Why do women develop breast nodules?

Mammary gland nodule is a female breast disease in a relatively common disease, but many female friends for breast nodule to go is not very clear, especially for the early symptoms of breast nodule is not too understand, then, Harbin Maria Women's Hospital experts to answer this. Harbin Maria maternity hospital experts said, breast nodules is breast cystic hyperplasia, is a non-tumor disease.

Common in women of childbearing age, and relieved by itself after menopause. The main symptom of breast nodules is characterized by periodic pain in the breast. At first, it is diffuse swelling and pain, and the tenderness is obvious in the upper and middle parts of the breasts, and the pain increases before menstruation every month, and decreases or disappears after menstruation. In severe cases, the pain is persistent before and after menstruation. Sometimes the pain radiates to the armpits, shoulders and back, and upper limbs. Patients often report a lump in the breast, but only thickened breast glands are palpable on clinical examination. A very small number of adolescent simple lobular hyperplasia of the breast can be self-cured in about 2 years, and most patients need treatment. Then, experts from Harbin Maria Women's Hospital said that the early symptoms of breast nodules are mainly manifested in the following two aspects: First, breast swelling and pain: commonly unilateral or bilateral breast swelling and pain or tenderness. The course of the disease ranges from 2 months to several years, and most patients are characterized by cyclic pain, which occurs or worsens in the premenstrual period, and decreases or disappears after menstruation. It must be noted that the periodicity of breast pain is a typical manifestation of this disease, but the lack of this feature does not negate the existence of lesions. Breast lumps: early symptoms of breast nodules are often multiple, unilateral or bilateral, common in the outer upper quadrant; and the size, texture and often with menstruation is cyclical changes, pre-menstrual lumps increase in size, hard texture, after menstruation, the lumps shrink, the texture of the tough and not hard. On palpation, the mass can be palpated as a nodal structure, varying in size, with unclear boundaries with the surrounding tissues, mostly with tenderness, no adhesion with the skin and deep tissues, and can be pushed, and the axillary lymph nodes are not enlarged.