thing after another, one detail after another. If
can grasp these details, people will be able to achieve success; if you do not pay attention to the accumulation of details
and only want to succeed in one fell swoop, it is really a daydream.