1. Fitness is by no means only about practicing muscles.
Now a lot of fitness people, even including fitness instructors (many people call themselves fitness instructors, in my eyes just "fitness equipment use guide and service provider"), in the talk about fitness training action and arrangement, are around the muscle to say.
For example, today's scheduled chest workout.
For example, so-and-so will better stimulate the posterior fascicles of the muscles.
What a narrow perception!
Equating fitness with pan-bodybuilding narrows the purpose of fitness to "building muscle".
It's true that there is a segment of the population that works out for the purpose of building muscle.
If someone is clear that "I want to build big, big muscles," there's nothing wrong with that.
But according to my observation, most of the ordinary people (such as more than 95% of women) fitness appeal is not to build muscles, they want to sweat, thin some, healthier, better shape. But in the end, often by the fitness trainer, the old trainer, fitness network media to take to build muscle.
Fitness is a very big concept, lifting iron, yoga, running, tai chi, square dance, etc., can be fitness, muscle building or pan bodybuilding is just a very small piece of fitness.
Anti-bar note:
(1) Fitness is not just about building muscle, but I'm not suggesting that muscle isn't important, nor am I suggesting that none of it should be done.
(2) Pan-fitness practice is not the most efficient in terms of overall results, even if you go for form only. Of course, bodybuilders don't agree with this, then don't force it , seek common ground.
2. The biggest cost of fitness is time
The fitness process takes time.
Learning fitness takes time.
The journey to and from fitness takes time.
The extra rest and preparation after fitness training takes time.
In fact, how much you invest in fitness depends largely on whether you have extra time, in addition to your subjective willingness and motivation.
Don't think that students, young and single have a lot of time, don't forget that there is (time) opportunity cost, that is, the time spent on fitness is available to do other things to bring other income possibilities.
So weigh how much time cost you have at your disposal and don't be overly ambitious.
3. Use fragmented time to train
Modern people have difficulty in having a large amount of time.
If you are convinced that fitness is all about 1 hour of fixed time, then the result is often not practiced.
In fact, 3 minutes, 10 minutes of fragmented time for fitness is very suitable.
3 minutes can jump rope more than 200 times; can do 20 push-ups plus 20 squats.
10 minutes can run about 1.5 kilometers; can burn 150 calories.
The ancients study on the immediate pillow on the toilet on the three on the use of fragmented time only said that the modern fragmented life under the more efficient use of fragmented time.
Of course, an hour of training is likely to be better, but can you spare it?
Anti-bar note:
Fragmented time for exercise, generally not too high intensity, warm-up, dynamic stretching is not necessary.
And, exercise science research has not found warming up to be an essential pre-exercise step.
The better way is not to rush from static to dynamic process, gradually increase the intensity.
4. No pain no gain
We are talking about sustainable development, safe, stable and progressive development.
What is the no pain no gain culture?
It is to die hard, practicing to vomit, practicing to the next day to shit squatting can not stand up.
The process of fitness is that the human body is subjected to a certain amount of stress or wear and tear, and the body perceives it as a tonic and becomes stronger after a certain amount of time off.
Moderate stress and pain is needed, but excessive pain. That's the body signaling a warning or even a distress call.
Training that drastically exceeds the body's load capacity, whether it's resistance or running, brings about overall inefficient growth, high probability of injury, overworked and out of shape, or even illness.
A little pain, one step forward.
5. The role of the barbell has been exaggerated
I believe that we are common on the network of some of the arguments:
"No (barbell) squatting without buttocks! "
"Barbell three items is the optimal way to develop strength"
"Fitness does not train legs, sooner or later to impotence"
In fact, these are the product of one-sided solid thinking.
The barbell is just a fitness tool, has its benefits, such as easy to adjust the weight, can do all kinds of action, easy to grip and so on.
But for the general fitness in our country (basically white), there is a high cost of learning technical movements, the probability of injury is not low, the need for supporting equipment or venues and other shortcomings.
In fact, fat loss, body shaping, you can use self-weight, other equipment (kettlebells, weight balls, and even school bags) training, your body only perceives the external pressure load, it does not care if it is a barbell.
During the epidemic, many "trainers" bemoaned the fact that they couldn't train without a gym or a barbell, and I bemoaned the fact that they, as Homo sapiens, used props to improve their efficiency, but were stuck with them.
6. Integrate training into your life
Is it a good idea to speed up chores such as mopping the floor to get your heart rate up to 110 beats?
Is it fitness to ride a bike instead of using public transportation or a car to commute outside?
Is it fitness to take your kids out to throw a Frisbee and run around?
Does it count as fitness to take time out of the hour you spend tutoring your child to complete homework to complete 100 push-ups plus 100 lunges?
Is it fitness to go to the supermarket and walk 1.2 kilometers home carrying 15 kilograms of food?
Training is integrated into life, just be intentional.
7. Emphasis on aerobic and cardio capacity
I've seen a lot of people (mostly men) who are quite good at strength and size.
But they get out of breath when they run and get tired when they walk a lot.
The reason they don't do endurance or cardio is because they are "afraid of losing muscle".
Muscle has become a burden on the body and life, sadly.
Cardiovascular health is very important from the point of view of health, longevity and daily vitality.
And the most effective way to obtain cardiovascular fitness is to perform various types of cardiorespiratory endurance (aerobic endurance) type training.
A strong man who can't run 3 kilometers is really just a flower.
Anti-lift note: Resistance training promotes cardio to some extent, but not efficiently and to a limited extent. Physical fitness should be balanced, and I'm not saying that strength and explosiveness aren't important.
8. Running is almost always the best exercise, it's human instinct
Internet common prejudice against running: easy to get hurt, will drop muscle, fat loss inefficient.
The people who uphold these prejudices are either non-runners or people who are not, including some fitness celebrities who look like they've built up big muscle mass.
Human beings evolved as animals with the ability to stand upright and walk and run bipedally, and running (moving oneself quickly over the ground) is instinctive.
Except for a few people with huge body weights and large injuries themselves, 95% of people can run to some degree (arranging the intensity and volume according to their own abilities); even sedentary people who don't run can soon improve this ability by gradually starting to run.
A person who is less able to run (compared to his peers) then he is the one with a greater deficit, whether he is a geek with no hands or a strong man who can deep squat 350 kilograms.
Anti-lift note: Some athletes may be great at specialties due to their careers but can't run (sumo wrestling, big weightlifting or powerlifting), I'm not denying their specialties but not being able to run 3-5km consistently for that one item is an indication that they aren't physically well-rounded, have lost some of their basic athletic functionality and aren't healthy enough to do so. A person who bench presses 2x their body weight or hard pulls 300 kilograms could also be a powerfully unhealthy person.
9. Fitness prioritizes practicing athleticism
Including strength, endurance (cardio and muscular, aerobic and anaerobic), speed, flexibility, coordination and so on.
Comprehensive physical ability to improve, and then go after the subdivided claims (weight control, local shaping, specialized athletic ability, etc.), twice the result with half the effort.
You should consider which of your body's capabilities can be improved by today's workout (this one workout), rather than thinking along the lines of building abs today and biceps tomorrow.
10. Pony Crossing
The suitability of a training system, program, or movement for someone is like the story of the pony crossing the river - "Whether the river is deep or not depends on the object."
Figure out whether you are a pony, a cow, or a squirrel, and choose the fitness style, intensity, mode, and total amount that is right for you.
The squirrel that crosses a river that the old bull thinks is shallow the hard way ends up in the belly of a fish.
11. Life is bigger than fitness
This article is mainly for the fitness in the "love period" of the newbie and hardcore do not practice will die enthusiasts to see.
Fitness is a good thing to do as a hobby, but practicing too much and spending too much time and energy can take away some of the other good things in life.
There are those who are not at home to assist their wives with their 8-month-olds to run to the gym to lift iron;
there are those who practice 20 hours a week with almost no socialization at all (except in the gym);
there are those who rank fitness training at the top of the list, before their life's work.
While we are all adults and our choices are our own, I'd like to offer a word of advice: "Life is full of colors, and fitness is a nice view, but there's no need to see too much of it".
12. Perseverance is illusory, fun is eternal
Many fitness content is discussing what is the most effective training action, what is the most efficient way to lose fat.
Even though it is discussed, if it is uninteresting or even too painful and tiring, it is still a mirror image.
People's perseverance is a very unreliable thing, perseverance in various areas of the "plus point" may be a huge gap - I have repeatedly seen 985 master's degree in fitness in the adherence to the fitness trainer is far less than the junior high school graduates.
Instead of gritting your teeth and sticking to the so-called "most effective" sports and fitness programs, you might want to find one that may not be as effective, but is fun to participate in.
Probably so much, in fact, is not a deep truth, many in life, work are common, I hope to help you.