How do Northerners see Southerners?

One - Southerners are thieves.

Note, this thief is a neutral word, meaning very shrewd, my mother talked about the southerners, began to pull with me on the pawns she had, what business trip to buy a pair of leather shoes, the result of the rain, the shoes are rotten, take a closer look, the shoes are actually made of paper.

And the sale of old clothes of the South, but also hang hang tags, my mother said, thanks to her shrewd, someone bought back to get a skin disease or something, every thing to say the back to add a sentence: the South is very thief,

And those who pretend to be a big money of the South, said that the South came to the big bosses, anyway, she said that the specialties I can't remember, in any case, is to cheat a lot of people's money.

You see, none of them seem to have a very positive image.

Well, there are still positive ones, like the Zheshang businessmen represented by Jack Ma ----.

Two - thin and short.

Southerners are small in the eyes of us northerners, and that includes the southerners I know who are generally lower than the northerners I know.

One time I talked to a northeasterner, he said, they have a city in the northeast, I won't specify the name, so you don't have to cut me down, said that a lot of women from this place go to the south to sell their bodies, and these people later on from the good, and didn't go back to their hometowns, but married in the south, to help improve the genes of the southerners.

This thing is really the North heard want to hit people, the South heard also want to hit people, groove as many as the stars, but, really especially want to inquire about a sentence, married to this kind of girl of the South, you happy? It should be all true love.

Three-all said that the southern girl long beautiful.

In fact, in my personal opinion, the north and south of the square aunt in the face value is not bad anything, is the southern girl is generally smaller than the northern girl skeleton, petite and charming. But the northern girls are tall and long-limbed, and the difference in face value is not great.

Previously, the old society has Yangzhou thin horse, in fact, a lot is also trafficked from the north to sell the past girl is also much, not that Yangzhou thin horse is extraordinarily good-looking, can only say that they make thin horse people's technology is relatively 6.

Four - the South is afraid of his wife

This is what my mother said, my mom said, married to the South is good because the South is afraid of daughter-in-law does not beat his wife, you this kind of temper married to the north will be less than the wife. I'm not sure if you're going to get married in the North, but I'm sure you're going to get married in the North.

I think my mom may be talking about Sichuan men, Sichuan men afraid of their wives I really know one.

We have a Sichuan man in our unit, the whole unit know that he is afraid of his wife, is at work, his wife a phone call to leave the post to go to his daughter-in-law to buy food to go, once he was at work and suddenly cried, so while crying while running, we are scared to death, and later realized that the original is his wife fell at home ----

This is not a fucking afraid of his wife is the root of the love of the heavy, right?

So I think southern men are not more dedicated than northern southerners?

Dog, don't get any ideas, I'm just saying, and can you stop peeking at my replies all the time! What's wrong with that!