The definition of a "beautiful" or unattractive career is different for everyone. As far as I'm concerned, careers that look beautiful must be those that everyone envies. These careers don't necessarily have to be easy, but they must have some points that make you want them very much, such as freedom, high salary, etc. So I think it's a good idea to have a career that's not as beautiful as the one you're in. So I think the professions that look beautiful and have better prospects are journalist, actor, lawyer. ?
The main thing about a career as a journalist is the freedom. Not only do you not have to go to work every day, but your life is full of new and exciting things, and you can even have a close contact with those unattainable big stars. You can talk, write, and do all the things that everyone who knows how to use Chinese does. Time is free, status is high, and money is easy to make. You'll get unexpected privileges if you say "I'm a reporter" wherever you go," he said.
Actors have always had a huge following. I'm not talking about stars, but actors with acting skills. It's very fulfilling for an actor to have people love you and your acting because of one of your plays. And often you can play a variety of styles of roles, experience a different life, it is very "beautiful", and in terms of the actor's pay, the prospect is definitely not bad. ?
Lawyers are always in a suit, but can easily earn a high salary. Lawyers this profession is simply "social elite" and "dashing gold" synonymous with many of the TV male lead has been contracted by the lawyer's profession, so that it "beauty", it is not too much. Therefore, it is not too much to say that it is "beautiful". In addition, the lawyer is the older the more popular, the older you are, the more cases you have experienced, social experience is also richer, so the more people will look for you to do cases. So the lawyer's career is very promising, who do not want to move the lips can take a lot of pay it.